revisit your back office support procedures

woman drawing flowchart on a blackboard

remember it’s not just your team on board, it’s also your clients.

by penny breslin
it’s not just the numbers

once you have your procedures, you can assign tasks to your team members. because we perform back office work for many accounting firms, we often adapt to other firms’ workflows. we are often on their workflows for our tasking but internally we also needed a simple means of tasking. another easily integrated app with slack provided this, teamline. with teamline we just type /teamline into any channel and:

  • create a new task on the fly or use a premade template
  • assign it to a team member
  • set a due date
  • attach a file
  • add a checklist of items

more: every back office support client needs a playbook | you have to manage three kinds of procedures | tech tips for back office support | decoding accounting tech (and all those acronyms) | digital marketing strategies level the playing field | eight tasks to delegate today

teamline notifies both the assignee and the creator as to the progress of the task automatically. integration to our google calendar puts the teamline task into the calendar. we never leave slack while doing this as the integration between slack, teamline and google calendar is seamless.
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every back office support client needs a playbook

woman and man looking at laptop screen

here’s the specific information that should be included.

by penny breslin
it’s not just the numbers

we use onenote to create a firm playbook for each client we work with. this program allows you to record voice and video and save it to a page or implant videos directly into the relevant onenote page.

more: you have to manage three kinds of procedures | federated search: what it is, why it matters | accounting tech tools to minimize your pain | do your apps play well with others? | it’s ok to have favorite clients | ten questions for teamwork | yes, you can be an outsourcer
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we get lots of zoom recordings on procedures from firms. in our world, the onenote template has a specific page for all videos as a subpage for each client. this onenote book resides on the shared server so that all the team members can access it at any time to verify, review or update procedures.
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you have to manage three kinds of procedures

smiling woman using smartphone

need help with internal procedures? here are three apps for organizing them.

by penny breslin
it’s not just the numbers

there is a symbiotic relationship between your technology and your processes. you have to consider both, or you won’t get the full benefit.

more: federated search: what it is, why it matters | creating a back office support playbook | strengthen client ties with workflow tools | understand your online marketing options | narrow your prospects by choosing a vertical | build your team, then choose your clients | how back office support adds value
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mckinsey global has been researching the impact of automation around the world, and (no surprise) found that when companies try to retrofit technology to fit into existing processes, “companies end up with a patchwork of incongruous technology tools that automate separate and distinct parts of the process. this approach is fine for capturing the first 5 percent or so of automation’s impact. but unlocking the full potential requires a fundamentally different way of thinking. to capture that potential, managers must be willing to re-engineer their processes completely.”
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should you offer financial services?

couple meeting with investment advisor.

10 points to consider before adding them to your practice.

by ed mendlowitz
202 questions and answers: managing an accounting practice

question: i am thinking of adding financial services to my practice. what are your thoughts?

response: for starters, “financial services” means selling investment products or managing money.  this is different from adding financial planning, which i see as an extension of and a next step to sound tax planning for clients.

more: thirteen things to consider before you sell your practice | how much is your tax practice worth? | ready to retire? selling your practice is no strategy | uncooperative partner might not be the problem | merge in lower-priced work without losing out | 20 things you need for a business valuation
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getting into the financial services business requires tremendous effort, training and a long startup period until a critical mass can be attained where there will be a reasonable cash flow and profit. this business involves the ability to sell and then deliver.
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why you should function as a fiduciary


diversify and figure out which assets not to own.

by anthony glomski
your $5 million high-net-worth practice

the first thing you and your clients should understand as investors looking to make smart financial decisions is this: the broad asset classes you choose to own (such as stocks, bonds, alternatives, real estate, private equity and so on) and the percentage of your household wealth that you allocate to each of those asset classes will have a greater impact on your future investment returns than any other decision you make – including which individual stocks you buy.

more: how to flip the switch to wealth preservation | how to outline your client’s big picture | your entrepreneurs need advice, but which kind? | three ways to work together on wealth | how to implement collaborative wealth management | five challenges of liquidating a business
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this means your first question as intelligent investors must be: how should i allocate my assets among the major asset categories?
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women-owned businesses upbeat but need help

line chart

access to capital is a concern … and an opportunity for accountants.

by 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 research

despite a few challenges, small businesses are somewhat optimistic about their immediate future. according to the bank of america’s “2023 women & minority business owner spotlight,” 67 percent expect their revenue to increase over the next 12 months, and 46 percent plan to expand their business.

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this guarded optimism is in the face of several perceived problems. only 34 percent think the national economy will improve in that timeframe, a number unchanged since last fall. a few more – 41 percent – see their local economy improving, though that number has dipped 2 percentage points since last fall.
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start with existing clients to add cas


their questions will help shape your pitch to others.

by hitendra patil
client accounting services: the definitive success guide

you will use very similar fundamental steps to generate words and content to express the value of your client accounting services offering. you will focus on each component of your cas offering to do so, e.g., different content to talk about bill payment services, different for advisory and outsourced cfo services, and so on.

more: your clients’ words = your new cas marketing | attract clients through facebook groups | want higher profitability? turn to cas | structure insights as what-why-what | set your processes apart in nine steps | five ways to overcome cas staffing challenges | think cas isn’t for your firm? | convince your firm of cas value | ten ways to tell a client is ready for cas
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you will also use the “contrast principle” to differentiate between your “usual” services and “cas offering.” marketing cas to your existing clients will be different than marketing cas to your prospects.
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creating a back office support playbook

process touch screen showing workflow design

how to develop procedures every client can follow.

by penny breslin
it’s not just the numbers

as back office support, you assist your clients in making timely and accurate business decisions. in the past, you worked on hourly billing doing compliance management. everything was about time.

more: tech tips for back office support | accounting tech tools to minimize your pain | do your apps play well with others? | it’s ok to have favorite clients | ten questions for teamwork | yes, you can be an outsourcer | how back office support adds value
goprocpa.comexclusively for pro members. log in here or 2022世界杯足球排名 today.

when you did work for a client, you may have billed out an $18-per-hour employee at a rate of $60 per hour. when your employee took the time to call the client for the documents, walked down the hall to ask someone how they had previously handled a transaction, then waited for a document to show up with nothing to do until it showed up – all of this time was billed hourly.
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