bonus: an equation for reaching your desired profit level.
by rob nixon
if you are dissatisfied with the performance (personal satisfaction and/or monetary rewards) of your current firm then you will need to change what you are doing. not tweak it a few percentage points in productivity, average hourly rate, write-offs or lockup. no!
more on strategy: do your clients want more? | why ‘steady as she goes’ isn’t enough | the final critical traits: how do your tires look? | how to calculate a value price | boost efficiency and your bottom line | 4 sales systems and some secret sauce | marketing must generate leads | be an ‘object of interest’ | turn your knowledge into products | why clients really stay | don’t let technology make you dumber
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you will need to change what you are doing dramatically if you want a different result. the good news is that the change needed is not that hard to do once you get your motivation and mindset right.
the new equation
if the old equation is internally focused then the new model is externally focused. it is based on marketing, sales, building relationships, value pricing and customer service. this equation below is a mathematical equation which, when you know and adjust the numbers, becomes a very powerful formula.
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