the gap between partners and candidates

// we’ve got here is failure to communicate.

by martin bissett
passport to partnership

have you ever wondered what the partners of your firm are looking for from you, beyond your technical abilities?

more: checklist: 10 keys to landing your next client | the three habits of the rich accountant | 4 reasons selling is hard | why believing in yourself matters | your first sale is to yourself
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for full disclosure, i am not an accountant, but i have spent decades working with accounting firms of all shapes and sizes in the united kingdom, the united states and europe.
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critical pieces of your new-partner agreement

businessman signing document as another looks onfirms: have you addressed all these items? be ready.

by marc rosenberg
the rosenberg practice management library

what is a partner agreement?

more: what new partners should know about buyouts | comp: what new partners don’t know | there are two kinds of accounting firms | how to get promoted to manager | the 17 rules for making partner at a cpa firm
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according to, “a partner agreement spells out the rights and responsibilities of the firm’s owners. without one, firms will be ill-equipped to settle or avoid conflicts because if certain key passages are missing or written improperly, the courts will intervene in ways that the partners may not like.  a partner agreement allows the firm’s partners to structure their business relationships with each other in ways that suit their desires, needs, and preferences.”
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what new partners should know about buyouts

man's hands on pile of moneybonus: 28 main provisions.

by marc rosenberg
the rosenberg practice management library

this article summarizes key points that new partners should know about cpa firm partner buyout plans. if you want greater detail, you’re in luck. we devoted an entire book to the subject, cpa firm partner retirement/buyout plans.

more: comp: what new partners don’t know | making partner: 15 steps to the buy-in | drive your profits with only four metrics | how to create a path to partner
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one of the benefits that new partners receive in exchange for their buy-in is that they will receive a buyout when they retire. this amount can be in excess of a million dollars at many firms. receiving a retirement buyout is one of the major reasons becoming a partner is so lucrative.
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the 14 trends crushing today’s accountants

business hand holding hot chart in crystal ballplus: nine fatal flaws in the accounting firm business model.

by marc rosenberg
the role of the managing partner

one purpose of strategic planning is to address trends taking place in the profession to ensure that the firm isn’t caught flat-footed when major changes or opportunities present themselves.

more: 13 traits of the best managing partners | top issues for millennial managing partners | the managing partner’s secret weapon | how a good managing partner impacts profitability | how a great managing partner impacts firm growth | compensation is no way to manage partners
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believe it or not, most of these trends have not changed much over the past decade or so. and the global pandemic only served to disrupt the status quo and accelerate long-standing trends.
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it’s time to herd your highly compensated cats

six questions to ask yourself about partner accountability.

by bill penczak

the managing partner was trying to contain his frustration, but it was evident, even on a zoom call. we had been reviewing the status of a focused market blitz, in which each of the partners was to come up with only three targets on which they would focus development efforts. when we reviewed the aggregated list, one-third of the partners had not responded to the request.

more: re-thinking today’s firm with five global leaders | 5 things your firm should do differently this summer | do you have the guts to beat the covid crisis? | how to inoculate your firm against covid competition | ‘found money’ delights clients | don’t buy a rolodex, buy a process | the three r’s for beating the corona crisis | 6 reasons why your marketing sucks
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he was pissed, and i felt bad for him. neither the carrot nor the stick approach had worked. and he was facing another example of lack of partner accountability, which i’m finding is one of the most common frustrations of firm management, regardless of size or specialty.

no firm runs perfectly, and partners, for the most part, have the right intention of supporting firm initiatives and improvements. but they get enveloped in client deliverables, dealing with unplanned people issues, and trying to keep up with billing, collections and wip management.

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13 traits of the best managing partners

senior businessman with his team at officethat smile, that teamwork? genuine.

by marc rosenberg
the role of the managing partner

i have worked with over a thousand cpa firms during my 20-plus years of consulting. i’ve worked closely with hundreds of them. the 80/20 pareto principle certainly applies here: 20 percent shine brightly and are worthy of adulation. (managing partners, please, please, don’t call me to ask if you are in the 20 percent or the 80 percent group. i’ll plead the fifth!)

more: top issues for millennial managing partners | 44 hard-earned tips from new managing partners | how to enforce the partner agreement | the 9 biggest merger pitfalls | 10 ways to hold partners accountable | make sure partners focus on two things
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today, i’ll share with you the traits of those managing partners who, in my opinion, were the best.
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comp: what new partners don’t know

businessman sitting on scales with stack of coins in other traybest practices: top firms use these seven systems for allocating income.

by marc rosenberg
the rosenberg practice management library

it would take a book much longer than this post to properly explain the finer points of partner compensation, especially how each of the major compensation systems works.

(oh, did i forget? we wrote such a book, cpa firm partner compensation: the art and science.)

more: making partner: 15 steps to the buy-in | making partner: do the math | a crash course in the business of public accounting | making partner: what managers need to know | nine reasons people are promoted to partner
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as is the case with all of my lists, no one firm incorporates all of these practices in its partner compensation policy.

but i have observed all of the practices below in one or more of the best firms i’ve worked with over 20 years.
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making partner: 15 steps to the buy-in

also: common practices, impact of ownership percentage and alternate buy-in methods.

by marc rosenberg
the rosenberg practice management library

let’s go over structuring a new partner buy-in step by step.

more: making partner: do the math | there are two kinds of accounting firms | how to get promoted to manager | the 17 rules for making partner at a cpa firm
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we’ll start by calculating goodwill. and we’ll finish with signatures. read more →

top issues for millennial managing partners

group of four young professionalsbonus: six ways to prepare for the role.

by kristen rampe
the role of the managing partner

the next wave of cpa firm leaders is here, and millennials are already making the best of this role as leaders in smaller firms.

more: 44 hard-earned tips from new managing partners | partner compensation: a potent weapon | how long should it take to make partner? | the managing partner’s role in mergers | five ways to evaluate partners | manage partners with goal setting
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to understand and share the perspective of this up-and-coming group, we interviewed eight millennials who are relatively new to the position of managing partner.

revenue for the firms averaged $2.3 million, with two equity partners and a total fte headcount of 15. some of their views on the role of the managing partner were traditional, while others were somewhat unconventional. this group is pioneering some interesting changes because they are less restrained by historical approaches.
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tell managers what ownership means

younger businesswoman and older businessman smiling and talking in office hallwaydon’t assume they see the benefits.

by gary bolinger

not long ago, i was in a firm meeting with several partners and senior managers. the plan for the meeting was for me to provide an update on current and emerging issues facing the profession and firms. the issue of succession planning came up (as it frequently does). i had been scanning the room to attempt to determine who was really tuned in and who was just warming the chair they were sitting in.

more: clients: what accountants don’t understand | why accountants fail at consulting | advisory vs. low-value clients | what + who leads firms to better service | how accountants are profiting in disruption | ask the right question(s) | seven elements of engagement for cpas | true advisory work isn’t just consulting
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a senior manager had caught my attention because he seemed intent on learning and understanding what was shaping his chosen profession. so, i took the opportunity to bluntly ask if he was interested in being an owner in the firm. i got a raised eyebrow from some of the partners. they obviously thought i was asking a question with a rather obvious answer. but …
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making partner: do the math

man looking at 5 keysfive times when ownership percentages shouldn’t come into play… and alternatives.

by marc rosenberg
the rosenberg practice management library

accepting a partnership invitation offers two terrific, lifetime benefits to new partners that, for most people, cannot possibly be matched in any other career pursuit.

more: there are two kinds of accounting firms | drive your profits with only four metrics | a crash course in the business of public accounting | how to get promoted to manager | how to create a path to partner | making partner: what managers need to know | the 17 rules for making partner at a cpa firm | who shouldn’t be a partner? | nine reasons people are promoted to partner | how to make partner?
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if they don’t see this and agree with it, then perhaps it would be unwise for them to accept the partnership offer.

let’s do the math.
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44 hard-earned tips from new managing partners


everything from gaining credibility to where to turn for help.

by marc rosenberg
the role of the managing partner

the toughest lessons for new managing partners have nothing to do with taxes, accounting, or even textbook management. it’s all about people – such as people issues and handling partners, according to our straw poll survey of a handful of top-flight firm leaders.

we gleaned comments from 10 relatively new managing partners. eight are from firms with revenues from $10 million to $30 million and two are from $5 million to $10 million firms.

more: partner compensation: a potent weapon | the managing partner’s secret weapon | how a good managing partner impacts profitability | how a great managing partner impacts firm growth | clarify partner expectations | exceptional managing partners offer their advice
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we posed three questions to the new managing partners:

  1. what advice would you give a new managing partner?
  2. what were your greatest challenges when you became a managing partner?
  3. if you had to do it over again, would you approach your ascension to the managing partner job differently? in what ways?

their responses tell us as much about how to do the job well as how to fail at it.

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there are two kinds of accounting firms

maze with word "plan" at the centerwhich one is yours? bonus: the 25 best practices of the most successful firms.

by marc rosenberg
the rosenberg practice management library

there are two kinds of cpa firms.

the first kind of firm argues that there is not much that needs to be managed at a cpa firm. these cynics might say: “come on. running a cpa firm isn’t rocket science. you hang out your shingle. you get clients. you hire staff. you do the work. bill and collect. what needs to be managed?”

more: drive your profits with only four metrics | a crash course in the business of public accounting | how to get promoted to manager | how to create a path to partner | making partner: what managers need to know | the 17 rules for making partner at a cpa firm | who shouldn’t be a partner? | nine reasons people are promoted to partner | how to make partner?
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unfortunately, many cpa firm partners think this way – maybe not consciously, but it has the same effect.

when firms learn that the lack of commitment to firm management shown by this attitude creates problems, they often hire consultants like me to help them address these types of issues:
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