tax season pivots to covid rescue season

shifting from tax prep to covid relief: karyn vaughn, deann hill, and joanne bryson.
shifting from tax prep to covid relief: karyn vaughn, deann hill, and joanne bryson.

it ain’t pretty: 62% of accountants switch outlook from “better” to “worse.”

busy season barometer
how’s covid-19 impacting accounting firms?

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by 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 research

the sentiments of accountants this busy season have been as up and down as the dow jones.

more on tax season: how accountants are coping with covid-19 |  survey: confronting coronavirus chaos | planning for the coronavirus recession | tax season turns ugly under coronavirus | tax season turns ugly under coronavirus | coronavirus culture-shift hits accounting firms | 41 items to check on business tax returns | tax season funnies: the poetic versions | how to stop drowning in covid tax deadlines [webinar]

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the year started off on an optimistic note. but by the time the coronavirus got real, all hope had been abandoned.

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help your clients and yourself

// the opportunity graveyard.

by ed mendlowitz
tax season opportunity guide

many opportunities only come along once. the way to be successful is to not let them pass by without acting on them or taking advantage of them.

more: ask this before clients do | 41 items to check on business tax returns | keep these tax clients while you have the chance | what makes a good tax season client? | do your clients feel important?
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spotting opportunities is quite easy if you are looking for them – and extremely difficult if you don’t have a clue of client needs or wants.
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what cpas can learn from lawyers and doctors

young asian entrepreneur reading magazinehow will you distinguish your firm?

by ed mendlowitz
call me before you do anything: the art of accounting

it has become pretty popular for law firms and medical doctors to advertise in group ads in magazine supplements.

more: advising cheapskates | my top 10 personal game changers | yes, christopher columbus had an accountant | 10 reasons for my success | when the kids don’t want to take over | staff may surprise you with leadership | problem clients
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when i glance at the ads i find humor such as the bald dermatologist advertising his hair transplant prowess or the young woman doctor who does proctology, or the photo of the elder law firm partners where no one looks younger than 80. and they pay for these ads?
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how accountants are coping with covid-19

coping with the covid crisis- robert jones (left), and stephen backman
coping with the covid crisis: robert jones (left), and stephen backman. more crisis management strategies: join the survey. get the answers.

new methods, new mindsets.

the busy season barometer
coronavirus crisis management strategies:

join the survey. get the answers.

by 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 research

the coronavirus sure did hit quick. it seems like it’s been here since forever, but it didn’t really strike until halfway through the busy season. there were ominous clouds on the horizon in january, but early respondents to the 2020 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 busy season barometer were generally expressing optimism.

more on tax season: survey: confronting coronavirus chaosplanning for the coronavirus recessiontax season turns ugly under coronavirustax season turns ugly under coronaviruscoronavirus culture-shift hits accounting firms41 items to check on business tax returnstax season funnies: the poetic versionshow to stop drowning in covid tax deadlines [webinar]

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then things went downhill fast. but despite the pressures of the tax season, cpas have been equally fast at adjusting to the new world. they really had little choice. they could innovate. they could close up shop. or they could get really, really sick.

innovation seems to be the most popular choice. read more →

what cannabis clients should look for in an accountant

portrait of harry shurek
harry shure, ea

beware of pricing by phone.

by 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 research

the production and distribution of cannabis is the newest and most variegated industry in america. some would even say it’s one of the toughest industries in america in which to do business.

more on cannabiz: suchoff takes cannabis accounting passion national | why are ceos so confused? | kareyna miller mines michigan cannabis niche | cannabis: thc vs. cbd critical differences | new to cannabis? maybe a joint venture is the answer | cannabiz meets intellectual property protection | green bits: helping cannabis retailers stay compliant | silver leaf cbc: an erp platform for cannabis companies | cohnreznick goes national on cannabis
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it’s illegal everywhere yet legal in some places, but not legal the same way in all places. the federal government considers it a schedule 1 narcotic right up there with heroin and lsd, yet the internal revenue service is perfectly willing to collect taxes on companies that handle the product.
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covid slams u.k. accountants, too

martin bissett reports on life, business, winners, and losers from england.

by 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间

you can divide accounting firms in the u.k. much like you can in the u.s. – into those that act proactively, and those that don’t, martin bissett tells 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 in a video interview. and that’ll be the difference, he says, between those that survive the pandemic and emerge as market leaders and those that don’t.

卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 is providing free access to our latest coronavirus crisis updates: start here for a guide to all our free coverage.

“what accounting firms should be doing is: they should be understanding that their goodwill for years, if not decades, to come is built now,” says bissett, an expert contributor to 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 and the author of a number of manuals and handbooks. “people are going to remember how they acted now in the time of crisis. they should be proactive, number one. proactive means phone calls, zoom calls, instigated by the practice, not by the client.” read more →

the three r’s for beating the corona crisis

and 15 things every accountant should consider in these unprecedented times.

by bill penczak

my friend tom kallman, the president of a trade show company in new jersey, sent me an email a few weeks ago that i’ll paraphrase:

few, if any, of us lived through pearl harbor. some of us experienced the kennedy assassination. we all recall where we were when the planes struck the world trade center. the covid crisis is another lifetime moment. we learned how to survive all those other events, and we’ll do the same again.

more: re-thinking today’s firm with five global leaders | 5 things your firm should do differently this summer | do you have the guts to beat the covid crisis? | how to inoculate your firm against covid competition | ‘found money’ delights clients | the three r’s for beating the corona crisis
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if you examine the economic recoveries after 911, and after the financial collapse in 2007-2008, there were three economic phases that ensued for cpa firms, their clients, and the market in general that will likely occur in the post-covid economy:

  • retention – preserving as much of what we had.
  • recovery – stabilizing and moving ahead, as slight as it might be.
  • rebuild – coming out better and stronger.

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advising cheapskates

what will their legacy be?

by ed mendlowitz
call me before you do anything: the art of accounting

accountants get unusual views of human frailty and baseness of character. most of our interactions are stimulating and propel us to growth, but some expose others’ weaknesses and extremely poor personal judgment.

more: my top 10 personal game changers | my top 10(ish) regrets | my ‘brand’ is the exciting history of accounting | social security is an asset class | how to waste lunch hour | what’s your negotiating style? | large clients we landed from quickbooks consulting
goprocpa.comexclusively for pro members. log in here or 2022世界杯足球排名 today.

three situations stand out. in one, the husband provided his wife with a stingy allowance to run the household and for her personal spending.
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covid-19: how your firm can respond

creating the “new normal.”

by marc rosenberg
the rosenberg practice management library

for the first time in most of our lives, an international health crisis has the makings of a science-fiction scenario becoming reality. the situation puts us in uncharted territory and experts tell us will get continue to worse before it gets better. the optimist in me says this too shall pass, but i also feel that the world will learn from this crisis in ways that will last forever once this is over.

more: reward partners for performing like partners | merging in sellers: what you need to know | take yoda’s advice on strategic planning | 15 amazing organizational tactics to manage a cpa firm | 6 ways to retain nextgen staff | how to develop a truly progressive nextgen culture
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a cultural shift that will permanently change our lives

retired lieutenant general russel honore was interviewed on television recently. he was the joint task force commander for hurricane katrina. when asked if we’re doing all that we need to do, he responded: “we need to optimize virtual work. there will be a cultural shift in america that will permanently change our lives. we will finally see that we don’t have to drive crosstown to sit in front of a computer.”
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new opportunities for the ‘new normal’

extracting a positive from a negative.

by steven e. sacks
the new fundamentals: practical guidance for today’s accounting firms

there are two quotes that are apropos for the coronavirus pandemic. the first was coined by president kennedy. he said, “the time to repair the roof is when the sun is shining.”

more: there is no leadership without integrity | real influence vs. immediate gratification | fake it til you make it: an ultimate goal? | 4 ways to boost job satisfaction | have you gauged your staff’s enthusiasm? | why knowledge maintenance is key | retention starts with the hiring interview
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it was meant to think ahead to potential unforeseen crises and consider the precautionary measures to implement; to either avoid, or at least, mitigate a major problem before it happens. for the coronavirus pandemic, the ship has already sailed on this philosophy because the government defunded the efforts to deal with a major health crisis (among other missteps).
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covid-19 brings out the best in accountants

salim omar
salim omar

we’re there when clients need us most.

by salim omar

it’s been a long and tough week for accountants… one that has shown just how selfless and caring they are.

卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 is providing free access to our latest coronavirus crisis updates: start here for a guide to all our free coverage.

bonus tools and guidance for pro members: for premium crisis-management tools and resources, look here.

during the busiest time of the year, accountants across the country stopped performing the cash-generating tax work they were deeply entrenched in. instead, they channeled their energy and effort to help their small business owner clients to get through a crisis that has been upsetting and gut-wrenching.

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