cas reports are better. here’s how.

traditional reports stop short of what businesses need.

by hitendra patil
client accounting services: the definitive success guide

if you are wondering whether client accounting services (cas) needs a different set of reports, you are in the right place. at the same time, it may be confusing how you can produce reports that are different than those your software provides out of the box.

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cas is about the outcomes of your work, from the clients’ perspective. cas outcomes are useful, insightful, and advise clients in ways that routine, traditional reports cannot deliver. the outcomes you provide from your cas offering need to relentlessly focus on the relevance, usability and importance from your clients’ point of view. one of my ex-clients, an experienced and expert cpa from san diego – who had mostly high-net-worth individuals with multiple businesses as his clients – told me, “after 19 years in practice, i realized that small to medium business entrepreneurs are not really concerned with managing their balance sheets. it is the job of the accountant.”
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are you ready to become a data analyst?

the right dashboards can optimize your data … and your value.

by bonnie buol ruszczyk

business leaders are constantly called upon to make snap – yet important – decisions. yet, poring through spreadsheets, reports and financial statements can be a laborious and time-consuming process, especially for those who need to act on urgent matters.

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this is where data visualization tools can be a tremendous boon to organizations. automatically pulling from various data sources, these cloud-based, interactive dashboards present business data visually using charts, graphs and other widgets. once designed, these repositories save precious time for analysts, managers and key decision-makers, allowing them to focus on the information and analysis rather than on the grueling process of gathering it and creating reports.

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adrian hong: necessity can make you an expert

innovation insights: trial by fire may not be fun, but it can make you a pro.

subscribe to 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 podcasts anywhere: applegooglespotifyiheartdeezer, amazon music and audibleplayer fmaudacygaana (india), and boomplay (africa).

innovation insights
with donny shimamoto

center for accounting transformation

adrian hong’s journey into the realm of environmental, social, and governmental (esg) reporting has been nothing short of inspiring. as the founder of hong consulting, llc, his dedication to assisting companies with esg reporting stems from a rich tapestry of experiences, all pointing to one common thread – the desire to help.

center for accounting transformation
center for accounting transformation

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see also: deloitte develops audit technology for smaller firms exclusively for pro members. log in here or 2022世界杯足球排名 today.

after building a formidable reputation in auditing within public accounting and lending his skills to the financial accounting standards board for refining external taxonomy, life had other plans. hong returned to his roots in hawaii to steer the helm of his family’s venture, island plastic bags.

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it’s ok to have favorite clients

happy business professionals giving high five hand slap

here’s how to get more work from them.

by penny breslin
it’s not just the numbers

you cannot do everything all at once for everyone. this group exercise calls on your team to be an integral part of selecting the best clients to approach for back-office support services.

more: narrow your prospects by choosing a vertical | eight tasks to delegate today | ten questions for teamwork | build your team, then choose your clients | advisory services done your way | yes, you can be an outsourcer | how back office support adds value | ai is not your enemy
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sit down with your team members and identify those clients you like working with now. get their experience of working with these clients. because your team’s collaboration is critical to success, getting their input is vital. the changes that occur will affect them as much as it will your clients.
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five ways your cas practice traps you

know the pitfalls … and how to avoid them.

by w. michael hsu, cpa

are you working tirelessly but not seeing the benefits and results you deserve? essentially, do you feel trapped in the cycle of your business? if so, you’re not alone.

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many firm owners, as well as the entrepreneurs they serve, feel exhausted by their business, but it doesn’t have to be that way.

in this article, we’ll identify common signs that your business is trapping you, and show you how to optimize for freedom. by addressing these issues and implementing some simple strategies, you can reduce stress, achieve more and live a life you love.

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the tax effects of buying or selling a business

fifteen points to consider.

by ed mendlowitz
the 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 practice doctor

clients who are deciding whether to buy or sell a business are just at the beginning of the process. there’s also determining the proper price, helping in the due diligence process, and structuring the price financially in terms of cash flow and tax considerations.

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this area involves a lot of tax and financial issues.
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narrow your prospects by choosing a vertical

bonus: the 10 types of clients.

by penny breslin
it’s not just the numbers

taking on a client’s internal accounting work requires a level of comfort for both the business owner and the accounting firm. a client that has already provided you with access to sensitive financial data is easier to work with than a new business with no previous relationship. once you have done it well with current clients a few times, then you are ready to do this with prospects.

more: eight tasks to delegate today | ten questions for teamwork | build your team, then choose your clients | advisory services done your way | yes, you can be an outsourcer | how back office support adds value | ai is not your enemy
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understand that to be able to effectively in-source your client’s internal accounting work to your accounting firm, you need on-demand access to your client’s information. it doesn’t work if you have to wait for someone to send you the information you need. understand that the processes you use today for write-up and compliance work will not transfer well to this level of client collaboration.
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six qualities the best wealth coaching candidates share

they enhance not only their businesses but their lives.

by anthony glomski and russ alan prince

personal wealth creation coaching is a methodology we use with the wealthy, including the super-rich as well as select professionals. we start personal wealth creation coaching with clients by having them identify where they are today and where they want to be.

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we find there is always a gap. by leveraging and increasing their networks while enhancing the depth of their business relationships, we show them how to close the gap.
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