survey: offshoring on the rise

clients demand real-time accounting. by chris frederiksen it’s been was another good year for accountants, with demand for services continuing to outrun supply, thus allowing for price increases. firms continue to struggle with the issue of finding enough “good” people … continued

five ways to protect clients from ‘the sleazy six’ tax season scams

click to join the 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 tax season survey. get the real-time trends, and benchmarks.
click to the 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 tax season survey. get the real-time trends, and benchmarks.

let clients know you’re on their side. 

tax season 2017: what’s working. what’s not
join the conversation. get the answers.

by rick telberg
卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 research

internal revenue service workers may be chronically understaffed, but they’re not stupid. they’ve been in the tax collection business since the civil war, and the irs has been harvesting income tax since 1913. it has processed billions of tax returns, and it knows the tricks that taxpayers often try. it also knows the tricks that wanna-be cheats use to exploit the tax system, effectively robbing the honest people who pay what they owe.

for the last three years, the irs has given a name to the most common schemes to swindle either taxpayers or the nation’s treasury. it calls them “the dirty dozen.” this year, half the dozen are scams by third parties that attempt to rip off taxpayers. the other half are taxpayer attempts to effectively rip off their government.

more on tax season:  five-point action plan for turning tax scam threats into new opportunities  |  taxes: beyond income to gas and more   |   readers sound off: what tax season decline?  |  overhyping ibm’s watson is dangerous  |  average tax refund by state   |  irms face staff turnover tsunami  |

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sleazy tax tactics don’t do a practicing accountant any good. the slime taints the tax pro, and the pro may be put in the very uncomfortable position of having to defend the taxpayer before an irs agent. this is not the light tax preparers look for at the end of the busy season tunnel. they’re thinking “bahamas,” not “irs office.”

clients who know about the dirty half-dozen will be disinclined to try a trick the irs is expecting. sharing the list will go far to ward off problems. read more →

your clients hold a secret key to your practice growth

chart of survey results
[click for larger image]

only you can discover it. here’s how.

by hitendra patil

accountants are in the business of solving clients’ problems.

more on entrepreneurial strategy: the new needs of people at accounting firms | forget cpe, you need an fpe | ‘uberizing’ means more than technology | the 5 most common marketing blunders accountants make
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the results of the 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间’ “essential traits for success as an entrepreneurial accountant” survey clearly indicate that “problem solving” is one of the top three traits of successful accountants. join the survey, get the results.
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think growth, not marketing

man and woman chatting over a cup of coffee inside a cafe or restaurantadd product management skills to the mix.

by gale crosley

the next time you’re in a starbucks, conduct an informal survey of the millennials sitting and sipping around you. ask their college major, or the field they’re working in currently.

more crosley: channels, not referrals   |  technology will solve labor shortages  |  four-part plan to re-ignite revenue growth  |  not all fish need audits  |  the three elements of growth strategy  |  defining the new business model  |  the new growth evolution  |  at the best firms, growth is no accident

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i’d wager that in the time it takes you to order and consume a grande iced coffee or chai latte, you’ll have identified at least three people whose answer included the word “marketing.”

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new poll: why small business owners need tax professionals

what clients don’t know they don’t know.

by 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间

no wonder small business owners need accountants. many don’t understand the deductions they’re entitled to. most don’t use bookkeeping software. and too many are still keeping paper receipts by the shoebox-load.

more on tax season: security and id theft emerge as top tax season worry  |  successful tax seasons require teamwork  |  8 considerations with new clients  |  irs budget: penny-wise, pound-foolish  |  11 ways to get more tax clients  |  irs taxpayer advocate questions preparation of tax preparers  |  watchdog warns of dubious irs plans   |  tax season productivity hacks  |  letting staff go after tax season  |  how to sell bundled tax services

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after surveying more than small business owners, manta, the small-business directory, asserts small business owners “are on top of their tax games.” but we know a few accountants who would beg to differ.

manta’s survey found only 61% of small business owners understand the deductions available to them as business owners. luckily about the same number, 62%, use a cpa to file taxes. still, 21% track of expenses with paper receipts, making filing a pain.

more highlights:

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forget cpe, you need an fpe

business hand holding hot chart in crystal ballan executive whose entire job is to predict the future?

by hitendra patil
client accounting services

do you want to know the future of accounting?

more on entrepreneurial strategy: seven lessons for accountants from self-driving cars | 4 pillars of future firm foundation | do you want a practice … or a business? | 3 apps to automate business networking | relearning the lingo of the accounting business | 10 things that accountants didn’t worry about 10 years ago | what if accounting firms were ‘apps?’ |

more on client accounting services

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business insider recently published a post stating ford has an executive whose entire job is to predict the future.
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lessons for accountants from self-driving cars

// to make the leap from sci-fi fantasy to business reality in six steps.

by hitendra patil
the definitive success guide to client accounting services

the uberization of accounting has already begun, and disruption is creating a “no-choice future” for some firms.

more:  rotten tomatoes: what do your clients really think of you?  |  targeting the top 50 highest-paid client categories  |  survey results: decide to be decisive  |   the curious case of ‘the irreplaceable accountant’  | the three gears that drive success in the accounting business  |  brexit worries?  worry more about cexits, texits and pexits  |  linkedin launches accountant-for-hire service  |  4 pillars of future firm foundation  |  ‘uberizing’ means more than technology  |  you don’t think technology helps get new clients?  |  do you want a practice … or a business?  |  ‘decisiveness’ rated top trait for   success in accounting business  |  tax season management: multi-tasking is a myth  |  3 apps to automate business networking  |

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self-driving cars are meant to enrich human life. and therein are the hints of the future of the accounting profession. here’s how… read more →

how to sell bundled tax services

flat fees relieve “clock watching.”

by ed mendlowitz
how to build a stronger tax practice

following are two sample engagement proposals for tax return preparation bundled with additional financial planning and business planning services.

more on marketing: how to prepare returns for a multiple-year non-filer | structuring partnership and buy-sell agreements | the 64-point business startup checklist | how to offer second opinions | how to offer employment compensation assistance | basic budgeting for clients | guiding heirs | 11 questions to ask every tax client | add new revenues with tax prep follow-ups | marketing vs. selling: both must serve the client first
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letter 1:
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why next-gen firms embrace subscription billing plans


zoho president explains the “freemium upsell.”

pricing strategies that work
join the survey. get the answers.


by sandi leyva and michelle long

let’s take a look at some pricing strategies for the subscription economy.

more small firm growth strategies: welcome to the subscription economy | ed kless on factors affecting price sensitivity | how to keep current | best practices for growth: network, specialize, share | 10 easy tips to boost your business cash flow | 2 ways to serve clients better | how to fire a client | how to manage client expectations | trashing the spreadsheet: best practices in modern expense management | 3 ways to implement value pricing | building reputation to build your business | need more business? focus on referrals
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there are a number of things that businesses can do related to subscription models, in particular around their pricing strategies. we have the freemium and upsell model, multiple additions, pay as you go, tiered or volume-based pricing and bundling. i’ve got some examples of each one of these. i’d be fairly surprised if we haven’t run across these already as consumers.

our guest for this discussion about subscription-based models is raj sabhlok, president of zoho corp., in his own words…

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immigrants: surging market for tax & accounting services

percentage of u.s. self-employed born abroad reaches 19.5 percent. source: us sba

newcomers drive the nation’s solopreneur sector.

by rick telberg

nothing says american like entrepreneurship. no nation offers such fertile soil for the seeds of business. and small businesses are the underlying energy of the american economy. fed by inspiration, elbow grease, and gumption, they account for a disproportionate amount of the nation’s jobs, mobility, and innovation. when small businesses thrive, everybody thrives.

three new reports on entrepreneurship from the u.s. small business administration offer insights that may be of interest to cpa practices. each report looks at one of three groups that are in the news every day: millennials, seniors, and immigrants.

it may surprise many that the educated, tech-savvy millennials are increasingly less likely to start their own businesses.

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survey: don’t just win work, figure out why

five businesspeople in office with thumbs upboomer retirements are creating gaps.

by angie grissom
the rosenberg map survey

the need for firms to offer more advisory services is growing, and clients are expecting more support from their accountants.

more from the survey: talent wars, m&a frenzy continue | next-gen leaders getting restless | mergers keep racing forward  | do you have a firm or a co-op? | accountability, equity, compensation are concerns | map survey top 10 findings | cpa firm revenues rise a hefty 8%
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many firms are increasing the amount of consulting offerings and billings. a number of firms, however, are continuing to struggle with how to play more of an advisory role with clients, which requires a paradigm shift in many ways. this is necessary because firms are struggling with how to differentiate themselves from their competitors with respect to traditional services, and are competing on price.
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how to create 4 new billable hours per day

you have more capacity than you think.

by rob nixon

i am going to show you how to free up to 4 hours per accountant per day of new capacity – without hiring any more accountants. 

more on strategy:  don’t let technology make you dumber  |  do you know what clients want?  |  what it means to be a real-time accountant | 12 predictions on the future of accounting | will the internet replace cpas? | the profession disrupted: compliance commoditized
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catch rob live and in-person: 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 readers can save $50 on firm of now events with the discount code “trends” at

i’ll use the example of a sole practitioner with accountants. you can multiply the math out for your size firm. you’ll see that by implementing just three strategies you can free up to 4 hours per accountant per day – maybe more. with five accountants that’s 100 hours per week, or 4,500 hours+ per year.

if you have an average hourly rate of just $150 that’s $675,000 of new capacity. you could re-fill the capacity or downsize your team. have i got your attention yet?

let’s get to work. read more →