yes, you have to share work papers

“we all get stuck like this.”

by ed mendlowitz
202 questions and answers: managing an accounting practice

question: a longtime business client who owed me a large balance for unpaid fees sent a letter dropping me. he then wrote me a letter requesting me to send “his” papers to his new accountant.

more: hiring experience vs. training inexperience | eleven ways new staffers can help bring in business | busy season is over, so it’s time for some resolutions | want to merge? six steps to take | how to start providing family office services | every accounting firm needs quality control | no one listens to you? change how you talk | 47 types of business valuation to provide | thirteen things to consider before you sell your practice
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can i insist on being paid first or do i have to send the papers? i made some notes on a worksheet adjusting his numbers that went on the tax return. do i have to send this also and if so, do i have to write these up in proper journal entry form?
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accounting needs a ‘rethink’ not a ‘rebrand’

two women talking while seated at a table

your value is in the knowledge you have and the relationships and trust you’ve built.

by seth fineberg
at large

the field of accounting, and being an accountant, is challenged on many sides – none more so than the very act of being an accountant. in short, given the demand for new services and the growth in automation for nearly all “tasks,” what does accounting or being an accountant mean anymore?

more: big change comes with deep reflection | three ways to raise the bar for your business | randy crabtree: stress management for overworked accountants | tax chat: eric green reveals the tax rep guide to tax season  | it’s time to do the uncomfortable  | three ways to improve next tax season  | meet basis, the new ai bookkeeper on the block | is this when accountants start taking freshbooks seriously?
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let’s be clear: accounting’s literal and metaphorical face is, and needs to be, changing if it is to grow and thrive. this, however, isn’t necessarily a bad thing. but, as we well know, change is not easy or quick. what should encourage accounting professionals is that at this very moment in time, they have the ability to have a say in what accounting, and being an accountant, actually is and could be.
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calculate the cost of losing clients

woman and man working with calculator

follow this simple formula.

by august j. aquila
price it right: how to value accounting services

although most of my posts deal with gaining new clients and bringing in new projects, it’s important to remember that the most valuable asset of any professional services firm is its clients.

more: the secrets of great business developers | how life cycle changes your marketing | clients buy solutions, not features | make sure you know what you will get from your marketing | three pillars support a successful accounting firm | clients have six reasons for needing you | six ways to market your technology consulting practice | sixteen marketing activities to try | the four steps of your personal marketing process
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losing clients can be costly, but do you really know how much it can cost you? let’s find out.
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how a case of beer saved the u.s. financial system

great businesses are formed by trusting others … even if they need a 24-pack to get there.

by frank stitely
the relentless cpa

you’ve probably heard of the 1929 stock market crash, black monday, the dotcom bubble and the great recession. all of these combined pale in comparison to what almost happened back in 1986. save for a case of miller lite, our financial world, as we know it, would not exist.

more: even with value pricing, time tracking matters and here’s whyend tax season meetings with clients…seriouslyget clients to understand firm processes … or say goodbye | train now before it costs you down the road | keep clients from “balance due” shock | it’s ok to say no to clients (even the large ones) | you train your clients, whether you mean to or not | business owners face one of three exits
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i landed this job not because of my fabulous accounting qualifications. i was a double major in economics/finance in college. i would have taken a job sniffing used toilet paper out of college with those academic credentials. i got the job solely from my relationship with paul karstetter, the second name in what eventually became stitely & karstetter, cpas.

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firm not thriving? five fixes

plant seedlings growing out of coin stacks , both increasing in size

taking steps “little and often” works, but you have to get started.

by martin bissett
passport to partnership

a big concern in recent years has been how the incoming partners will purchase equity or fund the capital account and exit of a retiring partner.

much has been written that examines the mathematical complexities of this topic but the bottom line is simple. would-be partners in the age demographic of 28-42 are part of a generation who are already heavily borrowed in the form of credit card debt, mortgage debt and other forms of personal loans.

more: five questions about facing challenges | the real math behind the sales pipeline | keep business development going during busy season | walk the commitment walk | two steps toward mastering selling | thirteen ways to show commitment | clients can’t grow without you | seven mistakes in winning new fees | how to develop your communication abilities | five questions for measuring partner potential
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their capacity to borrow in the current economy is extremely limited and it would appear that this will be the environment for the foreseeable future. in turn, banks’ willingness to lend has also been largely withdrawn in recent years.

this has produced a cash impasse that has forced partners to consider gifting equity, especially on the basis of time served in the firm. there is not scope within this piece to give full examination of best practice within this area except to highlight that 72 percent of partners surveyed highlighted that a senior manager’s ability to “buy in” to the firm and assume responsibility for funding the retirement plans of exiting partners was among their top three concerns about passing their practice on to existing employees.
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busy season is over, so it’s time for some resolutions

twelve things to do before you get busy again.

editor’s note: the end of every busy season means a new beginning for practitioners, which is why we thought this q-and-a was particularly timely.

by ed mendlowitz
202 questions and answers: managing an accounting practice

question: do you have any suggestions for the new year?

more: hold staff accountable if you want them to listen to you | when selling a firm to staffers is tricky | courting a client? don’t give too much away for free | nine tips for a healthier tax season | fifteen strategies for first-time supervisors | measure knowledge gaps (then close them) | should you offer financial services? | ready to retire? selling your practice is no strategy | 20 things you need for a business valuation
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answer: checklist of things to do in the new year:

  1. stop marking saly next to your new year’s resolutions. make one or two big-time life goals resolutions that you will do.
  2. check your personal insurance coverage. make sure you have adequate uninsured motorist, umbrella, workers compensation at your home and life insurance.

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hold staff accountable if you want them to listen to you

woman speaking and giving direction to subordinate

concrete steps for effective staff management.

by ed mendlowitz
202 questions and answers: managing an accounting practice

question: my staff doesn’t listen to me. to be able to manage and control my business, i need them to prepare a monthly schedule of what they plan on doing that month. i further need to know each morning if they did what they were supposed to do the previous day, and whether there was anything not done, or anything extra that wasn’t planned on.

more: when selling a firm to staffers is tricky | want to merge? six steps to take | how to start providing family office services | every accounting firm needs quality control | no one listens to you? change how you talk | 47 types of business valuation to provide | thirteen things to consider before you sell your practice
goprocpa.comexclusively for pro members. log in here or 2022世界杯足球排名 today.

my problem is that they don’t give me the schedule and then don’t call or email me to tell me what they did. i really need to know this stuff and can’t figure out how to get them to do it. what can you suggest?
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