wealth management calls for a team of experts

five businesspeople shaking hands under a skylight

you don’t know everything … and you don’t need to.

by anthony glomski
your $5 million high-net-worth practice

by now, you’ve gained a solid understanding of the many financial issues and challenges that your clients face, especially entrepreneurs who may be approaching a liquidity event. what’s more, you have seen the process that goes into addressing those challenges in a manner that coordinates each client’s entire financial life – from their investments through their broader non-investment issues. it’s not just about their taxes and their company’s financial statements.

more: how a virtual family office can serve your wealthy clients | there’s more to giving than tax implications | eight questions for estate planning | clients who don’t listen | how to outline your client’s big picture | target the family ceo | how to implement collaborative wealth management
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as you seek to implement solutions in these areas, consider all the tasks that must be accomplished in order to maximize the probability of achieving what is most important to your clients and their families. among other responsibilities, it is essential to do the following seven steps:
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how to maximize on-site client meetings

plus two traps to avoid.

by penny breslin
it’s not just the numbers

“we can evade reality, but we cannot evade the consequences of evading reality.” – ayn rand

the reality is that the robots and ai are here, and they will eventually take over much – if not all – of the day-to-day work that is typically done by a human interacting with a computer. you may not like it, but you cannot avoid it. so utilize robots to make your life easier.

more: use timesheets for productivity, not billing | best practices for source doc permissions and handling | every back office support client needs a playbookstrengthen client ties with workflow tools | understand your online marketing options | narrow your prospects by choosing a vertical | advisory services done your way | ai is not your enemy
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prepare for your meeting

do your homework before going out to the client’s office. if this is an existing client where you have been doing standard compliance work, review the data in their accounting program and make sure you are working with up-to-date information. if this is a new back office support prospect, ask to review their accounting data before going out to their offices. if they are not open to this, it may require an extra visit. the steps below assume you have either worked on the client’s accounting in some capacity, or you have had the opportunity to review the accounting files.
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free consultation? not always

three people talking around a table

don’t give it away too easily.

by ed mendlowitz
202 questions and answers: managing an accounting practice

question: i was wondering what your thought is regarding initial consultation fees. currently, i do not charge a fee for an initial consultation, and it seems that most cpas do not charge either (at least not the sole practitioners that i know).

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would the fee deter new clients or actually weed out the ones who are most likely not going to become clients anyway? if a fee is charged, then how much, and how long should the consultation last? should the fee be applied to any work that i am eventually engaged for?
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use timesheets for productivity, not billing

back office support calls for flat rates. here’s why.

by penny breslin
it’s not just the numbers

let’s get to the big questions that confound professional service providers of all types in today’s tech environment:

  • how do i charge my client for these services?
  • how do i continue to get paid?
  • how do i charge hourly for processes that will be taking less and less time because of the application of technology?

more: best practices for source doc permissions and handling | sixteen guidelines for naming conventions | you have to manage three kinds of procedures | tech tips for back office support | decoding accounting tech (and all those acronyms) | digital marketing strategies level the playing field | eight tasks to delegate today | advisory services done your way
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fixed pricing

flat-rate billing is the logical choice for back office support (bos) services. this fixed pricing is typically used for monthly recurring work. we can do this by knowing how long it takes to create any given transaction. there will be swings in time, but the idea is that the fixed monthly rate considers the busiest season or months for the business. that way, on less heavy months, you receive the same rate and it makes up for the times when the workload increases.
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see your client to a graceful exit

man in glasses looking at document held by woman

it takes a few years, so get started.

by anthony glomski

research from the family firm institute shows that only three in 10 (30%) closely held family businesses survive into the second generation. just one in eight (12%) are still viable into the third generation, and a mere 3 percent operate into the fourth generation or beyond. those statistics are even more disturbing because the same research shows that the vast majority of business families are overly optimistic – they believe they will be in control of their companies five years hence.

more: is your client’s wealth truly protected? | eight questions for estate planning | clients who don’t listen | how to outline your client’s big picture | target the family ceo
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given this gloomy success record for family business transitions, it is no wonder that 60 to 70 percent of family wealth is lost by the second generation and that 90 percent is lost by the third generation. it does not have to be this way.
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best practices for source doc permissions and handling

woman wearing glasses typing on laptop in front of wall of windows

four steps to asserting control.

by penny breslin
it’s not just the numbers

permissions are key. in our company only three people have a connection to their local c drive from our managed server. also, we can track who is logged in, from where, how long and what they accessed.

more: sixteen guidelines for naming conventions | revisit your back office support procedures | federated search: what it is, why it matters | accounting tech tools to minimize your pain | do your apps play well with others? | it’s ok to have favorite clients
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if documents are in our cloud storage, the permissions to download them can be turned off. viewing is done from within the document storage app. nothing is perfect. they can still take a screenshot but we attempt to keep things as closed as possible while still allowing for work and efficiency.
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is your client’s wealth truly protected?

man holding umbrella while standing in stormy ocean

many policies are too small. here’s another option.

by anthony glomski

no matter where your client grew up or how they accumulated their wealth, they can be a target for a host of unscrupulous people. many affluent investors, including entrepreneurs, are worried about keeping their assets safe from potential creditors, litigants, children’s spouses, ex-spouses, and disgruntled former employees and partners. they also want to protect their assets from catastrophic losses that could cripple them financially. as a cpa, you have an important role here.

more: eight questions for estate planning | check tax effects before liquifying | why you should function as a fiduciary | your entrepreneurs need advice, but which kind? | how to implement collaborative wealth management
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wealth protection involves strategies you can use to ensure that your wealth is not unjustly taken from you by potential creditors, litigants, ex-spouses and children’s spouses. wealth protection is also designed to protect you against catastrophic loss. identity theft is another emerging threat to wealth protection that should be addressed carefully with your clients.
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