cpa cannabiz boom

250 new clients in two years.

by 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间

for a couple of years now, guske & co. pllc, has been venturing into a vast new niche in the great northwest where the people are nice, easy-going entrepreneurs with a pioneering spirit and a willingness to learn, follow rules, and take risks. his niche — the booming cannabis biz. booming to the tune of 250 new clients in two years, an annual growth rate of 80 percent.

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the wild world of weed: tax season never ends [video]

how one top cpa got into the cannabis business.

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by 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间

when dean guske attends trade shows like the world cannabis congress & business expo, he isn’t proffering pipes, papers, pot, hydroponics, or paraphernalia. a cpa with over 250 clients in washington and oregon, guske is pushing tax prep and accountancy.

more cannabiz cpas:  america’s new breed of cannabis cpas [video]  |  ready or not: cpa firms find new opportunity in booming cannabis industry  |  from tech boom to cannabis boom  |  cannabis faq for accountants  |  what’s a cannabiz worth? ask a cpa.

goprocpa.comexclusively for pro members. log in here or 2022世界杯足球排名 today.

guske & company pllc got into this vast niche by professional coincidence, a client who liked the firm’s work and asked for some tax help with a new business. he was growing marijuana. this was new to guske, but it sounded interesting.

“i told him i’d have to do some research first,” guske tells 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间. “i wanted to get a good understanding of what was going on tax-wise and an understanding of the industry before i accepted a client in that industry.”

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25 things customers love

the best strategies from the best companies.

by arnold sanow

arnold sanow

in today’s fast-changing and competitive environment, excellent customer service is not only nice but essential for success.

in fact, the only way to differentiate yourself and to become less of a commodity in the marketplace is through outstanding customer service.

after studying more than 500 companies and organizations – as diverse as lexus/toyota, bristol meyers squibb, lockheed martin, homeland security, forever broadcasting, the medical college of georgia, aspen institute, marin county realtors association, and choice hotels – a few strategies emerge again and again.

here are 25 of the best practices used by some of the world’s best companies to get new customers, keep them, and turn them in enthusiastic fans and referral sources: read more →

enhancing client financial health through collaborative services

clients benefit when cpas and investment advisors work together.

by martin e. levine, chfc, cpa, mba
4thought financial group, inc.        

martin levine 4thought

even if the client isn’t always right, helping clients understand and make the best financial decisions is always the right course of action. 

cpas understand the implications of financial decisions and strive to advise clients in ways that improve their financial well-being.  however, clients frequently have multiple – sometimes conflicting – financial goals, and use other financial professionals, including financial advisors, attorneys and business consultants, to achieve them.  read more →

top 100 firms report solid growth amidst staffing challenges

top 100 overall revenue chart
source: accountingtoday

attest, m&a and salt lead top trending niches.

accounting today’s annual listing of its top 100 firms reflects what the industry as a whole is seeing: business is good and it’s getting better.

overall growth was a healthy 8.44 percent, similar to but slightly higher than recent years.

firms with revenues between $100 million and $1 billion outpaced the others in growth mode, although mergers had a great deal to do with that.

the most difficult challenge cited was – no surprise – recruiting and retaining qualified staff, especially those with three to five years of experience. pressure is being put on the talent pool by retiring baby boomers only exacerbates the problem. tools to counter it include: read more →

change your thinking about ‘small’ clients

ed mendlowitz cpa the practice doctor q and abonus checklist: 11 services that should be part of every “cfo” engagement.

by ed mendlowitz
the 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 practice doctor

question: i have many small business clients and can’t seem to get larger clients. any suggestions?

more practice doctor q&a: it’s not sales. it’s your duty | 7 ways to lose a client’s trust | 6 ways to take a client beyond tax prep | 10 do’s and don’ts for making small business clients happy | 14 ways to switch to value pricing | pricing, billing, costing: don’t blame clients

answer: when i started, we called the work we did for small clients “writeups.” at some point, write-ups were an embarrassment and we stopped calling them that – we said we handled family businesses. read more →

will obamacare penalties kill your small business clients?

drug in syringe on white background

fines run $100 per day, per employee.

by stephen l. nelson, cpa
and elizabeth c. nelson, cpa

small business and the affordable care act

by now, many of your small business clients understand they don’t have to provide employees with health insurance. the employer mandate starts when a firm employs 50 or more full-time-equivalent employees.

but here’s an awkward follow-up question: do your small business clients understand that many of the aca’s rules still apply to them and that they may still be vulnerable to the aca’s 4980d excise tax penalty—which runs $100 per day per employee?

learn more: small businesses and the affordable care act: what every tax practitioner needs to know (55-page pdf digital download)

can we talk irc code sections?

people sometimes hear references to the 4980d penalty and scoff, say you can’t believe everything you hear on talk radio or read at some blog. so let’s look at the actual internal revenue code section in question.

here are the first few sentences of irc sec 4980d: read more →

what’s a cannabiz worth? ask a cpa.

the top 51 issues in handling valuations of marijuana businesses. 

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by 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 research

the growth of legal marijuana businesses, from growing to retailing, has opened a new niche—or really a bunch of niches—for cpas.

among them are bookkeeping, internal control, tax accounting and preparation, management, holding companies, and general business council. the opportunities are born of the complexities behind them.

related:  billion-dollar questions: cannabis faq for cpas  | how cpas find opportunity in cannabis boom america’s new breed of cannabis cpa [video] 

one of the opportunities is the valuation of these brave, new businesses as aggressive investors flood the market with fresh cash. “you’ve heard of the gold rush of the 1800’s,” one industry insider tells 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间. “well, this is the ‘green rush.’”

now comes a new study issued by business valuation resources llc, “marijuana dispensaries: a budding industry brings opportunities and challenges for business appraisers,” which presents some ideas worth thinking about.  click here for a free preview of the new marijuana bv study.

“legal marijuana is a very good business,” says ron seigneur, mba, cpa/abv, asa, cva, cff, and a well-known advocate for cpas in the art and science of business valuation. seigneur, of denver-based seigneur gustafson llp, writes the introduction to the report. cpa jim marty of bridge west cpas, also denver-based, authors much of the report. marty has quickly emerged as one of a handful of nationally recognized accountants in the business.

several factors contribute to the opportunities of valuation. and several other factors contribute to the complications. in all, 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 finds dozens of points that shouldn’t go overlooked. some are germane in any valuation engagement. others are peculiar to the cannabis business. all require especially careful review in this fast-changing legal and regulatory environment.

here they are: read more →

it’s not sales. it’s your duty

ed mendlowitz cpa the practice doctor q and ahow to suggest additional services to clients and why you’re doing them a disservice if you don’t.

by ed mendlowitz
the 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 practice doctor

question: i always feel awkward telling clients they need additional services that i should perform for them. can you tell something that could “rev” me up for this?

more practice doctor q&a: yes, you should send rejection letters | when to hire an admin assistant | 7 ways to lose a client’s trust | how much should you pay to buy, sell or merge an accounting practice? | why the average fee doesn’t matter | no more printouts at cpe programs? | 6 ways to take a client beyond tax prep

answer: actually, by suggesting additional services you are doing the client a favor and a good deed. also, you are in business and the easiest way to generate additional revenues is to cross-sell services to present clients.

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billion-dollar questions: cannabis faq for accountants

screen shot 2015-05-11 at 8.26.17 am

18 frequently asked questions on taxes and accounting for cannabis businesses.
plus: six leading sources for more info.

by 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 research

with cannabis dispensaries and recreational stores pulling in about $3.1 billion in revenue this year, the u.s. marijuana industry is expected to pump an estimated $10 billion into state and local economies, making it a powerful source of industry, employment and taxes for cash-strapped states, according to the marijuana business factbook. the same source projects a $29 billion industry in four years, rivaling today’s u.s. wine industry.

related: see more marijuana-industry reports here

more than 60 tax, accounting and cpa firms in more than two dozen states are already advertising cannabis-related business issues as a specialty niche.

naturally, accountants have questions. here 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 answers a few of the most frequently asked… read more →

ready or not: cpa firms find new opportunity in booming cannabis industry

marijuana and dollar notes

growing business draws on high-level skills and special talents.

plus: professional resources and cpe.

by 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 research

attention cpas: there’s a big new niche opening in your area soon, but are you up to speed on accounting for a legal business that sells an illegal product?

america’s new breed of cannabis cpas [video report

  • not sure of the fine line between a felony and economic development? worried about the real estate implications of a marijuana dispensary?
  • are you up to date on the special irs rules for narcotics traffickers? wondering whether 10 flower pots in an attic qualify as an agricultural enterprise?
  • concerned about counseling a client whose business is illegal in a neighboring state where you hope to open an office? are you ready to be an expert witness for something you’ve never seen outside of a college dorm?
  • are baggies an office supply or a cost of goods sold? do you understand why your new cannabis client’s mortgage broker suddenly looks like he’s got hemorrhoids?
  • unsure of the deductibility of a medicinal bong?
  • does your potential client look a little, like, umm, you know…?

dude, get with it. the united states – some of the states, anyway – is opening up the biggest niche this side of the rio grande. read more →