five reasons the top 100 loves cas
client accounting services surpasses attest as the hottest menu item.
by hitendra patil
client accounting services: the definitive success guide
cas is the new no. 1. for the first time ever, top 100 firms see client accounting services as the no. 1 growth driver
“niche services fueled growth for the 2022 top 100 firms, with client accounting services/business process outsourcing the most commonly reported area of expansion over the last year for the 83 responding t100 firms,” according to accounting today in releasing the much-followed list of the nation’s top-grossing tax and accounting firms.
“cas/bpo shot up nine percentage points to attain the no. 1 position for the first time ever, with 84% of the t100 experiencing increased demand, continuing its rapid upward trend in reported growth over the last few years,” says accounting today.
why and how has cas become the #1 growth driver for the top firms in the country? let’s take a closer look.