being radical is all about your customer
think in a new way, starting now.
by jody padar
the radical cpa
once you begin brainstorming about your new processes, you need to think about it from as many different viewpoints as possible, with an emphasis on design thinking. the easiest way to define design thinking is to look at it from your customer’s perspective instead of yours.
more on radicalism: being radical starts with being the change | why start being radical now? | going radical: the 4 tenets of a ‘new firm’ | why should cpas be radical? | the roots of ‘radical’ cpas | the first 3 questions i should have asked before starting my own practice
it’s not all about you. i know, i know. but hear me out. it’s hard to look at your firm from a customer’s perspective. that’s why we gravitate to a firm-centric point of view. this point of view asks questions like:
- what do we sell customers?
- how can we reach customers?
- what do we need to establish with our customers?
- and how can we make money from our customers?
we’re thinking about ourselves internally. nobody wants to hang out with someone who only thinks of themselves, yet that is the way we run our firms.