how and why to set optimal scanning practices

piles of paper, decreasing in sizealso: the differences between back-end, mid-level and front-end scanning. and how to save on an expensive bottleneck.

by roman h. kepczyk
quantum of paperless

for the next few years it is anticipated that accounting firm clients will deliver the majority of their organizers and supporting tax documents to the firm in a physical format. to utilize this information in a paperless environment, it must be effectively scanned and managed at the lowest possible cost.

early paperless adopters scanned the tax return and the supporting documents at the back end of the process when a return was complete. this is still usually the first step when firms transition from a completely manual environment. by doing back-end scanning first, the firm can get used to working with digital files and naming conventions, prior to forcing changes in the preparation and review processes, which can then be transitioned to front-end scanning.

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more on tech spending: digital workflow systems make tax season easier | who decides what to keep? | firms need document management standards | how smart accounting firms use intranets to get smarter | unified messaging boosts security | ready for a revolution? your phone is | when is the last time you renegotiated your internet rates? | get ahead of your software updates | blame accounting vendors: accountants stuck with outdated versions of microsoft office | ready or not, here comes windows 10 | back up and check your backup | cloud computing can cost less | laptop-only workers more common | scanners allow data capture at the source

scanning should be done primarily by administrative personnel (81 percent according to the 2009 aaa benchmark survey) to promote adherence to firm standards and so it is done at a lower cost. firms have found that having a dedicated scanner attached to a workstation is the most effective method of capturing these images. the top-rated scanners by firms who use them are the fujitsu fi and canon dr series.

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digital workflow systems make tax season easier

businessman pressing virtual "automation" buttoneven without a document management system, there are workflow tools available.

by roman h. kepczyk
quantum of paperless

the most important aspect of transitioning the firm’s tax process to a digital environment is managing electronic files that are no longer physically viewable in assorted stacks around the office.

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more on tech spending: who decides what to keep? | firms need document management standards | how smart accounting firms use intranets to get smarter | unified messaging boosts security | when is the last time you renegotiated your internet rates? | remote access boosts productivity, requires planning | get ahead of your software updates | ready or not, here comes windows 10 | back up and check your backup | cloud computing can cost less | laptop-only workers more common | scanners allow data capture at the source | in pc monitors, more is better

this requires a digital tax workflow system that lets everyone know the status of every return and easily connects that person to digital copies of the return and the source documents.

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who decides what to keep?

finger pressing delete keyhaving a document retention policy promotes accountability.

by roman h. kepczyk
quantum of paperless

managing digital files is in many ways similar to managing paper files in that the firm must have standards for who can create a document, add to or edit a document, file it, and eventually purge the file.

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more on tech spending: firms need document management standards | how smart accounting firms use intranets to get smarter | unified messaging boosts security | ready for a revolution? your phone is | when is the last time you renegotiated your internet rates? | remote access boosts productivity, requires planning | get ahead of your software updates | blame accounting vendors: accountants stuck with outdated versions of microsoft office | ready or not, here comes windows 10 | back up and check your backup | cloud computing can cost less | laptop-only workers more common | scanners allow data capture at the source | in pc monitors, more is better

unfortunately as digital files are on the network and “out of sight,” many firms are not really aware of what files are stored, the most current versions and whether or not they should be deleted.
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firms need document management standards

pile of documents on desk stack up high waiting to be managed.even if you start small, get started.

by roman h. kepczyk
quantum of paperless

the network drive in most firms is not very well organized and needs the most cleanup. this happens because it is usually managed with windows explorer, which allows almost anyone to create or access a file anywhere on the drive.

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more on tech spending: how smart accounting firms use intranets to get smarter | unified messaging boosts security | when is the last time you renegotiated your internet rates? | remote access boosts productivity, requires planning | get ahead of your software updates | blame accounting vendors: accountants stuck with outdated versions of microsoft office | ready or not, here comes windows 10 | back up and check your backup | cloud computing can cost less | scanners allow data capture at the source

unfortunately, there is seldom a firm standard that is adhered to, allowing users to create files with any naming convention they want and store it anywhere they please. the result can be files that are hard to find and slow to search across the network. read more →

how smart accounting firms use intranets to get smarter

why you need a dashboard.

by roman h. kepczyk
quantum of paperless

files are usually indexed and accessed in designated directories so there is not much the firm can do about moving these files.

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more on tech spending: unified messaging boosts security | ready for a revolution? your phone is | remote access boosts productivity, requires planning | get ahead of your software updates | blame accounting vendors: accountants stuck with outdated versions of microsoft office | ready or not, here comes windows 10 | back up and check your backup | cloud computing can cost less | laptop-only workers more common | scanners allow data capture at the source | in pc monitors, more is better

firm knowledge and information is usually stored in one of four “buckets.” read more →

unified messaging boosts security

three people speaking by videoconferenceproductivity? you can have more of that, too.

by roman h. kepczyk
quantum of paperless

firms should strive to capture all data in a digital format at its “root” source. this goes for services such as the firm’s fax and voice mail systems as well. traditional inbound faxes are usually printed from a fax machine and then hand delivered to the recipient’s desk. in some cases this image is actually rescanned and emailed to the recipient.

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more on tech spending: when is the last time you renegotiated your internet rates? | remote access boosts productivity, requires planning | get ahead of your software updates | blame accounting vendors: accountants stuck with outdated versions of microsoft office | ready or not, here comes windows 10 | back up and check your backup | cloud computing can cost less | laptop-only workers more common | scanners allow data capture at the source | in pc monitors, more is better

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ready for a revolution? your phone is

roman kepczykhow to make mobile access truly mobile.

by roman h. kepczyk
quantum of paperless

one of the revolutions in remote connectivity is happening within your cell phone, as digital cellular providers have beefed up and expanded their networks to provide reliable internet access to remote devices.

more on tech spending: when is the last time you renegotiated your internet rates? | remote access boosts productivity, requires planning | get ahead of your software updates | blame accounting vendors: accountants stuck with outdated versions of microsoft office | ready or not, here comes windows 10 | back up and check your backup | cloud computing can cost less | laptop-only workers more common | scanners allow data capture at the source | in pc monitors, more is better

it is anticipated that in the next few years, the vast majority of the u.s. and canada will be able to access the internet through the 4g digital cellular network at speeds of 1mpbs or more, which is adequate for remote access to most applications, particularly those hosted by cloud providers.

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when is the last time you renegotiated your internet rates?

abstract illustration of binary data flowhow to get the best deals.

by roman h. kepczyk
quantum of paperless

the internet has undoubtedly had a profound impact on firm communications. it has become the primary driver towards the next generation of accounting applications that run entirely on the web through “cloud” computing.

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more on tech spending: remote access boosts productivity, requires planning | get ahead of your software updates | blame accounting vendors: accountants stuck with outdated versions of microsoft office | ready or not, here comes windows 10 | back up and check your backup | cloud computing can cost less | laptop-only workers more common | scanners allow data capture at the source | in pc monitors, more is better

before we get ahead of ourselves discussing cloud opportunities, we have to assess how the internet is used within your firm today. read more →

remote access boosts productivity, requires planning

young businesswoman using smartphone and tablet at outdoor cafebandwidth, bandwidth, bandwidth.

by roman h. kepczyk
quantum of paperless

give your people access to the firm application and data resources needed whenever and wherever they are. they will get more work done in less time. one of the key components in optimizing firm production is providing the capability for firm personnel to work from anyplace, at any time, at their own convenience.

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more on tech spending: get ahead of your software updates | blame accounting vendors: accountants stuck with outdated versions of microsoft office | ready or not, here comes windows 10 | back up and check your backup | cloud computing can cost less | laptop-only workers more common | scanners allow data capture at the source | in pc monitors, more is better

according to the aaa 2015 survey, 77 percent of firms stated they implemented remote access technology to access firm resources when away from the office. read more →

get ahead of your software updates

words "time for an update" on clock facebottom line? you’ll be more productive.

by roman h. kepczyk
quantum of paperless

every firm has concerns about their systems being hacked or getting attacked by a virus or malware. the vast majority of issues can be effectively negated with one simple process: keep your software updated.

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more on tech spending: blame accounting vendors: accountants stuck with outdated versions of microsoft office | ready or not, here comes windows 10 | back up and check your backup | cloud computing can cost less | laptop-only workers more common | scanners allow data capture at the source | in pc monitors, more is better

for workstations, your antivirus software should regularly look for updates and automatically install them. microsoft windows has an update feature that can be set to automatic for security upgrades. turn them on and schedule them to run automatically, either overnight or on weekends. read more →

blame accounting vendors: accountants stuck with outdated versions of microsoft office

microsoft office logomany still using office 2010 even as microsoft plans launch of new 2016 version.

by roman h. kepczyk
quantum of paperless

to be effective in business today, every member of your firm must optimally utilize the microsoft office suite at an intermediate to advanced level for outlook, excel, and word. today’s standard is office 2013, but many firms use office 2010 because some accounting vendors still do not support office 2013 within all of their applications.

more on tech spending: ready or not, here comes windows 10 | back up and check your backup | cloud computing can cost less | laptop-only workers more common | scanners allow data capture at the source | in pc monitors, more is better

this is a good time for firms to review their listing of accounting applications to determine if they can transition to office 2013 and the cost to do so. keep in mind office 2016 will likely be released later this year and supported by the accounting vendors by the end of 2016. read more →

ready or not, here comes windows 10

computer keyboard with “ctr-alt-delete” commands pictured on 3 shot glassesare you ready for the windows 7 to 8.1 transition? does 10 make you queasy?

by roman h. kepczyk
quantum of paperless

okay, we all know that the windows operating system is preferred to run computers by the primary vendors to the accounting profession. all decisions about operating systems have to be done carefully because they impact software and hardware decisions for at least thee to five years.

more on tech spending: back up and check your backup | cloud computing can cost less | laptop-only workers more common | scanners allow data capture at the source | in pc monitors, more is better

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back up and check your backup

businessman sitting on clouddon’t forget about encryption. you did, didn’t you?

by roman h. kepczyk
quantum of paperless 

your firm’s safety net in the event of any disaster is your data backup. it had better be consistently performed and securely stored offsite.

typically, firms have a problem when the process they relied on to make the backups didn’t work, or the tapes weren’t complete because all the data no longer fits onto one tape. this is becoming a common problem as more data, and more applications add significantly more volume, making the backup application require more storage and a longer running time to complete.

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more on tech spending: cloud computing can cost less | laptop-only workers more common | scanners allow data capture at the source | in pc monitors, more is better

when backups are run during normal business hours, it can slow down the entire network, impacting everyone’s performance. make a note that the tape drive you have today will be the last one you will ever own.

according to the aaa 2015 survey, 67 percent of firms back up all their data to the internet with 56 percent doing so on a daily basis.

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