‘high times’ at aicpa

click here for the full report (pdf)

aicpa embraces opportunities and warns of risks.

by 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间
the cannabis cpa

not long ago, the last thing you’d expect to see on the cover of an aicpa report would be images of marijuana leaves and cash, along with a rather edgy headline: “marijuana and forensic accounting—high time for cpas?”

more on cannabis: 5 do’s and don’ts of marketing yourself as a cannabis accountant  |  cannabis: thc vs. cbd critical differences  |  cpa cathro goes 90% cannabiz in the bay state  |  cannabis cpa readies for when maine ‘goes recreational’  |  new to cannabis? maybe a joint venture is an answer  |  formulating new guidance for cannabis clients  |  integrity wins in cannabis accounting  |  cannabiz meets intellectual property protectionmore > > >

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the quarterly “aicpa forensic and valuation services” report is dedicated exclusively to the provision of services to businesses committing a federal felony, though at the state level, it’s not a crime…it’s an opportunity.

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how to make your own opportunities

take the first steps and ed will help with the rest. really!

by ed mendlowitz
call me before you do anything: the art of accounting

i have been fortunate to have opportunities that helped me grow and have a great fun-filled career.

more: becoming a ‘media star’ | when to say no to pro bono work | i used to hate quickbooks | learning from lee iacocca et al. | i lost a client to an accounting firm with cheaper fees | how i saved a business | the staffer who was too smart
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the key was that i did not pass up opportunities that i stumbled on as they crossed my path. as payback i offered to assist many accountants in a like fashion and my regret is the lack of success in that regard. too few takers! here are some opportunities for you that i am willing to assist you in.
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becoming a ‘media star’

tv studio with camera in foregroundbeing helpful comes full circle.

by ed mendlowitz
call me before you do anything: the art of accounting

after i began writing regularly for financial and business publications like boardroom reports and my firm’s own newsletter, that opened many doors, but the opportunities needed to be actively pursued.

more: when pushing the pencil pays off | large clients we landed from quickbooks consulting | 26 value-added benefits clients need to know | how an out-of-work tax preparer ‘saved’ our lives | i always want to be ’the other guy’s accountant’
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an associate producer of a local news program who was a friend of a client once called to ask if i could help her come up with some questions an on-air reporter could ask the tax expert who was going to be interviewed. i spent almost an hour helping her when she remarked how knowledgeable i seemed. she wondered if i would like to be interviewed instead of the person they had in mind.
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when pushing the pencil pays off

man writing in notebook at deskhow i became an accidental author.

by ed mendlowitz
call me before you do anything: the art of accounting

i’ve written about publishing a firm newsletter and the opportunities it opened for me. however, i really became a published author when i met martin edelston, the founder of boardroom reports and bottom line/personal.

more: how i became a published author | don’t pass up opportunities | when to say no to pro bono work | i used to hate quickbooks | things change | why we ‘kill’ to get partnership returns out quickly | getting a referral from an adversary
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about two years after we started the s&m newsletter, marty was publishing boardroom reports and was shown one of our newsletters and called asking if he could meet me. before we met i picked up a bunch of his boardroom reports publications to get an idea of what was included and the style.
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how i became a published author

businessman writing on paperit starts with clients. of course.

by ed mendlowitz
call me before you do anything: the art of accounting

i reached a stage in my career when i thought it was important to write articles. i wrote quite a few and sent them to editors, only to have them rejected. the nice ones wrote back rejections. the not-so-nice never bothered to respond at all.

more: don’t pass up opportunities | when to say no to pro bono work | i used to hate quickbooks | things change | how to be ’the other guy’s accountant’ | why we ‘kill’ to get partnership returns out quickly | becoming an expert in irs collections | high cpa fees should be a client’s goal | how hidden bias taints results
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i even had articles typed multiple times to send “originals” to various publications at the same time to no avail. at some point, i gave up but decided to write tax letters to clients.
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don’t pass up opportunities

businesswoman working on laptop giving thumbs up signare you ready to say yes?

by ed mendlowitz
call me before you do anything: the art of accounting

i certainly have been fortunate in my career to become involved in a wide range of activities including interesting clients, great staff and partners, appearing on television, writing articles and books and presenting speeches. people always ask me what i did to get started. my answer is simple: “i never passed up an opportunity that came my way.”

more: when to say no to pro bono work | large clients we landed from quickbooks consulting | 26 value-added benefits clients need to know | how an out-of-work tax preparer ‘saved’ our lives | i always want to be ’the other guy’s accountant’
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i have seen many accountants and others pass by – literally kicking aside – opportunities immediately in their path, and then they wonder when they will get their “big break.” what a shame for them.
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make crap a badge of honor

superhero businesswoman wearing shadow capehow do your clients view your relationship?

by steven e. sacks
the new fundamentals: practical guidance for today’s accounting firms

performing like crap. a strange concept, you might think. when someone acknowledges that your actions reflect crap there is no positivity in this assessment. and because this term is baked into the american lexicon, people will always view it negatively.

more: the holy grail: finding the right talent | strengthen your firm’s screening practices | smart trust in the workplace | what aspiring accountants need to know | improve job satisfaction or it’ll cost your firm | we hear but do we really listen?
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but what if we look at it another way – in the form of an acronym? let’s give it a try.
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the final responsibility: being an executor

know what you don’t know.

by barry j. friedman, cpa

an executor of a will carries out the last wishes of someone close who has died. the executor ensures that the rules that govern the administration of a probate estate are followed.

more: three steps to giving a raise | seven changes in the new taxpayer first act clients need to know | alternative minimum tax: what’s it like today? | 6 key facts about excise taxes | gifts to charity: 6 facts about written acknowledgments | yes, home equity loans may still be deductible
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here are three key tasks of the executor job:
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when to say no to pro bono work

young businesswoman putting hand out in "stop" gesture while sipping coffeesome people can afford to pay for your efforts – and should.

by ed mendlowitz
call me before you do anything: the art of accounting

i just finished reading john grisham’s novel “gray mountain,” about a young attorney working in a legal aid clinic. at one point she is asked to prepare a will for a woman with property worth about $200,000. this reminded me of some pro bono work i have been asked to do for people who could clearly afford it, and that caused resentment by me.

more: large clients we landed from quickbooks consulting | why we train on excel, word and adobe | stop pricing by the hour | getting by giving back | some mistakes i made | growing with a client | getting a referral from an adversary | start with the cash | why a break-even analysis matters
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i have done my share of real pro bono work and was glad to do it. it left me satisfied that i was able to help someone. but for those who could afford it, i felt like a sap.
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seven changes in the new taxpayer first act clients need to know

young man under rain-covered umbrellaone congressman says it “levels the playing field.”

by barry j. friedman, cpa

the taxpayer first act of 2019 is redesigning how the irs works with taxpayers, even though it may take a while for many of the provisions to take effect.

more: how manufacturers can use the r&d tax credit | padding your tax deductions? the consequences are serious | beware the taxes of self-employment | charitable giving under tcja
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some experts have highlighted the following aspects of the bill as especially important:
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why we train on excel, word and adobe

woman training man at computerare you losing time every day?

by ed mendlowitz
call me before you do anything: the art of accounting

i’ve written about my introduction to quickbooks and how we took our entire staff to a training course for it.

more: i used to hate quickbooks | 26 value-added benefits clients need to know | how an out-of-work tax preparer ‘saved’ our lives | i always want to be ’the other guy’s accountant’ | learning from lee iacocca et al. | i lost a client to an accounting firm with cheaper fees
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today i am writing about training for the most basic software we use: excel, word and adobe. we have taken our staff to courses for these programs and have periodic in-house training, but i realize many firms do not.
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i used to hate quickbooks

businessman looking thoughtfulthink about who you’re serving.

by ed mendlowitz
call me before you do anything: the art of accounting

i really used to hate quickbooks, but not anymore.

more: 26 value-added benefits clients need to know | stop pricing by the hour | getting by giving back | some mistakes i made | growing with a client | getting a referral from an adversary | start with the cash | why a break-even analysis matters
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when qb came out, most of my small business clients were using dos-based accounting software, and we were using similar software for our after-the-fact work. at some point we were getting new clients that had purchased qb and we needed to learn how to use it. the first few times i worked on such clients i started compiling a list of the specifics of what was “wrong” with qb.
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