paying part-time, work-at-home partners

woman smiling with boy with backpackhow to handle perks, vesting and other issues.

by marc rosenberg
partner comp: art & science

among the unique partner compensation issues that arise at cpa firms are when partners choose to work part time.

more on partner compensation: how to pay non-equity partners | 3 rules for promotion to partner | should the mp be the highest paid partner? | integrating partner comp with strategic planning | partner pay: the declining importance of book of business | 3 non-performance-based comp systems | 3 subjective compensation systems | partner compensation 101 | how partners view compensation: it’s not all about the money

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the following chart summarizes how firms compensate two major types of part-time partners:
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cpa firm partners: equity vs. non-equity

apple and orange on a seesawand why you might need both.

by marc rosenberg
how to bring in new partners

there are reasons to have both equity and non-equity partners.

more on partnership: new partner vs. manager: what’s the difference? | 23 key provisions in a partner buyout | what does buy-in buy? | how to structure partner buy-in

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let’s run down both and then look at a comparison.

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how to pay non-equity partners

businessmen standing on dollar billdeferred compensation is on the rise.

by marc rosenberg
partner comp: art & science

there are obvious differences between equity and non-equity partners, including how they are compensated.

more on partner compensation:3 rules for promotion to partner | the 8 basics for data-based partner performance evaluations | how to set the managing partner’s compensation | crash course: operating a compensation committee | partner pay: open vs. closed compensation systems | the 3 best partner compensation formulas

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however, the differences aren’t as great as many people think.

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new partner vs. manager: what’s the difference?

smiling black businesswomanjob description: duties, voting, and non-solicitation.

by marc rosenberg

how are the duties and responsibilities of a new partner different from those of a manager?

more on partnership: 23 key provisions in a partner buyout | buyout: the flip side of buying in | research results: how firms pay new partners | what does buy-in buy? | how to structure partner buy-in | keys to bringing in new partners


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this is one of the grayest areas in bringing in new partners. common sense must prevail.
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3 rules for promotion to partner

pocket moneyreward them, don’t discourage them.

by marc rosenberg
partner comp: art & science

three general philosophies should apply for all partner promotions:

more on partner compensation: the 8 basics for data-based partner performance evaluations | 5 types of partner evaluations | how large and small firms allocate income | partner pay: recapping the compensation systems | 5 other systems for paying partners | why firms use partner comp formulas


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  • getting promoted in any business should be celebrated. in cpa firms, the promotion to partner is a career-making event, deserving of a nice promotion raise. a common range is 10-15 percent in the first year.

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23 key provisions in a partner buyout

handshake-1388361357w8dh9-150x150vesting, notice, clawback and other points to ponder.

by marc rosenberg
how to bring in new partners

in determining buyout, i have discussed several key points, such as:

more on partnership: buyout: the flip side of buying in | research results: how firms pay new partners | what does buy-in buy? | how to structure partner buy-in | keys to bringing in new partners

  • will the buyout be limited to capital only or will it include a goodwill provision? (ninety-five percent of all firms with retirement plans pay both.)
  • how will the goodwill be valued? the average goodwill valuation is roughly 80 percent of fees, although there are still many firms at 100 percent and many firms well below 80 percent.
  • how will an individual partner’s buyout amount be determined? two partner retirement benefit systems that you should consider are aav or average annual value, better described as “cumulative benefits,” and multiple of compensation, the most common method used by firms, especially those with six or more partners.

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buyout: the flip side of buying in

three businessmen shaking handsplus 9 reasons why goodwill averages 80 percent.

by marc rosenberg
how to bring in new partners

one of the benefits that new partners receive in exchange for their buy-in is that they will receive a buyout when they retire.

more on partnership: what does buy-in buy? | how to structure partner buy-in | keys to bringing in new partners

the flip side of this is that they must agree to buy out the older partners when they retire. therefore, any plan for bringing in new partners must include a provision for a partner retirement/buyout plan.
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research results: how firms pay new partners

plus: 14 flaws of most comp plans.

by marc rosenberg
how to bring in new partners

most firms are giving out raises of 10 to 15 percent when they promote senior managers to partners. but, of course, it’s not as simple as that.

more on partnership: what does buy-in buy? | how to structure partner buy-in | keys to bringing in new partners

there are essentially two the kinds of systems that firms across the country are using:

(1) the formula and

(2) the comp committee. but let’s dig deeper into the data, which comes from

but let’s dig deeper into the data, which comes from the rosenberg map survey.
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the 8 basics for data-based partner performance evaluations

businesswoman writing with pencil on notepad in the officeplus: 3 choices for setting the reporting year.

by marc rosenberg
partner comp: art & science

there is no standard list of data to review for evaluating partners.

more on partner compensation: 5 types of partner evaluations | should the mp be the highest paid partner? | integrating partner comp with strategic planning | partner pay: the declining importance of book of business | 3 non-performance-based comp systems | 3 subjective compensation systems | what partners earn and how they earn it | why most partner comp systems are performance-based

but here is a good, solid list of the eight basics:

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what does buy-in buy?

handshake over currency scattered on tableplus: how to account for partners’ capital.

by marc rosenberg
how to bring in new partners

what do new partners “get” for their buy-in?

this is a question asked, justifiably, by many new partners when they are informed of the buy-in requirement. firms should be prepared to respond.

more on partnership: how to structure partner buy-in | keys to bringing in new partners | browse all at

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  1. first and foremost, new partners essentially get to be a member of the “club.” they get to become an owner of an organization that operates a highly profitable, growing firm that will provide them with a substantial income stream for 20-40 years that is well above what most people earn in other jobs.

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5 types of partner evaluations

woman conducting evaluationplus sample questions.

by marc rosenberg
partner comp: art & science 

why do firms do performance evaluations of partners?

more on partner compensation: should the mp be the highest paid partner? | how to set the managing partner’s compensation | crash course: operating a compensation committee | partner pay: open vs. closed compensation systems | the 3 best partner compensation formulas | 11 points in designing a partner comp system | what partners earn and how they earn it | why most partner comp systems are performance-based

the textbook objectives of performance evaluations are:
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how to structure partner buy-in

businessman writing out a check8 considerations to factor.

by marc rosenberg
how to bring in new partners

we’ve said that large buy-ins for new partners have fallen out of favor, but regardless of the amount, questions about structure remain the same.

more: keys to bringing in new partners | working business development into your day | networking for fun and profit | 14 marketing activities needed now more than ever | now is the time to activate your referral network | the 4 marketing disciplines | why you have to kill the old paradigms | are you ready for the great disruption?
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the eight points to consider include:

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should the managing partner be the highest paid partner?

businesspeople standing atop 5 stacks of coinsit depends, and not on what role you play.

by marc rosenberg
partner comp: art & science

there  are  two  responses to the headline question. first, there is no automatic rule or customary practice that says the managing partner shall be the highest paid partner.

more on partner compensation: how large and small firms allocate income | integrating partner comp with strategic planning | partner pay: the declining importance of book of business | 3 non-performance-based comp systems | 3 subjective compensation systems | what partners earn and how they earn it | why most partner comp systems are performance-based

second, it depends on how the mp’s overall performance compares to other partners. firm management, originating clients and the size of one’s clients under management (“book of business”) are far and away the factors that earn the most income for a partner.

here are illustrations of various scenarios:
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