billion-dollar questions: cannabis faq for accountants

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18 frequently asked questions on taxes and accounting for cannabis businesses.
plus: six leading sources for more info.

by 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 research

with cannabis dispensaries and recreational stores pulling in about $3.1 billion in revenue this year, the u.s. marijuana industry is expected to pump an estimated $10 billion into state and local economies, making it a powerful source of industry, employment and taxes for cash-strapped states, according to the marijuana business factbook. the same source projects a $29 billion industry in four years, rivaling today’s u.s. wine industry.

related: see more marijuana-industry reports here

more than 60 tax, accounting and cpa firms in more than two dozen states are already advertising cannabis-related business issues as a specialty niche.

naturally, accountants have questions. here 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 answers a few of the most frequently asked… read more →

ready or not: cpa firms find new opportunity in booming cannabis industry

marijuana and dollar notes

growing business draws on high-level skills and special talents.

plus: professional resources and cpe.

by 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 research

attention cpas: there’s a big new niche opening in your area soon, but are you up to speed on accounting for a legal business that sells an illegal product?

america’s new breed of cannabis cpas [video report

  • not sure of the fine line between a felony and economic development? worried about the real estate implications of a marijuana dispensary?
  • are you up to date on the special irs rules for narcotics traffickers? wondering whether 10 flower pots in an attic qualify as an agricultural enterprise?
  • concerned about counseling a client whose business is illegal in a neighboring state where you hope to open an office? are you ready to be an expert witness for something you’ve never seen outside of a college dorm?
  • are baggies an office supply or a cost of goods sold? do you understand why your new cannabis client’s mortgage broker suddenly looks like he’s got hemorrhoids?
  • unsure of the deductibility of a medicinal bong?
  • does your potential client look a little, like, umm, you know…?

dude, get with it. the united states – some of the states, anyway – is opening up the biggest niche this side of the rio grande. read more →