what a client service plan can add

businesswoman in a meeting with a male colleague smiling at him as they sit at a table discussing paperwork over coffeemake distinctive service a process.

by domenick j. esposito
8 steps to great

derived from the understanding that each client has a different set of needs, your firm needs to develop a client service plan that tailors your services to match client needs.

more on strategic planning: capital markets 101 | do you belong in cybersecurity? | why you need marquee clients | net profits: how much to whom? | how to drive partner performance with a smart compensation plan | 3 tools to boost your metrics | start with sound firm governance, economics
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the client service plan ensures the highest level of quality service by focusing your engagement team on exceeding a client’s expectations.
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14 ways to leverage client data for new billings

chart of client interest in kpitop of the list? cash flow forecasting.

by rob nixon

as you become a real-time accountant, one of the key steps is to strongly recommend that your clients migrate across to a cloud accounting solution. that’ll take 12 to 36 months to systematically help your clients change.

more on strategy: don’t let technology make you dumber | do you know what clients want?  | what it means to be a real-time accountant | are your goals big enough? | is your business by design or default? | 12 predictions on the future of accounting | finding new opportunity in compliance services | the world is flat | will the internet replace cpas? | how offshoring is shaking up accounting | the profession disrupted: compliance commoditized
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let’s assume you have done that. you have spent the time training them. you have helped them to get good data in, so good data can come out.
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is this a rut?

ed mendlowitz cpa the practice doctor q and awhat about five years from now?

question: my practice seems to be in a rut.

more practice doctor q&a: taking over poorly done work | when staff won’t use checklists | how can we keep new staff longer? | rule #1 for how to get everything done | too much paper, too many drives | why credentials are worthwhile | how to sell your practice | why your clients need annual minutes – and how you can help | when partners stop growing | clear billing procedures make collecting easier
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we are not growing, our services haven’t changed and our client turnover is almost nonexistent.  any suggestions of what we can do?
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rotten tomatoes: what do your clients really think of you?

biological tomatoesthe tell-tale signs of trouble.

by hitendra patil

the urban dictionary defines “tomatoed” as the state of a relationship when you’re not quite dating but not just friends. neither party is sure if they like the other enough to date, yet continue to do most of the same things as people in committed relationships. if they get tired of one another, they can simply return to “just friends” status without social upheaval. so named because of the tomato’s role as not quite a fruit and not quite a vegetable.

more accountaneur:  the three gears that drive success in the accounting business  |  brexit worries?  worry more about cexits, texits and pexits  |  linkedin launches accountant-for-hire service  |  4 pillars of future firm foundation  |  ‘uberizing’ means more than technology  |  you don’t think technology helps get new clients?  |  do you want a practice … or a business?  |  ‘decisiveness’ rated top trait for   success in accounting business  |  tax season management: multi-tasking is a myth  |  3 apps to automate business networking  |


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how can you tell if you’re getting “tomatoed” by your clients? how to make it stop? and what does it all mean? read on…

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targeting the top 50 highest-paid client categories

plant in egg shell with dollarsnearly 40% of them are in the health care industry.

by hitendra patil

if you have ever struggled to set yourself free from offering only commoditized, generalist types of accounting services and you thought it was very difficult to identify the niches you should focus on, relax! the bureau of labor has the answers for you.

more accountaneur:  the three gears that drive success in the accounting business  |  brexit worries?  worry more about cexits, texits and pexits  |  linkedin launches accountant-for-hire service  |  4 pillars of future firm foundation  |  ‘uberizing’ means more than technology  |  you don’t think technology helps get new clients?  |  do you want a practice … or a business?  |  ‘decisiveness’ rated top trait for   success in accounting business  |  tax season management: multi-tasking is a myth  |  3 apps to automate business networking  |


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the latest bureau of labor statistics occupational employment and wage estimates survey has revealed the secret of which professions are earning the most money.

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how to help sell a business

ed mendlowitz cpa the practice doctor q and asometimes the tough part is getting the information.

by ed mendlowitz
the 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 practice doctor

question: i received this email from an accountant:

more practice doctor q&a: when staff won’t use checklists | how can we keep new staff longer? | the 44-point staff performance evaluation checklist | how to choose the right cpe | do you want to keep this employee? | hate meeting people? try improv (no joke)
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ed, we have a client in princeton, new jersey that owns a weekly newspaper who is looking to sell. wondering if there is a client in your firm that may be interested in buying, just a thought.
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target content to consumers, not industry

dart on a target on a mobile phonecontent is king and context is queen.

by jody padar
the radical cpa

most professionals speak and/or tweet above their audience. they don’t realize whom they’re talking to.

more on radicalism:narrow your social focus | why transparency matters to clients | how to become a social business | the cloud is your starting point | 10 questions to prepare for radical change | radical firms embrace 4 values | radical or complacent? you choose

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when you’re producing content, it has to be driven at the consumer level, not at the “other professional” level.

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taking over poorly done work

ed mendlowitz cpa the practice doctor q and anot just bad, but malpractice-level wrong.

by ed mendlowitz
the 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 practice doctor

question: i was asked to consult with a client selling his business and provided a fixed fee estimate for the project. the fee was layered based upon how the project progresses.

more practice doctor q&a: when staff won’t use checklists | get staff to take ownership of work | how cpas provide a reference | the 44-point staff performance evaluation checklist | how to choose the right cpe | do you want to keep this employee? | 19 ways to stop wasting reviewer time | how much overhead is too much? | there’s more to growth than marketing
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i am usually pretty good at estimating what these things cost also considering that the accountant might not have done too good of a job and some minor fixing up is needed.  however, in this situation the reports the accountant prepared were totally wrong and needed massive changes. how should i handle this?
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master change, master the future

happy young businesspeople working at officehow savvy cpas turn old problems into new opportunities.

by rick telberg
the accounting firm operations and technology survey

the tax and accounting profession is entering a new era of competitive battles, marked by a thirst for new clients, a hunger for qualified employees, and a dire need for smarter, faster production processes.

indeed, the new accounting firm operations and technology survey shows that most solo practitioners say “attracting new clients” is their biggest challenge. among small firms, sized up to 10 persons, it’s “managing workflow.” at all larger firms, “recruiting and retention” is the primary issue.

clearly, the profession is fighting a three-front war. and some practitioners are trying to win with one hand tied behind their back.

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dealing with d clients (you know who we mean)

abcd potall a’s isn’t necessarily the goal.

by bill reeb and dominic cingoranelli

partners, and in some firms, managers, need to take their responsibility for client relationship management seriously.

more on performance management: developing a three-year vision [video] | younger partners see succession differently | partners as role models: the good, bad & ugly | 4 ways to create more capacity | cpa firm performance assessments: 15 core competencies, 21 questions | what having your employees’ backs means | 5 harmful management attitudes (and how to fix them)
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in order to more fully explain these roles and responsibilities, we need to define for you what we mean when we refer to a, b, c and d clients.
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how to fire a client

big businessman foot on spring kicking three businesspeoplebonus: sample client disengagement letter.

by sandi leyva and michelle long

how many clients have you fired?

more small firm growth strategies: what to do when a client doesn’t pay | the dreaded ‘quick question’ | how to handle referrals – and how not to | why clients need dashboards | 3 ways to raise your prices | your existing clients are your best leads | need more business? focus on referrals

let’s talk about firing a client because sometimes you do need to fire your client. maybe they’re difficult to work with, or a guy is belligerent and loud and yells, and you don’t want to work for him. maybe there are ethical issues.
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what’s lousy, the client or your approach?

ed mendlowitz cpa the practice doctor q and ainvestigate why problems exist.

by ed mendlowitz
the 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 practice doctor

question: i have a client that is a not-for-profit and they are having a dinner and expect me to attend as well as take an ad.

more practice doctor q&a: too much paper, too many drives | do you want to keep this employee? | how to know everything | checklist for running a practice | hate meeting people? try improv (no joke) | help clients, increase revenue: make sure everyone on staff knows your firm’s full menu of services | how to sell your practice

however, they are a lousy client. they do not give us the requested information until the last minute and then complain we are always late with our report. they pay us months after the bill is sent and then only after quite a few phone calls, and then they complain about the fee being too high when it is half of our time charges – they are on a fixed fee and don’t let us raise it each year. and now they expect a “contribution.” what should i do?
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how improved longevity could affect life insurance planning

pink elephant in the sky with a watering can. illustration

new medical findings may impact how advisors and fiduciaries can get the best results for their clients  

by steven zeiger
waxman lawson financial

in 1977 epidemiologist, richard peto from oxford university posed “the elephant paradox.” peto theorized that a biological protective mechanism prevented cancer in elephants. elephants are 100 times larger than humans.  therefore, their cells have replicated 100 times more than humans, and each replication is a chance for a cancerous mutation.  according to huntsman cancer institute’s oncologist dr. joshua schiffman, “they (elephants) should all be dropping dead of cancer and going extinct. but they have less cancer (than humans).”1

if scientists could understand why elephants don’t get cancer, they could control or eliminate cancer in humans. this resulting increase in longevity would affect all aspects of insurance and investments.  financial and estate planning strategies would need to be re-evaluated. fortunately, scientists did solve the mystery in late 2015.

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