jennifer wilson: wanna grow? employ the 10% x three rule
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jennifer wilson has been advising and coaching firms on better ways to run their firms for years, so she has had an inside view of how firms perform well or perform badly. wilson said that building a sustainable firm that attracts and retains the best people and that the younger generation wants to own will require changes from how many traditional firms have operated.

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though firms quickly switched to remote work at the pandemic’s peak to create a culture of “anytime, anywhere work,” many are now moving backward. some firms are giving wishy-washy messages about returning to the office, which makes remote team members feel they have little chance of promotion. “smart firms are not rolling backward right now,” wilson said. they are finding ways to do “mass customization and personalization of schedules and workplaces” to make everything work for team members, work for clients and work for the firm.
this may mean making tough decisions to let clients or underperforming staff go.
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