8 steps for a successful change process

gold pyramid etched with symbolsplus 4 common attacks to anticipate.

by bill reeb

we pick up in part 3 of this column series with some additional changes in best practices that will help you better focus your talent on what is truly important to the firm’s future.

parts 1 and 2: change happens: how to master it. | building competency on every level
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as well, we will review a few simple change management strategies and approaches to propel the successful changes and transformations you and your organization desire to make. so, let’s get started.
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building competency on every level

work is passed down to the next level once the saturation point has been reached.

including 3 key initiatives in most strategic plans.

by bill reeb

let’s discuss how firms need to alter their thinking as to what best practices might look like near term to better position themselves for the future that is almost here now.

more: change happens: how to master it.
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first of all, which i have covered numerous times before, we have to truly address from a workload perspective the prevalence of the upside-down pyramid™ in firms.
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change happens: how to master it.

what’s next: “smart” helmets powered by ai and ar.

by bill reeb

“change” isn’t something you are expected to do once in a while anymore, but rather, “change” is something we are asked to do constantly.

more on performance management: what happens when you don’t push work down | why you must constantly push work down
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even while one change is in process, we often are asked to start another change.

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change overload: 5 simple coping strategies

master the change around you with some healthy new habits. 

by sandi leyva
the complete guide to marketing for tax & accounting firms

this busy season brought with it massive changes in tax laws, form layouts, technology, and client confusion. if all this change seems to be a bit much, you’re not alone.

more from sandi leyva: 39 advisory services for accountants  |  mix and match marketing channels  |  marketing materials 201: some advanced tips  |  testimonials: why and how  |  10 marketing materials you need  |  make direct mail work for you  |  how to use ‘warmed-up’ telemarketing  |  content marketing types and tips  |  write your way to expert status    |  71 places to find new clients  |  awards can boost your reputation  |  are you newsworthy?  |  step-by-step: how to make newsletters work for you  |

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handling change requires extra energy and resources that our brains would rather not use, causing a struggle within ourselves.

as you move from the april 15th deadline to working on your pile of extensions, here are some tips to reduce the feeling of overwhelm and better manage your energy and productivity.

everyone is different when it comes to the amount of change they can tolerate. use these five tips to help you master the change around you.

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2019: nextgen realities

flex work, project-based learning, and app-connected clients.

by tamera loerzel
the rosenberg map survey

this next generation of leaders is eager to embrace changes in technology, pricing, and service — all to add new value to clients and the market.

more from the map survey: 2019: when cpas go extinct | 2019: appetite for growth unabated | why you need a tech strategy consultant | 2019: why small firms shun mergers | 2019: expect more alliances | 2019: firms grapple with change
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but even some the most successful firms are struggling with the challenge, hindered by retiring partners who struggle to let go and turn over the reins to future leaders.
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value pricers ignore half the pricing puzzle


by frank stitely
the relentless cpa

the best thing about value pricing is that you can succeed with just one piece of information – the value of your services to clients. you can toss your time sheets or any other cost tracking.

more stitely: beware the leeches and consultants | 2 lessons clients taught me | no consultant can solve your biggest problem | the great marketing hoax | what the value-pricers get wrong | 3 rules for asking great tax-return questions


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the income statement for a value-pricing cpa firm consists just of revenue – no expenses. expenses are irrelevant when we have forward-looking metrics such as client and employee satisfaction.

let’s have a little fun with the core tenet of value pricing. you only need know the value of your services to a client. you can ignore the cost of providing the services.

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no consultant can solve your biggest problem

woman driving a sports carthe tough love only you can apply to your practice.

by frank stitely
the relentless cpa

i know … you became a cpa because that sounded like an adult job that would give you the financial resources to buy that lamborghini and winter in the south of france. have that lamborghini yet? me neither. clearly, people lied to us – #fakecareers. i’m not really into $2,000 oil changes anyway.

more: the agile accountant | the 21st-century cpa firm | the great marketing hoax | the cure for commoditization | ruthlessly efficient workflow management | what the value-pricers get wrong | four amusing millennial myths | the annual tax meeting is dead. clients killed it. | 3 rules for asking great tax-return questions


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so, let’s shift the focus from you to your firm. what will your firm be when it grows up? what do you want it to be? how do you transform your firm to make it the best it can be?

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the cure for commoditization

managing for profits beats price-cutting.

by frank stitely
the relentless cpa

in the beginning, the irs created the 1040 and saw that it was good. shortly thereafter, the first cpa crawled out of the primordial muck and asked, “how can i make money preparing tax returns?”

more stitely: what the value-pricers get wrong | four amusing millennial myths | the annual tax meeting is dead. clients killed it. | 3 rules for asking great tax-return questions | where workflow management runs off the rails | three ways your office tech is ruining your firm | when value pricing works | the 4 dark clouds hovering over cloud accounting software | value billing on the 19th hole | the irs and big data gone bad | will zero data entry end your tax practice? | three trends that will transform your tax practice or eliminate it | value, billem & dunn: a value billing case study | how to make an extra $72,000 by working smarter


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the green eyeshade-wearing neanderthal cpas eventually evolved into cpas experienced in electronic data management, but today, we are still trying to answer that first question.

effective project management isn’t the entire answer, but it’s an essential building block.

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ruthlessly efficient workflow management

work smarter, not harder.

by frank stitely
the relentless cpa

for years, i’ve written angry-man blogs flogging cpas and tax preparers for not treating their practices like businesses.

more stitely: what the value-pricers get wrong  |  four amusing millennial myths  |  the annual tax meeting is dead. clients killed it.   |  3 rules for asking great tax-return questions  |  where workflow management runs off the rails  |  three ways your office tech is ruining your firm  |  when value pricing works  |  the 4 dark clouds hovering over cloud accounting software  |  value billing on the 19th hole  |  the irs and big data gone bad  |  will zero data entry end your tax practice?  |  three trends that will transform your tax practice or eliminate it  |  value, billem & dunn: a value billing case study  |  how to make an extra $72,000 by working smarter  |


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i coined the term “ruthlessly efficient workflow management” to promote the marriage of project management and delegation.

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the client of the future

the five mega-trends that will make or break your “firm of the future.”

by hitendra patil

your client of the future will be vastly different from your client of now. you won’t have a firm of the future without understanding the new breed of client.

more accountaneur: the rise of the robot accountant: opportunity or threat?  |  six never-before opportunities for the accounting profession  |  urgently required: a new definition of accounting  |  卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 author named top 10 to follow on social media in 2018  |  you cannot prove your value  |  certified blockchain accountant: from cpa to cba  |  who wants to be a comptometrist?  |  blockchain: questions are the answer  |  the 7 experiences millennials want from your firm  |  is blockchain an extinction event for accountants?  |  is blockchain a cloud killer?  |  22 ways blockchain will change the accounting profession forever  |


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like most accountants, you probably have faith that numbers tell a story. so, let’s look at some numbers and seven mega-trends that can help you get clarity about your client of the future. read more →

thoughts on artificial intelligence from sage software’s kriti sharma

robot typing on desktop keyboardwhat role will ai play for your clients?

by kayleigh padar
from success to significance: the radical cpa guide

kriti sharma, vice president of ai and bots at sage, said this in response to the bot called digit:

more on radicalism: blockchain: the basics | what are ai and bots? | true diversity means creating equity | creating more diversity in accounting firm leadership | accodex sets up a platform for practice management | father, son team up to capitalize on capacity | dean quiambao: ‘if you’re not disrupting, you’re not doing it right’
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“as an industry, we need to be more careful about that. it’s not just moving money from one account to another. the second point i would say is design. it’s a very important element of this. we see people sometimes like to have more control.
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