want change? lead it

chalkboard saying indicating that time to change is nowbonus checklist: 5 questions you need to ask.

by jody padar
the radical cpa

“say it with me now: i am a change agent.”

more radical cpa for pro members (go pro here): who’s your competition? everyone | how the ‘new firm’ was born | radical firms embrace 4 values | radical or complacent? you choose | 3 questions to ask if you dare | who, me a consultant? | target prospects for best fit | radical pricing fixes cash flow problems | keep scope creep and seep from hurting bottom line | the radical approach to bundling services | get radical about pricing  |  more…

before you consider adopting the cloud or any of the “new firm” mindset, you have to ask yourself if you are willing to be the change.
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who’s your competition? everyone

businesswoman at laptop with cloud floating above outstretched handtime to get on the radical bus.

by jody padar
the radical cpa

i’ve been in the cloud for nine years so it’s old news to me.

more on radicalism for pro members: how the ‘new firm’ was born | radical firms embrace 4 values | radical or complacent? you choose | 3 questions to ask if you dare | how spiritual value affects pricing | keep scope creep and seep from hurting bottom line

the biggest thing to do is to look around and look at the competi­tion. you can probably leave your firm and start your own firm with less than $400 a month in software and with no or very limited overhead. isn’t that terrifying for you old-timers!
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how the ‘new firm’ was born

where the roots of ‘radical’ cpas originated.

by jody padar
the radical cpa

i started to use this newfangled payroll software that worked through the internet.

back then they didn’t call it the cloud. it was just payroll software that used an internet browser. it solved my business problems of preparing paychecks, paying taxes and filing tax returns for my customers. the technology was paycycle, a cloud-based payroll software.

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radical firms embrace 4 values

core values against open door at top of stairs in the skythese 4 keys come down to meeting needs.

by jody padar
the radical cpa

people often ask me: what makes a firm a “new firm”? there are four fundamental tenets.

more on radicalism: radical or complacent? you choose | customer viewpoint: creating a journey map | who, me a consultant? | how spiritual value affects pricing | keep scope creep and seep from hurting bottom line | get radical about pricing | how social media transforms firms to their core | radical tenet #1: embrace the cloud | being radical is all about your customer

these four tenets, although adopted dif­ferently within each firm, compromise a new set of values that most of the “movement” firms embrace. ready? here we go:
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radical or complacent? you choose

erasing the words "status quo"“reacting” is no longer enough.

by jody padar
the radical cpa

cpas must be “radicalized” so they cannot be lulled into com­placency and driven by reaction to their current firm or live­lihood. the changes that are happening in today’s fast-paced world need to be addressed.

more on radicalism: 3 questions to ask if you dare | are we really that radical? | customer viewpoint: creating a journey map | process maps: methods, meetings and materials | who, me a consultant? | target prospects for best fit | how spiritual value affects pricing | make radical connections | get ready for radical transparency | the roots of ‘radical’ cpas

you and your team have already felt the changes. the silent majority of many employees are hurt, suspicious and feeling unheard. they see and experience the changes happening around them and don’t understand the complacency or the resistance to change from firm management. you may even be feeling this yourself within your firm of one.
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3 questions to ask if you dare

and 3 questions i should have asked before launching my practice.

by jody padar
the radical cpa

i had just come off a really bad tax season.

this was about nine years ago now, and i knew there had to be a better way. i left a mid-sized firm, with seven partners and about 50 other employ­ees and i joined my dad’s firm — literally and figuratively. figu­ratively, because many of his technology and processes were “old school.”

more on radicalism: are we really that radical? | process maps: methods, meetings and materials | 4 questions for choosing the right digital workflow tool | how spiritual value affects pricing | the radical approach to bundling services | get radical about pricing | each social channel has a language | how i got started being social | six competitive advantages for the radical cpa | the market is moving toward the radicals | going radical: the 4 tenets of a ‘new firm’ | why should cpas be radical?

i was tired of working part-time and not being treated like a contributing member of the firm. my family was young. my son was four years old and my daughter was six. my son was in the process of getting ready for full-time kindergarten and things were just changing in my life. i no longer felt the need to only work part-time, so it seemed like the right time.
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are we really that radical?

illustrating customer at centerbonus chart: waves of innovation from 1970 to the present.

by jody padar
the radical cpa

what the radical cpas have done is put our cus­tomers first. we have made our firms customer-centric instead of the traditional firm-centric model of years past.

more on radicalism: customer viewpoint: creating a journey map | basics of process mapping: how and who | target prospects for best fit | how spiritual value affects pricing | keep scope creep and seep from hurting bottom line | make radical connections | 5 radical ways to be social and strategic | how social media transforms firms to their core | six competitive advantages for the radical cpa 

our firms have changed to meet the needs and requirements of today’s fast-paced mobile, social, value, experience-driven consumers.

being a radical cpa is hard.

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customer viewpoint: creating a journey map

various cartoon facial expressionsbonus: examples, including a complete tax return preparation.

by jody padar
the radical cpa

we use a value stream map, a process map and a sipoc in process mapping. what all of these have in common is that they highlight the process, time, inventory levels and the actors.

more on radicalism: understanding the types and uses of process maps | 4 questions for choosing the right digital workflow tool | target prospects for best fit | radical pricing fixes cash flow problems | the radical approach to bundling services | how i got started being social

however, one key variable they all fail to take into account is the customer’s emotions as they journey through the process. a customer journey map solves this problem.
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understanding the types and uses of process maps

the four basic symbols used in most process maps
the four basic symbols used in most process maps

different maps serve different purposes.

by jody padar
the radical cpa

there are several different kinds of process maps. each map has a specific purpose and use, so here we will cover some of the more common and useful maps.

more on radicalism: process maps: methods, meetings and materials | basics of process mapping: how and who | who, me a consultant? | radical pricing fixes cash flow problems | get ready for radical transparency | six competitive advantages for the radical cpa

mapping symbols

despite the wide array of mapping symbol choices available in products such as visio, powerpoint or others, there are four basic symbols that are used in most maps.
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process maps: methods, meetings and materials

closeup of businesswoman writing on a flipchartbonus checklist: 3 key points for mapping a process.

by jody padar
the radical cpa

there are several ways to gather the information you need to create your process map.

more on radicalism: basics of process mapping: how and who | who, me a consultant? | target prospects for best fit | keep scope creep and seep from hurting bottom line | the radical approach to bundling services | get ready for radical transparency

depending on the scope and length of the process, you could observe the process in action. this works best for a process that cycles quickly. if a process can be started and com­pleted several times in a day or an hour, this is a good candidate for observation. if you can observe multiple operators performing the process, you will begin to get an idea how consistently it is followed.

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the basics of process mapping: how and who

woman drawing flowchart on a blackboardconsider your “pain points.”

by jody padar
the radical cpa

in creating a process map, there are several choices to be made that will determine who and what is needed. since, as we mentioned before, almost everything is a process, consider this the process mapping process.

more on radicalism: process mapping for improvement | who, me a consultant? | target prospects for best fit | the radical approach to bundling services | get ready for radical transparency | 10 radical steps into the cloud

the first decision is which process to map.

what do you want to select?
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lessons from adam smith: process mapping for improvement

bottles of sunflower oil on an assembly linefour ways adam smith can help you run your firm better.

by jody padar
the radical cpa

adam smith discovered a basic truth of process improvement: you can’t improve a process if you don’t know what the process is.

more on radicalism:  | target prospects for best fit | keep scope creep and seep from hurting bottom line | the radical approach to bundling services | let’s get radical about content | each social channel has a language | 10 radical steps into the cloud | six competitive advantages for the radical cpa

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around the time of the american revolution, adam smith made the first recorded attempt at process improvement by mapping out the 18 distinct opera­tions involved in creating a single metal pin. by documenting and understanding each step, he was able to suggest improvements to make the best use of the labor and machines available at the time.

while this is easier to see in a manufacturing environment, it still applies in a service-based industry like ours.

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4 questions for choosing the right digital workflow tool

work flow decision choiceare you ready to experience the process?

by jody padar
the radical cpa

without standardization, your customer isn’t going to be able to expect consistent results.

more on radicalism: who, me a consultant? |how spiritual value affects pricing | radical pricing fixes cash flow problems | keep scope creep and seep from hurting bottom line | the radical approach to pricing | let’s get radical about content | 5 radical ways to be social and strategic | how i got started being social | radical customers are on their way | 5 radical transparencies; are you ready?| being radical is all about your customer  |  

goprocpa.comexclusively for pro members. log in here or 2022世界杯足球排名 today.

workflow is just a fancy name for an electronic process and how information moves through a firm. in the old days it was the way a paper file moved from desk to desk. today it is how a digital file of data moves through an office or firm. it’s every­thing from customer input to tax return delivery. email is not a good solution for keeping track of where everything is within an office.

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