7 ways to lose a client’s trust

are you about to do any of these? is it worth it?

by ed mendlowitz
the 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 practice doctor

question: i believe i have a very high degree of client trust. but somehow i feel it is not 100 percent. any comments?

answer: this person has a common problem. the trust is very high – probably higher than any other profession – but not complete. it is rare for trust to be 100 percent. but here are seven ways to lose a client’s trust:
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are you a passionate accountant?

young asian entrepreneur reading magazinetake this quiz to see whether you’re phoning it in.

do you seek out opportunities to learn new things that will help your clients overcome their most difficult challenges?

selling value-creation advisory services is truly a slam dunk with most modern business owners, according mentorplus. the bad news is that, although most cpas would say they are their clients’ most trusted advisor, few could answer the following questions in the affirmative.

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three secrets of high-growth accounting firms

the most successful firms have a lot to teach the rest.

by sarah johnson dobek
inovautus consulting

when it comes to accounting firm growth, there is a distinct gap between the growth rates of the best-performing firms and the rest of the pack.

more dobek:   |  five ways to grow new service lines  |  how crisis illuminates your biz dev skills   |  how crisis illuminates your biz dev skills  | how crisis illuminates your biz dev skills | don’t confuse marketing with biz dev  | do you ask the right questions to deepen client relationships?  | advisory services: real commitment or just talk?  | covid: learning how to operate in the new normal

goprocpa.comexclusively for pro members. log in here or 2022世界杯足球排名 today.

an ipa survey reports the top firms are growing at a rate of 7%, compared to a paltry 2.8% for the average accounting firm.

  • how do these firms grow at such a higher rate?
  • what’s their secret?

we see three things high-growth firms do that average firms don’t. read more →

the real reasons small businesses love their accountants [infographic]

screen shot 2015-01-28 at 10.39.02 pmaccountants relieve their worst headaches.

卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 sources are reporting on how much time and money small businesses spend each year on accounting and tax preparation and each month on payroll administration.

the data should support practitioners’ value proposition to small business owners: some 40 percent say bookkeeping and taxes are the worst part of being in business.

owners were also surveyed on their opinions of the most burdensome small business management tasks. next time you talk to your clients — or prospective clients — these pain points might be worth including in the conversation…

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unhappy client? 5 constructive approaches

drawing of unhappy face and arrow pointing from it to happy facewith the right approach, you may be able to save the relationship.

unhappy clients won’t tell you they have a problem; they’ll simply move their business elsewhere.

so, if a client gives you a chance to repair a bad situation, take it.

here are a few tips from maribeth kuzmeski, author of “the connectors: how the world’s most successful businesspeople build relationships and win clients for life,” to keep your business relationships from going bad — and rescue those that have started to sour:

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the 3 reasons firms are migrating to digital timesheets

stopwatch on budget numbers in blue toningbut staffers need convincing and partners are still the biggest slackers.

by roman h. kepczyk
quantum of paperless

studies done over the past two decades have clearly shown that there is a significant improvement in realization for firms that enter, release and post time and expenses on a daily basis. this process allows for daily or “hotel” type billing, which is sent out with the completion of each billable project.

as many as 32 percent of firms today are still using manual billing sheets, while the rest of the industry is preparing the majority of invoices on screen, according to a survey of 300 multi-owner firms.

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what goes in a client’s permanent file?

ed mendlowitz cpa the practice doctor q and awe’ve found at least 50 items. what would you add?

by ed mendlowitz
the 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 practice doctor

question: what type of information should be kept in, or as, permanent files?

response: a permanent file should be maintained for each of your clients. this would include the following:

  1. engagement letters
  2. representation letters – i would keep these in the permanent file. an example is that a claim could be made after you no longer have the work paper file associated with the matter. this is especially so with estate planning consultations where a claim could arise many years after a gift tax return was filed. i would keep copies of crummey letters in the file for the gift tax returns, if it is your practice to obtain copies of such letters read more →

if you’re a ‘best-kept secret’ cut it out!

big businessman crushing a small one in his fingerstry these 6 ideas to stop losing business to competitors.

by sandi smith leyva

it’s rare that i lose business to competitors, and it’s also not an accident.

more: stuck at home right now? here’s 100 good ideas to relieve the stress | how to lead in a crisis | how to think straight through the coronavirus crisis | 16 tech tools for working through the coronavirus | 7 tips to keep the clients you have | do you know your opportunity number? | 7 tips to boost your firm’s performance | 5 mistakes to avoid when seeking new clients

goprocpa.comexclusively for pro members. log in here or 2022世界杯足球排名 today.

if you are losing business to your competitors, here are some strategies you can use to “become a category of one,” as they say in marketing.
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financial services up at largest firms, down at smaller ones

couple meeting with investment advisor.conflict of interest is one reason smaller firms shy away from rias.

the largest cpa firms are by far the leaders in providing investment advisory services, but the rest of the profession does not appear to be following their lead too closely.

fifty-eight percent of the profession’s largest firms, with more than $20 million in annual fees, offer investment advisory services, up from 51 percent in 2012, and another 9.1 percent were at least somewhat likely to add the services to their menus, according to the “the national map survey of cpa firm statistics: the rosenberg survey.”

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how to tell a client how the fee was set

ed mendlowitz cpa the practice doctor q and aby ed mendlowitz
the 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 practice doctor

question: i performed some additional services for a client and gave her a bill that she questioned and wanted to know how much time i had spent. i billed more than the time charges, but this client never gets time bills – everything i do is on a fixed fee so i never account for my time with her. what should i say now?

more practice doctor q&a: 18 ways to blow a partnership opportunity | when experience doesn’t add up | 8 times when hourly billing trumps value pricing | 6 simple steps to impress a prospect | making meetings more productive | 5 time management tips for an overworked accountant | running an accounting business | 14 ways to switch to value pricing | pricing, billing, costing: don’t blame clients

response: if a client is on a strict time basis, they are entitled to a breakdown of the hours and person performing the services.

otherwise, when clients ask me how i arrived at a bill i tell them something similar to this:

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how accountants get new clients

angry young woman, blowing steam coming out of earswith client retention the top issue for firms, we go looking for the “secret sauce” for landing new business.
join the survey; get the results

by rick telberg

if you want some real answers for how to avoid losing clients, just start asking cpas how they’ve managed to pick up new clients.

that’s exactly what we’ve been doing lately. some of the answers are startling. all of them are instructional. most of the time, accountants can blame the cpa that their new clients were abandoned. read more →