is the gender gap history?

that’s the intriguing question that accountants in canada are asking today. the new edition of ca magazine from the canadian institute of charted accountants reports “female cas 34 and younger now outnumber their male counterparts. of the nearly 14,000 cas … continued

cpas share secrets to career success

hint: it’s not all ticking and footing. what’s your success secret? join the survey; see the results.

by rick telberg

“passion” is not a word that pops up in a lot of business studies. but ask accountants and finance managers for the secret formula to a successful cpa career and “passion” is mentioned many times and in many ways.

“there are so many different career paths one can take and are available; finding the career path that you are passionate about is key and it takes time,” said james hoffman, an assistant controller in englewood, colo.

joanne newfield of cherry hill, n.j., a comptroller who also runs her own public practice and teaches accounting, advises new accountants: “don’t give up. find your passion in accounting and specialize in that area.”
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