let’s get radical about content
content is king and context is queen.
by jody padar
the radical cpa
most professionals speak and/or tweet above their audience. they don’t realize whom they’re talking to.
more on radicalism: each social channel has a language | get ready for radical transparency | 5 radical ways to be social and strategic | how i got started being social | how social media transforms firms to their core | six competitive advantages for the radical cpa | radical customers are on their way | 5 radical transparencies; are you ready? | 4 questions radical firms must face | being radical is all about your customer | being radical starts with being the change | the roots of ‘radical’ cpas | the first 3 questions i should have asked before starting my own practice
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when you’re producing content, it has to be driven at the consumer level, not at the other professional level.
most cpas talk above their customers. some companies get it right. read more →