five tests: how open are you to change?

post with two signs, "same" and "change"you can’t fix what you don’t see.

by sandi leyva
the complete guide to marketing for tax & accounting firms

a long time ago, a participant in one of my classes passed a note saying, “the only people who like change are babies.” i believe everyone will agree that change is not easy until you develop a skill to embrace it.

more: 13 reasons to master consumption marketing | how to fire a client | five tips for virtual team member happiness | five skills that spell success | beyond compliance: what more you can provide  | the biggest seo secret of all: google business listings | five ways to get better clients
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here are five quick questions for your consideration:

13 reasons to master consumption marketing

woman entering information on computerseven ways it’s great for your practice.

by sandi leyva
the complete guide to marketing for tax & accounting firms

when i first heard the term “consumption marketing” i quickly fell in love with the concept.

more: maybe price isn’t the problem | when to talk about fees | take a moment for appreciation | five things clients have taught me | why your social media is a flop | beyond quickbooks: wowing your clients
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consumption marketing is continuing to market to clients even after they’ve signed to do business with you. it’s helping them to more fully “consume” your product or service.
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maybe price isn’t the problem

asian woman shopping for clotheswhat else do potential clients know about you?

by sandi leyva
the complete guide to marketing for tax & accounting firms

i hear more accountants grumbling daily about how price-sensitive their prospects and clients have become. and they are right, to a degree. the economy has caused even the rich to count their pennies, and the percentage of people who look at a price tag before they buy has increased over the last five years.

more: when to talk about fees | five tips for virtual team member happiness | five skills that spell success | beyond compliance: what more you can provide  | the biggest seo secret of all: google business listings | five ways to get better clients
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yet studies show that roughly 54% of buyers are not price-sensitive, and i would be willing to bet even more are selectively price-impervious depending on what they buy: women’s shoes, men’s cars, personal services, jewelry, vacations, cosmetics and hair, to name a few exceptions.

so why are so many accounting clients and prospects price-sensitive?
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when to talk about fees

senior businessman and another businessman talkingfocus on value first.

by sandi leyva
the complete guide to marketing for tax & accounting firms

how do you talk to a prospect or client about your fee?

some of the answers i have heard are:

  • “it depends.”
  • tell them and get off the phone as fast as possible.
  • “i don’t know.”
  • “what is your budget?”

more: five tips for virtual team member happiness | three thoughts for a quiet morning | the seven-step plan for marketing by spreadsheet | boost your cross-selling in two easy steps | beyond bookkeeping: five value-add service areas | 11 kinds of wealth
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most accountants spill the beans about their rates way too early in a conversation with a future client.  so when should you talk rates?
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five tips for virtual team member happiness

businesswoman with piggy bankfind ways to challenge them.

by sandi leyva
the complete guide to marketing for tax & accounting firms

it’s not uncommon for even the smallest of businesses to have employees and contractors all over the world. at one point i had an employee in ukraine, two employees in san jose, a virtual admin in orange county, a warehouse team in indiana, a transcriptionist in las vegas, partners in new york, chicago, missouri and atlanta, and a coach in sydney, australia.

more: three thoughts for a quiet morning | take a moment for appreciation | five skills that spell success | the seven-step plan for marketing by spreadsheet | five things clients have taught me
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i moved from san jose, calif., to plano, texas, while my team stayed put. and it didn’t hurt my business one tiny bit. here are five tips to help your virtual team play at their best.
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three thoughts for a quiet morning

calm balanced businessman sitting outdoors on bench in yoga lotus pose meditating, with office building and blue sky in backgroundtake the time while you have it.

by sandi leyva
the accountant’s accelerator

with busy season over, it’s a good time to take stock of where we stand for the year, plus regroup as needed before the next one is upon us. with so many changes in software, politics, tax laws and global standards, it’s pretty easy to feel a little disorganized.

more: take a moment for appreciation | five skills that spell success | beyond compliance: what more you can provide  | the biggest seo secret of all: google business listings | five ways to get better clients
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here are three steps to help us take stock of our foundational business goals, re-evaluate our big picture and get us centered as we enter the next quarter.
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take a moment for appreciation

man facing five large yellow stars on wallwork on building your resilience.

by sandi smith leyva
the complete guide to marketing for tax & accounting firms

most of the time, being an accounting entrepreneur is a delight, an honor and a great way of life.

more: five skills that spell success | the seven-step plan for marketing by spreadsheet | five things clients have taught me
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every once in a while, there can be those days when you need a little moral support for one reason or another. read more →

five skills that spell success

and none are tax or accounting.number 5 drawn in sand

by sandi leyva
the complete guide to marketing for tax & accounting firms

we’ve worked hard on gaining our accounting tax and auditing skills. those skills alone will keep us working as employees for someone else, but what if we want to go out on our own or grow our business beyond what we have now?

more: the seven-step plan for marketing by spreadsheet | five things clients have taught me | beyond compliance: what more you can provide
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here are five skills to consider adding to your toolbox to get ahead faster.

how do you rate in each of these areas?

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the seven-step plan for marketing by spreadsheet

using excel spreadsheets, with a bunch of numbers, adding in some deadlines, and creating a very organized process, is just how we accountants like things.

by sandi leyva
the complete guide to marketing for tax & accounting firms

it’s quite common for accounting firms – even the regionals – to have no marketing plan in place.

more: five things clients have taught me | beyond compliance: what more you can provide | the biggest seo secret of all: google business listings | five ways to get better clients | how clients get underserved and accountants get underpaid
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the marketing plan might very well be, “get as many referrals as we can.”

or it might be a number for each partner – which is not a marketing plan.

or it might be, “if it’s not busy season, i’ll go to my networking group.”

none of these are plans. they are individual marketing tasks and components.

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five things clients have taught me

they’ll tell you what they want if you just listen.

by sandi leyva
the complete guide to marketing for tax & accounting firms

i feel extremely fortunate to have such a wonderful set of clients that i have learned much from the last few years.

more: boost your cross-selling in two easy steps | why your social media is a flop | the biggest seo secret of all: google business listings | beyond bookkeeping: five value-add service areas | beyond quickbooks: wowing your clients
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here is a list of lessons learned that i hope will inspire you to work with your clients in new ways.

lesson 1: help clients with what they dislike

although not all clients dislike writing, i’ve found that the majority of professionals in financial fields appreciate getting help with their writing. what took me a while to learn was the degree to which many wanted help, and what worked the best is to provide sample letters, emails, and marketing materials that was as close to their situation and as complete as possible.

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beyond compliance: what more you can provide

businesspeople having a meeting over coffee sitting together at a table discussing a document, young man and two middle-aged women presentbeat the billable hour … and let your clients know all your offerings.

by sandi leyva
the complete guide to marketing for tax & accounting firms

as compliance services become more commoditized and automated, accountants face the impacts on their practice and bottom line. they can:

more: boost your cross-selling in two easy steps | why your social media is a flop | the biggest seo secret of all: google business listings | how clients get underserved and accountants get underpaid
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  1. serve a higher level client that requires greater complexity, making themselves fairly immune to these changes
  2. serve a larger number of clients to offset a drop in revenue per client averages
  3. add new services to their practice to boost revenue per client

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four ways to reboot for the new realities

dollar being built of blockswhen things aren’t turning out the way you dreamed, it’s time to think about an overhaul. here’s how to start

by sandi leyva
the complete guide to marketing for tax & accounting firms

how does your current business look compared to the one you dreamed about before you started your entrepreneurial journey?

more: boost your cross-selling in two easy steps | why your social media is a flop | the biggest seo secret of all: google business listings | beyond bookkeeping: five value-add service areas
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do you now have clients you love, a dream team, the financial rewards you are comfortable with, and plenty of free time?

if not, don’t give up. you can still get there, and a little business clarity may help you get there even faster.

here are four steps:

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cross-selling by spreadsheet

start with two easy steps.

by sandi smith

here’s a great spreadsheet exercise you can do to identify what i call “low-hanging fruit,” which means added revenue that will not take too much time or money to go after.

more: why your social media is a flop | the biggest seo secret of all: google business listings | beyond bookkeeping: five value-add service areas | beyond quickbooks: wowing your clients | five ways to get better clients
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open excel, and start a worksheet from the sales numbers in your accounting system.
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