working business development into your day

businessman standing outside the office on the phone with coffeeand five ways to counter possible objections.

by marc rosenberg
the rosenberg practice management library

the accountants’ use of their time is critically important to running a successful, profitable accounting firm.

more: networking for fun and profit | why consultative selling works | how not to develop your practice | does your firm recognize all its skills? | 15 powerful niche marketing practices
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time management is critically important to business development:

  • it helps you determine how much time to spend on business development. spending 100 hours a year on business development should yield better results than spending 10.
  • it helps you determine when you spend your time.

let’s drill down on the when.

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the no. 1 reason accountants fail to build advisory practices

shift your mindset for covid-era client services. stop thinking about selling and start thinking about helping.

by ty hendrickson

what is the number one reason that accountants get stuck providing transactional services?


now, i’m not one of those gurus that preaches mindset and how if you want something in your life, all you have to do is visualize it. that’s not the mindset i’m talking about here. i’m talking about the mentality that accountants “feel bad” for charging someone for their expertise and advice.

more: the real problems created in a remote workforce |  can you really grow without adding clients? | 4 reasons to welcome rejection |

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while this is not a new problem, it has bubbled to the surface amidst the covid-19 crisis. in the vast majority of my conversations with firm owners recently, i hear the same line over and over again, “i’ve spent so much time talking to my clients about loans and explaining their options that i’ve hardly gotten any tax work completed. now, i have to charge them $1,000 for those conversations, and i just don’t feel like i can do that because i know the financial situation they are in right now. i feel bad.”


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build your advisory services business [last call]


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卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 special offer: 20% off for sales seed’s new prospects and lead nurture bootcamp.
tax and accounting firms seeking to develop their advisory services can take advantage of a new program offered by the sales seed and led by 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 expert contributor ty hendrickson. registration closes sunday, aug. 2, so you’ll need to hurry. 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 readers are getting a special discount of $100.

enroll here

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the seven simple steps to thrive in the covid crisis

// the relationships you already have. step 1: make a list.

by anthony glomski and russ alan prince
your $5 million high-net-worth practice

the covid-19 crisis has put a lot of financial pressure on many businesses, including many accounting firms. at the same time, a percentage of professionals, such as accountants, lawyers, and wealth managers, are strategically taking action to deal with the economic pressures.

see also: the three new business models delivering significant profits for accounting firms | the 5 meetings of the (true) wealth management process | collaborative wealth management: defining the framework | protect your clients’ assets | even entrepreneurs must diversify | when clients cash out: four smart financial moves |

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the result is that they are doing well as the crisis progresses and are smartly positioned to do exceptionally well as the crisis abates.

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post-covid: not your usual summer to-do list

how will you spend your “vacation” time?

by bill penczak

in normal times, summer was the respite between tax and audit busy seasons, a pause in marketing activities, the time to take it easy and to catch up on cpe, and to conduct personnel reviews and other administrative duties delayed from the beginning of the year.

more: do you have the guts to beat the covid crisis? | how to inoculate your firm against covid competition | ‘found money’ delights clients | don’t buy a rolodex, buy a process | the three r’s for beating the corona crisis | 6 reasons why your marketing sucks
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this summer is different, on so many levels. the sunlight filters through your bedroom window a bit earlier, and these days, if you’re even driving to the office, the roads are strangely less crowded.  the general mood is more tenuous, as we all speculate about the new normal.

most cpa firms will continue the same pattern of waiting until september to ramp up their go-to-market efforts. but two or three out of 10 firms will use this summer to get a head start to make up for lost opportunities, and revenue, caused by the covid crisis.

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start marketing now for next season

no, it’s not too early to begin planning.

by ed mendlowitz
tax season opportunity guide

marketing takes many forms. further, many accountants are not trained in marketing. i also know that while most cpas want more business, they are too busy with what they have to be actively seeking new business. additionally, marketing can be external, internal or retentive.

more: 4 reasons not to let staff go after tax season | nine keys to success and growth | what kind of accountant are you? | covid tests accountants’ entrepreneurial talents | have you gotten where you wanted yet?
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external is where new clients are solicited. that takes effort, ingenuity, time and maybe even some money.
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the three new business models delivering significant profits for accounting firms

businessman sitting on stacks of paper currencyhow to upgrade your practice with successful, wealthy clients.

by anthony glomski and russ alan prince
your $5 million high-net-worth practice

competition for high-quality accounting clients is intense, and the current environment is making it harder for many accounting firms to excel.

see also: the 5 meetings of the (true) wealth management process | collaborative wealth management: defining the framework | protect your clients’ assets | even entrepreneurs must diversify | when clients cash out: four smart financial moves |

goprocpa.comexclusively for pro members. log in here or 2022世界杯足球排名 today.

if you’re ready to serve successful business owners and wealthy individuals, then there are three practice models you should consider. each of the three models shares specific characteristics that make them especially attractive, including:

  • high demand from accomplished prospects
  • high fee structures which these clients pay
  • high margins
  • high realization rates
  • high probability of needing the expertise of various accountants at the firm

because all three practice models are relationship-based, many accountants are already well-positioned to provide new, high-caliber advisory services these highly coveted clients.

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networking for fun and profit

young man riding hour hand of clockhow to make business development fun, and not a dreaded, anxiety-provoking activity.

bonus checklists with 57 items: from 15 simple conversation starters to top 5 mistakes.

by marc rosenberg
the rosenberg practice management library

networking is creating a group of acquaintances and professionals and keeping it active through regular communication for mutual benefit.

more: why consultative selling works | how marketing systems produce business growth | 6 keys to developing new client prospects | now is the time to activate your referral network | does your firm recognize all its skills? | protect and grow existing clients | the 4 marketing disciplines | 15 powerful niche marketing practices
goprocpa.comexclusively for pro members. log in here or 2022世界杯足球排名 today.

truthfully, all professional service providers want to be held in high esteem by their clients and professional colleagues. practicing true professionalism means becoming more than just a vendor who takes and fills orders from a client. it means transitioning into a trusted advisor whose expertise transcends your individual practice. trusted advisors know the right questions to ask and where to find the right answers.
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how to attract clients like a magnet

by demonstrating your specialized expertise, you become their first choice.

by jody grunden
building the virtual cfo firm in the cloud

thought leadership is where you are really going to reap success. you want to be that person who everybody will come to.

more: riches in niches | 6 steps for sales and conversion | the right way to onboard new clients | 5 questions to evaluate new tech tools | the hidden cost of running a distributed company | how to develop your leadership team | automation and the future of accounting
goprocpa.comexclusively for pro members. log in here or 2022世界杯足球排名 today.

i just got off a call with a prospective client who had never met me or even seen me speak, but discovered us through a web search and saw that we are thought leaders in the industry. that discovery brought her directly to us, and it was important to her that the cfo she hires fully understands her industry.
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how to fight covid-19 ‘fear’ and ‘insecurity’

crisis management strategies with jean caragher

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“we need to show more empathy than normal because there is a level of fear and insecurity going on,” jean caragher, ceo and founder of capstone marketing, says in this exclusive 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 video interview. “cpas can be those leaders to spread a calming influence.”

catch caragher’s next webinar:
3 often overlooked factors in successful mergers & acquisitions
with special guests: joel sinkin, transition advisors; and rick telberg, 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间
tuesday, june 23
2 to 2:50 p.m. et
complimentary / 1 cpe
register today

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how we sell audits online

make it easy for prospects to reach you.

by jody grunden
building the virtual cfo firm in the cloud

with our 401(k) audit service, the bulk of our clients find us online and come to us through our website. we also get referrals from investment advisors and third-party administrators.

more: 6 steps for sales and conversion | marketing is about thought leadership | how to audit 401(k)s | 3 measures of the effectiveness of your team | how to profit with workflow apps | cyber security at a virtual cpa firm
goprocpa.comexclusively for pro members. log in here or 2022世界杯足球排名 today.

no matter how a prospect finds us, there are three ways that they typically reach out to us:
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6 steps for sales and conversion

here’s what works for us.

by jody grunden

an important part of the overall process within the company is sales and conversion. for our virtual cfo service, there’s a six-step lead conversion process from when the prospect discovers our website to when the engagement begins.

more: marketing is about thought leadership | 3 steps to better client communication in a crisis | four key financial metrics for growing any business | transferring clients to a new employee
goprocpa.comexclusively for pro members. log in here or 2022世界杯足球排名 today.

the sales and conversion process

our sales and conversion process includes six steps.

here’s what that looks like and the typical timeline: read more →

make your newsletter go zoom

woman drinking coffee in front of desktop computer

how covid is creating a new channel to reach out and serve clients and prospects.

by 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 research

newsletters aren’t all they’re cracked up to be. sure, they’re a nice way to touch base with clients, but what do they really accomplish?

more in marketingmarketing is about thought leadershipwhy consultative selling workshow to inoculate your firm against covid competitionhow marketing systems produce business growth‘found money’ delights clients14 marketing activities needed now more than everwhat cpas can learn from lawyers and doctors | more in marketing > > >

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maybe it’s time to rethink the newsletter. the covid-19 crisis may be catalyzing a new way to

  • show clients you care
  • establish your expertise
  • give clients individualized information they really want
  • create the gestalt of a networked client community with your cpa firm at the center

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