your time has no inherent value

head shot of ed kless

… but here’s what does.

by ed kless, as told to sandi leyva and michelle long

do you believe your time has inherent value to your clients?

more small firm growth strategies: ed kless: what is strategic pricing? | how to keep current | best practices for growth: network, specialize, share | 10 easy tips to boost your business cash flow | 2 ways to serve clients better | how to fire a client | how to manage client expectations | trashing the spreadsheet: best practices in modern expense management
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sorry, but no. your time has no inherent value; it certainly doesn’t have any value to anyone but you.
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ed kless: what is strategic pricing?

there are three strategies. use what you want, but learn them all.

by sandi leyva and michelle long
the ultimate accounting virtual conference

head shot of ed kless

i’m super jazzed to introduce ed kless, who’s going to be discussing the fundamentals of strategic pricing.

more small firm growth strategies: how to keep current | four tools for a millionaire mindset | reconnect with your why | use payroll to grow client retention | 3 ways to work less and earn more | what to do when a client doesn’t pay | how to find hidden money for your clients | 3 killer lead generation channels
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he is the senior director of partner development and strategy at the sage group. he’s also the co-host and author of the soul of enterprise. he developed and delivers curriculum for sage consulting academy, business strategy and workshops related to customer experience. he’s also a senior fellow at vera sage, which is where ron baker teaches pricing to firms in our industry.

kless: we’re going to review the fundamentals of strategic pricing. what i’ve found fascinating about the subject of pricing is for as complex as it is, there are only three basic strategies. we’re going to review what those are and talk about where one might use one over the other and why they’re important to know. even if you don’t prescribe to one or the other or only ever use one strategy, it’s important to know what the three are.

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how to keep current

young businesswoman and social network over white backgroundpro tips from doug sleeter and cpa practice advisor editor gail perry.

by sandi leyva and michelle long
the ultimate accounting virtual conference

how do we stay up to date?

more small firm growth strategies: best practices for growth: network, specialize, share | 10 easy tips to boost your business cash flow | 2 ways to serve clients better | how to fire a client | how to manage client expectations | trashing the spreadsheet: best practices in modern expense management | 3 ways to implement value pricing | building reputation to build your business | need more business? focus on referrals
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one thing is making time for it. that’s the key to a lot of things and actually the first step to a million things is making time for it. some things i do include continue attending conferences.
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what i wish i knew when i started my practice

word "marketing" highlighted above other wordsthey are skills you can learn. accountants are good at that, right?

by sandi leyva and michelle long
the ultimate accounting virtual conference

one thing i like to focus on is just letting people understand that they do need additional skills.

more small firm growth strategies: best practices for growth: network, specialize, share | reconnect with your why | use payroll to grow client retention | 3 ways to work less and earn more | what to do when a client doesn’t pay | how to handle price sensitivity | how to find hidden money for your clients | how small firms can use value pricing | 3 killer lead generation channels
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we already come with the accounting because that’s our background. so we come with accounting, bookkeeping, tax or whatever it is in our background and so we have that part down.
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best practices for growth: network, specialize, share

businessman explaining something on laptop to another manwhat are you doing that your clients might want to implement?

by sandi leyva and michelle long
the ultimate accounting virtual conference

how do we grow and advance in the practice? how do we excel in the accounting profession?

more small firm growth strategies: reconnect with your why | 5 steps to get clients to say ‘yes’ to cloud applications  | when you should answer questions for free | when to turn over client data files | the dreaded ‘quick question’ | how to handle referrals – and how not to | why clients need dashboards | 3 ways to raise your prices | your existing clients are your best leads | need more business? focus on referrals
goprocpa.comexclusively for pro members. log in here or 2022世界杯足球排名 today.

i think one of the most important things you can do to help yourself excel in this profession is to network with your peers. i know some people think, really aren’t they my competition? why would i want to network with them we’re all after the same clients?
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reconnect with your why

portrait of a young pensive businesswoman in officechoose what, with whom and your reward.

by sandi leyva and michelle long
the ultimate accounting virtual conference

let’s think about what is it we really like doing. what do you enjoy doing?

more small firm growth strategies: 5 steps to get clients to say ‘yes’ to cloud applications | 10 easy tips to boost your business cash flow | 2 ways to serve clients better | how to fire a client | how to manage client expectations | trashing the spreadsheet: best practices in modern expense management | 3 ways to implement value pricing | building reputation to build your business | need more business? focus on referrals
goprocpa.comexclusively for pro members. log in here or 2022世界杯足球排名 today.

i know when we first start a practice you’ll do anything. you just need money. you need clients.
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how to get the most out of your portal year-round

woman drinking coffee in front of desktop computersecurity, convenience, liability and visibility make portals valuable outside of busy season.

by sandi leyva and michelle long
the ultimate accounting virtual conference

we’re really thrilled to have grady slane with us today. he is a product marketing manager for citrix share file.

more small firm growth strategies: 5 steps to get clients to say ‘yes’ to cloud applications | 10 easy tips to boost your business cash flow | 2 ways to serve clients better | how to fire a client | how to manage client expectations | trashing the spreadsheet: best practices in modern expense management | need more business? focus on referrals
goprocpa.comexclusively for pro members. log in here or 2022世界杯足球排名 today.

grady: i’ve been with citrix share file for five years and through that entire time period i’ve been working with accountants. i hope i’m able to share some insight today, particularly on portal technology that you find helpful.
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5 steps to get clients to say ‘yes’ to cloud applications

businessman using smartphone while waiting at a subway stationfind the unique benefit that will resonate with each client.

by sandi leyva and michelle long
the ultimate accounting virtual conference

today we’re talking about getting clients to say “yes” to cloud applications.

more small firm growth strategies: 10 easy tips to boost your business cash flow | use payroll to grow client retention | 3 ways to work less and earn more | what to do when a client doesn’t pay | how to handle price sensitivity | how to find hidden money for your clients | how small firms can use value pricing | 3 killer lead generation channels
goprocpa.comexclusively for pro members. log in here or 2022世界杯足球排名 today.

our guests from will be giving you a very detailed five-step plan.
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