covid-19, adversity and innovation

young businesswoman using smartphone and tablet at outdoor cafe3 things firms have learned so far.

by marc rosenberg
the rosenberg practice management library

our country has a long way to go before we fully adapt to a covid-19 world and navigate compounding national issues. but cpa firms are resilient and have made major strides in adapting to a new and challenging environment.

more: how covid-19 impacts partner retirements |  three tough questions in partner buyouts | is mandatory retirement a best practice? | covid-19: how your firm can respond | reward partners for performing like partners
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i took some time to jot down a few high-impact observations. if you don’t see any mention of people working remotely and communicating via videoconferencing, the reason is obvious – everyone’s doing it.
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networking for fun and profit

young man riding hour hand of clockhow to make business development fun, and not a dreaded, anxiety-provoking activity.

bonus checklists with 57 items: from 15 simple conversation starters to top 5 mistakes.

by marc rosenberg
the rosenberg practice management library

networking is creating a group of acquaintances and professionals and keeping it active through regular communication for mutual benefit.

more: why consultative selling works | how marketing systems produce business growth | 6 keys to developing new client prospects | now is the time to activate your referral network | does your firm recognize all its skills? | protect and grow existing clients | the 4 marketing disciplines | 15 powerful niche marketing practices
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truthfully, all professional service providers want to be held in high esteem by their clients and professional colleagues. practicing true professionalism means becoming more than just a vendor who takes and fills orders from a client. it means transitioning into a trusted advisor whose expertise transcends your individual practice. trusted advisors know the right questions to ask and where to find the right answers.
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why consultative selling works

two women in office shake handsplus: how to get past your aversion to sales.

by marc rosenberg
the rosenberg practice management library

as with just about anything, people can be taught business development skills if they study hard, apply themselves and, most of all, have a healthy, positive attitude toward bringing in business.

more: how marketing systems produce business growth | 14 marketing activities needed now more than ever | now is the time to activate your referral network | the 4 marketing disciplines | why you have to kill the old paradigms | are you ready for the great disruption?
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“can people be taught practice development skills?” in 20 years of consulting to cpa firms, we have been asked this question hundreds of times. the answer, most certainly, is “yes.” note, the question is not “can people be taught to be rainmakers?” the answer to that question is mostly “no.” there is a big difference between being a rainmaker and learning business development skills.
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eleven ways to jump-start your covid comeback

because covid-19 punishes the complacent.

by marc rosenberg
the rosenberg practice management library

there are some products that are so iconic and popular that it doesn’t seem possible that their success could ever be in jeopardy. oreos. the new england patriots. microsoft office. it must be wonderful to own and manage businesses like these that seem to run themselves.

more: how covid impacts partner retirements |  three tough questions in partner buyouts | reward partners for performing like partners | 7 points of a well-crafted partner buyout agreement
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cpa firms enjoy no such advantaged status. but with the covid-19 crisis, firms need to short-circuit the natural processes of maturity and stagnation and think about how to get re-set right now.
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how covid impacts partner retirements

how long do you want your firm to last?

by marc rosenberg
the rosenberg practice management library

two-thirds of partner agreements include a mandatory retirement provision. this provision usually requires partners to give up their equity but allows them to continue working in some fashion. a common stipulation is that if a “retired” partner wishes to continue working, either full- or part-time, this must be approved annually by the other partners. but with the covid crisis, annually may come sooner than expected.

more: three tough questions in partner buyouts | is mandatory retirement a best practice? | merging in sellers: what you need to know | take yoda’s advice on strategic planning
goprocpa.comexclusively for pro members. log in here or 2022世界杯足球排名 today.

here are two opposing viewpoints on a mandatory retirement provision to consider the next time you review your partner agreement:
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how marketing systems produce business growth

financial graph on blackboardsystems enable your plan to reach its potential.

by marc rosenberg
the rosenberg practice management library

 we’ve explored key components of the overall framework for cpa firm practice development.

  • we launched the process by examining the overarching decisions that need to be made before work is begun to execute the four disciplines.
  • we drilled down on each of the four disciplines.

more: 14 marketing activities needed now more than ever | how not to develop your practice | 6 keys to developing new client prospects | now is the time to activate your referral network | does your firm recognize all its skills? | protect and grow existing clients | the 4 marketing disciplines
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now it’s time to address the final piece of the overall framework: the enabling systems that will optimize a cpa firm’s success in achieving its growth objectives.
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three tough questions in partner buyouts

when firm investment hits your own wallet.

by marc rosenberg
the rosenberg practice management library

partner buyout plans can be difficult to navigate. we want to be fair to our partners, and we want to be treated fairly in return. in the process, differences of interpretation inevitably arise.

more: is mandatory retirement a best practice? | covid-19: how your firm can respond | 8 ways comp systems get partners to do what the firm needs | buyers name 20 big merger turnoffs | why governing by partner ownership is bound to fail
goprocpa.comexclusively for pro members. log in here or 2022世界杯足球排名 today.

here are three queries we’ve recently received you may find instructive:
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14 marketing activities needed now more than ever

word "marketing" highlighted above other wordsbonus: you can do most of them from home.

by marc rosenberg
the rosenberg practice management library

here are 14 common marketing activities.

more: how not to develop your practice | 6 keys to developing new client prospects | now is the time to activate your referral network | does your firm recognize all its skills? | protect and grow existing clients | the 4 marketing disciplines | 15 powerful niche marketing practices | 19 takeaways from the history of cpa firm practice development
goprocpa.comexclusively for pro members. log in here or 2022世界杯足球排名 today.

we’ll list them here and then drill down on each:

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is mandatory retirement a best practice?

consider retention, both staff and clients.

by marc rosenberg
the rosenberg practice management library

i’ll start with the punch line. yes, it is a best practice.

but only if your firm’s vision is to stay independent into the next generation by developing future leaders and retaining retirees’ clients.

more: covid-19: how your firm can respond | reward partners for performing like partners | 7 points of a well-crafted partner buyout agreement | 6 ways to retain nextgen staff | partners: when to speak up and when to shut up
goprocpa.comexclusively for pro members. log in here or 2022世界杯足球排名 today.

if you are a small firm with partners who love what they do, have no hobbies to pursue in retirement and basically want to die at their desks, then no, it may not be a best practice. these partners are saying: “this is my firm and no one tells me when to retire, especially based on my reaching some arbitrarily decided age.”
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covid-19: how your firm can respond

creating the “new normal.”

by marc rosenberg
the rosenberg practice management library

for the first time in most of our lives, an international health crisis has the makings of a science-fiction scenario becoming reality. the situation puts us in uncharted territory and experts tell us will get continue to worse before it gets better. the optimist in me says this too shall pass, but i also feel that the world will learn from this crisis in ways that will last forever once this is over.

more: reward partners for performing like partners | merging in sellers: what you need to know | take yoda’s advice on strategic planning | 15 amazing organizational tactics to manage a cpa firm | 6 ways to retain nextgen staff | how to develop a truly progressive nextgen culture
goprocpa.comexclusively for pro members. log in here or 2022世界杯足球排名 today.

a cultural shift that will permanently change our lives

retired lieutenant general russel honore was interviewed on television recently. he was the joint task force commander for hurricane katrina. when asked if we’re doing all that we need to do, he responded: “we need to optimize virtual work. there will be a cultural shift in america that will permanently change our lives. we will finally see that we don’t have to drive crosstown to sit in front of a computer.”
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how not to develop your practice

these activities aren’t your savior.

by marc rosenberg
the rosenberg practice management library

discipline 4 activities support disciplines 1, 2 and 3. they comprise your firm’s efforts to promote the firm and drive selling opportunities to the firm.

more: 6 keys to developing new client prospects | now is the time to activate your referral network | the 4 marketing disciplines | why you have to kill the old paradigms
goprocpa.comexclusively for pro members. log in here or 2022世界杯足球排名 today.

a contrarian view

read this carefully because it is one of our most powerful messages.
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6 keys to developing new client prospects

dashboard screenshot
dashboard in able

also: the 8 steps of a nurture campaign.

by marc rosenberg
the rosenberg practice management library

there are three sources of new business:

  • existing clients, in the form of expanded services and referrals to other clients.
  • referral sources such as lawyers and bankers.
  • prospective clients.

more: now is not the time to let your referral opportunites lapse | does your firm recognize all its skills? | protect and grow existing clients | the 4 marketing disciplines | 15 powerful niche marketing practices | 19 takeaways from the history of cpa firm practice development | why you have to kill the old paradigms | are you ready for the great disruption?
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we further state the following, based on countless experiences and conversations with cpa firms:

  • the time you spend prospecting for new clients should be roughly 15 percent of your time. the bulk of your time should focus on existing clients and referral sources.
  • you can expect that roughly 10 percent of your growth will come from new clients. the bulk will come from existing clients and referral sources.

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now is the time to activate your referral network

people standing, holding food and talkingplus: 19 sources, how to stage a referral event, and what networking isn’t.

by marc rosenberg
the rosenberg practice management library

the biggest source of new business is a firm’s existing client base, both in the form of expanded services and referrals to others. it’s estimated that 60 percent of a firm’s revenue growth comes from this area.

more: does your firm recognize all its skills? | protect and grow existing clients | the 4 marketing disciplines | 15 powerful niche marketing practices | 19 takeaways from the history of cpa firm practice development | why you have to kill the old paradigms | are you ready for the great disruption?

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goprocpa.commore for pro members: coronavirus resources for remote-working (#wfh)

this is no time to lose touch with your referral sources. and, even though in-person meetings may be difficult, everyone, it seems, is becoming more comfortable with online events like video conference calls and webinars.

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