six questions to ask yourself about partner accountability.
by bill penczak
the managing partner was trying to contain his frustration, but it was evident, even on a zoom call. we had been reviewing the status of a focused market blitz, in which each of the partners was to come up with only three targets on which they would focus development efforts. when we reviewed the aggregated list, one-third of the partners had not responded to the request.
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he was pissed, and i felt bad for him. neither the carrot nor the stick approach had worked. and he was facing another example of lack of partner accountability, which i’m finding is one of the most common frustrations of firm management, regardless of size or specialty.
no firm runs perfectly, and partners, for the most part, have the right intention of supporting firm initiatives and improvements. but they get enveloped in client deliverables, dealing with unplanned people issues, and trying to keep up with billing, collections and wip management.
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