marchternity: the solution is community
before another grueling tax season, find your tribe.
by liz farr
more on marchternity: just say ‘no,’ by seth fineberg
before another grueling tax season, find your tribe.
by liz farr
more on marchternity: just say ‘no,’ by seth fineberg
two little tools to make your life a lot easier
by beth ziesenis
first, a couple of covid-19 jokes courtesy of a client. (too soon?)
as collected by robert e. mckenzie
covid-19 humor courtesy of clients and friends
as collected by robert e. mckenzie
when to use profanity.
as collected by robert e. mckenzie
remember: ‘wash your hands.’
plus a vision of hell.
as collected by robert e. mckenzie
a solid gold jet-ski?
more tax season funnies here
and yet another tax lawyer tries to get into heaven.
as collected by robert e. mckenzie
plus an alligator in a bar.
as collected by robert e. mckenzie
also: how to be a good tax professional.
as collected by robert e. mckenzie
plus a couple of will rogers classics.
as collected by robert e. mckenzie
more: tax season funnies: the ‘service’ in irs | more here…
also: two sides of whiskey, please.
collected by robert e. mckenzie
more tax season funnies here