‘genius accountant’ helps cannabiz clients manage effectively

lind mizar specializes in helping clients problem-solve around cash management
by liz gold
cannabis businesses aren’t getting the justice they deserve as it relates to their financial needs.
more at cannabizcpa.pro: 5 challenges for cannabusinesses | squar milner takes on cannabis in california and beyond | marcum llp: moving forward in cannabis with confidence | tom achor: at the intersection of cannabis accounting and technology | podcast: john repetti and mitzi hollenbeck of citrin cooperman | 4 best things about being a ‘dope’ accountant | five reasons accountants should serve cannabis clients | the fire starter: groundbreaking cannabis cpa luigi zamarra | more at cannabizcpa.pro
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“we need to educate more accountants,” says lind mizar, mba and founder of genius accountant in tualatin, oregon. “there are a lot of firms out there that say they help but they don’t.”
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