why you need a link-in-bio tool

get around limitations.

by sandi leyva
the complete guide to marketing for tax & accounting firms

what the heck is a link-in-bio tool? and do i need one? yes, you do! but first, an explanation is in order.

more: what’s in a (domain) name? plenty | need leads? try a quiz | now’s the time to clean up your email list | don’t let prospects fall through the cracks | how to fire a client | five tips for virtual team member happiness | boost your cross-selling in two easy steps | beyond bookkeeping: five value-add service areas | 11 kinds of wealth
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when you complete a social media profile page, you’ll notice that some have the limit of being able to include only one link. the question becomes, what link is best to add? should you link to your website? your linkedin profile? a free report you offer? or something else?
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what’s in a (domain) name? plenty

not knowing what you’re doing can cost you plenty.

by sandi leyva
the complete guide to marketing for tax & accounting firms

domain names are cheap compared to other marketing costs. they average $15 to $20 per year per domain. but if you register many domains, they can begin to add up. and if you switch domains, you could end up costing yourself far more than $15 in lost revenues if you don’t know what you are doing.

more: need leads? try a quiz | five emotional skills for entrepreneurs | transform your marketing with crm | five kinds of small thinking | five tests: how open are you to change? | maybe price isn’t the problem | the seven-step plan for marketing by spreadsheet
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here are my thoughts and what’s possible with domain names, especially as they relate to search engine optimization at the macro level.

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need leads? try a quiz

woman looking at tablet at outdoor tablehow to write and automate your own.

by sandi leyva
the complete guide to marketing for tax & accounting firms

every week, i love to take the bbc news quiz even though i fail miserably each time. if you’ve ever taken a quiz in a magazine, social post or website, you know they can be irresistible. why not use them in your business?

more: five emotional skills for entrepreneurs | four tips for tough times | nine thoughts on self-marketing for the introvert | three questions for the new year | 13 reasons to master consumption marketing | when to talk about fees
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the alluring part of a quiz from a magazine is that you can’t really fail. plus, many of them can give some insight into our personalities or traits, even if it’s made up. how can you use quizzes in your business to attract clients? here are some ideas to do just that.
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five emotional skills for entrepreneurs

latina woman working at desk and smilingthis goes deeper than leading and communicating.

by sandi smith leyva
accountant’s accelerator

there are courses and conferences to help you build the technical skills you need to succeed in accounting. but if you think about it, there is no cpe to help you with the emotional side of your business, and there are plenty of times on a daily basis that the emotional side of business comes into play:

more: four tips for tough times | now’s the time to clean up your email list | five lessons my clients taught me | five tips for virtual team member happiness | boost your cross-selling in two easy steps | beyond bookkeeping: five value-add service areas | 11 kinds of wealth
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1) making a price increase or setting your prices in the first place

2) firing a client from you-know-where
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four tips for tough times

calm balanced businessman sitting outdoors on bench in yoga lotus pose meditating, with office building and blue sky in backgroundchange your thinking to prevail over the most difficult circumstances.

by sandi leyva
the complete guide to marketing for tax & accounting firms

perseverance is a skill that anyone can learn to not only survive, but thrive through life’s curves. when adversity strikes, it’s not what happens to you but how you respond to what happens to you that has the greatest impact on your life.

more: now’s the time to clean up your email list | transform your marketing with crm | five kinds of small thinking | five tests: how open are you to change? | maybe price isn’t the problem | three thoughts for a quiet morning | the seven-step plan for marketing by spreadsheet | beyond quickbooks: wowing your clients | 11 ways to boost billings and impress clients
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here are four specific ways you can change your thinking to persevere in the toughest of circumstances.
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now’s the time to clean up your email list

sending emails from a laptopyou’ll engage more and spend less.

by sandi leyva
the complete guide to marketing for tax & accounting firms

hopefully, you are building a list of contacts who have given you permission to email them on a regular basis. this can be done via a newsletter opt-in, free report opt-in or simply a client list.

more: five kinds of small thinking | three questions for the new year | 13 reasons to master consumption marketing | when to talk about fees | take a moment for appreciation | beyond compliance: what more you can provide  | boost your cross-selling in two easy steps
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as time goes on, your list will get larger, and many contacts with email addresses you collected years ago may stop interacting with you. as your list grows, you may be charged more to maintain a larger list size. as people stop opening your emails, it can affect the deliverability of all of your emails.

these are the reasons why you should periodically clean your email list.

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transform your marketing with crm

the right system can streamline client communications and simplify prospecting leads. streamline sales and marketing with the right crm.

by sandi leyva
the complete guide to marketing for tax & accounting firms

a crm is a system that helps you centralize marketing and customer communications with clients and prospects. it stands for customer relationship management, and most of these systems are now in the cloud as web apps.

more: nine thoughts on self-marketing for the introvert | don’t let prospects fall through the cracks | five kinds of small thinking | three questions for the new year | 13 reasons to master consumption marketing | when to talk about fees | take a moment for appreciation | beyond compliance: what more you can provide  | boost your cross-selling in two easy steps
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what crms do
it’s amazing what crms can do these days. as client contact points have grown over the last few decades beyond phone and fax, so have crms’ capabilities to unify client messaging. at the core level, all crms typically allow you to store customer and prospect contact data, such as name, address, company name, titles and so forth. most of them allow you to create custom fields to store things like type of entity, marriage or filing status, and what accounting software they use.

here’s where it starts to get fun.

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nine thoughts on self-marketing for the introvert

are you afraid to put yourself out there?

by sandi leyva
the complete guide to marketing for tax & accounting firms

are you shy? do you consider yourself to be a private person?  do you hate marketing because you feel exposed and prefer not to be the center of attention?

more: three questions for the new year | five lessons my clients taught me | how to fire a client | five tips for virtual team member happiness | boost your cross-selling in two easy steps | 11 kinds of wealth
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if so, you are not alone. but if you are also an entrepreneur or partner, you are probably sabotaging your marketing investment and you have a higher chance of your business failing (or suffering from low revenue).

what can you do? is there a way to attract clients and stay shy or private?

the answer is maybe. in any case, a mind shift needs to happen.

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don’t let prospects fall through the cracks

man viewing desktop computer screenlead generation is a waste of money without other pieces locked down.

by sandi leyva
the complete guide to marketing for tax & accounting firms

if getting new clients is a bit of a struggle for your business and you’re not reaching the revenue levels you desire because of too few clients, then the first step is to find out where the process is breaking down.

more: five kinds of small thinking | three questions for the new year | 13 reasons to master consumption marketing | when to talk about fees | take a moment for appreciation | beyond compliance: what more you can provide  | boost your cross-selling in two easy steps
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there are five main places:

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five kinds of small thinking

stressed businessman resting head on hands at deskfailure to delegate is a failure to trust.

by sandi leyva
the complete guide to marketing for tax & accounting firms

if you feel you should be doing better than you are in business, you may have a belief pattern that is unconsciously holding you back. the first step is to bring it to the surface. only then can it be addressed, released, and replaced with the belief that will lead you to increased success.

more: three questions for the new year | five lessons my clients taught me | how to fire a client | five tips for virtual team member happiness | boost your cross-selling in two easy steps | 11 kinds of wealth
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here are the five most common thinking patterns or beliefs that will keep your accounting business from growing.
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three questions for the new year

young black woman sitting in front of laptop looking thoughtfulbring some clarity to your next steps.

by sandi leyva
the complete guide to marketing for tax & accounting firms

with 2023 upon us, it’s a good time to take stock of where we stand for the year, plus regroup as needed before the busy season begins. with so many changes in software, politics, tax laws and global standards, it’s pretty easy to feel a little disorganized.

more: five lessons my clients taught me | five tests: how open are you to change? | maybe price isn’t the problem | three thoughts for a quiet morning | the seven-step plan for marketing by spreadsheet | why your social media is a flop | beyond quickbooks: wowing your clients
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here are three steps to help us take stock of our foundational business goals, re-evaluate our big picture and get us centered as we enter this new phase.
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five lessons my clients taught me

number 5 drawn in sandthey might not know what they need, so listen carefully.

by sandi leyva
the complete guide to marketing for tax & accounting firms

i feel extremely fortunate to have such a wonderful set of clients that i have learned much from the last few years. here is a list of lessons learned that i hope will inspire you to work with your clients in new ways.

more: five tests: how open are you to change? | 13 reasons to master consumption marketing | when to talk about fees | take a moment for appreciation | five skills that spell success | beyond compliance: what more you can provide
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lesson 1: help clients with what they dislike

although not all clients dislike writing, i’ve found that the majority of professionals in financial fields appreciate getting help with their writing. what took me a while to learn was the degree to which many wanted help, and what worked the best was to provide sample letters, emails and marketing materials that were as close to their situation and as complete as possible.

what skill do you have that your clients dislike doing, takes them longer or wants done for them?
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how to plan a business-building machine

businesswoman in orange shirt using laptop computer by white wall of windowswhen a lead comes in, what do you do?

by sandi smith leyva
the complete guide to marketing for tax & accounting firms

most accountants want a website that will bring them leads. many accountants have been very disappointed in past attempts to get this marketing channel working for them, and i’d like to give you some ideas why that might have happened.

more: five tests: how open are you to change? | 13 reasons to master consumption marketing | when to talk about fees | take a moment for appreciation | five things clients have taught me | why your social media is a flop | beyond quickbooks: wowing your clients
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the good news

the good news is that you can, indeed, get business from your accounting website. as a matter of fact, you can get big business. every week, clients tell us that they had someone fill out the contact form, call or email, or sign up for their newsletter. some leads have been really big, too: mid-market, franchises, multiple locations and many more.
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