why transparency matters to clients

young man in sweater and tie smiling at smartphoneit’s time to rethink how you communicate.

by jody padar
the radical cpa

social should be in your dna. identify the communication gatekeepers in your firm.

social + strategy = success | how to measure social business… and why | 6 ways the cloud helps cpa firms | you’re already a consultant | new thinking brings new results | how the ‘new firm’ was born
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do you want everybody in your firm tweeting? it’s a good idea – just like you have all your firm members representing your firm wherever they are.
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social + strategy = success in five stages

businesswoman lassoing light bulb5 specific tips for maximizing your efforts.

by jody padar
the radical cpa

so you want to get on social media? good! define your strategy. when i started using social, i was having fun and didn’t have a strategy, except to see what was happening — and it evolved. jump in, get started and you’ll formulate a game plan naturally.

more on radicalism: how to measure social business… and why | how to become a social business | the cloud is your starting point | why transparency matters in the ‘new firm’ | 10 questions to prepare for radical change | radical firms embrace 4 values | radical or complacent? you choose
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here’s some help in five phases:
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how to measure social business… and why

cpas-love-facebook1it’s not just for fun, so treat it like any other metric.

by jody padar
the radical cpa

when i began dabbling with twitter and facebook, it was more out of personal interest. i found twitter to be a fantastic place to learn. i became an active listener and then engaged, putting out information i thought people would benefit from.

more on radicalism: how to become a social business | make the cloud work for you | 5 ways to capitalize on trends | embrace disruption | who’s your competition? everyone | how the ‘new firm’ was born | 3 questions to ask if you dare
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i still do this today. i interact with everyone i can as i learn and share. i compare it to the partner who always took important paper articles and put them on my desk. i just do it via social and digital.
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how to become a social business

young people holding social media logosit’s not a side venture. get ready to transform your firm to the core.

by jody padar

now it’s time to understand the social media business approach, how twitter, facebook and linkedin can help your business.

more on radicalism: make the cloud work for you | 6 ways the cloud helps cpa firms | you’re already a consultant | new thinking brings new results | how the ‘new firm’ was born

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first of all, stop calling it social media! using “social” to gen­erate new customers is a new way of doing business in today’s digital world. most firm owners don’t understand that when you combine social media with cloud, the effects become multiplied. we’re talking internet 3.0. are you ready to get there?
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make the cloud work for you

staircase of 10 steps10 steps (and you don’t have to take them all at once).

by jody padar

once you decide on what cloud software you want to use, here are the ten steps you need to make the transition:

more on radicalism: the cloud is your starting point | why transparency matters in the ‘new firm’ | 10 questions to prepare for radical change | radical firms embrace 4 values | radical or complacent? you choose | 3 questions to ask if you dare

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step 1: adopt for your own practice. choose an online software you’d like to try and input your financials. it’s the easiest move to make, and you’ll learn a lot during the process. you’re the most intimate with your own financials, so start there.

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6 ways the cloud helps cpa firms

woman ascending staircase into cloudsbonus: 7 specific tools.

by jody padar

we’ve said the backups and the intangibles outweigh the little annoyances. but what specifically will you gain from moving to the cloud?

more on radicalism: the cloud is your starting point | 5 ways to capitalize on trends | embrace disruption | who’s your competition? everyone | radical or complacent? you choose

1. it will help you go paperless. the cloud has helped me rethink my entire document management system and my firm is now 100 percent paperless. the problem with document management systems today is that they’re very static for working in a fluid environment. i have yet to find a technology that addresses this issue to my liking.
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the cloud is your starting point

man typing into cloudyour customers’ expectations have changed, so you might as well embrace them.

by jody padar

let me clear this up now: the cloud is not an actual cloud.

more on radicalism: you’re already a consultant | why transparency matters in the ‘new firm’ | 10 questions to prepare for radical change | who’s your competition? everyone | radical or complacent? you choose | 3 questions to ask if you dare

it’s your software in a computer room, miles away from your physical location. i’ve been to the cloud and it’s a funny and interesting place to visit.

it’s just a warehouse; they take your driver’s license, they scan you in, inspect your eyeballs and make sure that you’re not some bad person. there’s a large area full of servers and wires and it’s unbelievably hot. but what was especially endearing about my experience was that my cloud provider, byron patrick from simplified innovations, couldn’t contain his excitement about taking me. he was like a kid in a candy shop. it must be a techie thing.
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5 ways to capitalize on trends

number5-adobestock_58123020the market is moving. can you keep up?

by jody padar

a cch white paper, “charting a course for the future: a report on firm preparedness,” defines some of the trends that will have the most significant impact on accounting firms and their customers over the next five years.

more on radicalism: you’re already a consultant | why transparency matters in the ‘new firm’ | embrace disruption | new thinking brings new results | 10 questions to prepare for radical change | who’s your competition? everyone | how the ‘new firm’ was born | radical firms embrace 4 values | radical or complacent? you choose | 3 questions to ask if you dare

the study also notes how well-prepared accountants are to take advantage of these trends. by putting the “very prepared” firm under the magnifying glass, the report examines what makes firm owners confident about the future.
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you’re already a consultant

two businesswomen shaking hands in modern officechances are you offer clients more than you realize.

by jody padar

to me, the most trusted business advisor is the small busi­ness advisor. that’s what my customers see. my firm serves small businesses from the ground up to $10 million. yes, we look at their numbers, but, practically speaking, one gains a lot when you’re in their financial underwear drawer.

more on radicalism: why transparency matters in the ‘new firm’ | embrace disruption | 10 questions to prepare for radical change | radical firms embrace 4 values | 3 questions to ask if you dare

most of our conversations are around their questions. it’s a natural extension of the work we already do – financials, taxes, payroll, cash flow and forecasting.
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why transparency matters in the ‘new firm’

clear glass marble on a beachit’s time to move from number cruncher to advisor. here are 4 questions to ask.

by jody padar
the radical cpa

aside from creating a new way to do compensation and work, the “new firm” model brings upon a whole new level of trans­parency for both the customers you work with and your employ­ees…

more on radicalism:embrace disruption | new thinking brings new results | 10 questions to prepare for radical change | who’s your competition? everyone | how the ‘new firm’ was born | radical firms embrace 4 values | radical or complacent? you choose | 3 questions to ask if you dare

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…in at least four ways:

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embrace disruption

objects and furnishings flying about office4 questions you’ll have to face.

by jody padar

with revolutionary change, comes disruption. you knew that, right? the three laws of disruption say that:

more on radicalism: new thinking brings new results | 10 questions to prepare for radical change | who’s your competition? everyone | how the ‘new firm’ was born | radical firms embrace 4 values | radical or complacent? you choose | 3 questions to ask if you dare

  1. disruption comes to us all. so, if you’re reading this, you’re going to be disrupted. congratulations, that’s a good thing!
  2. disruption comes because of changes in the product-market fit.
  3. there are only three methods to change the product-market fit.

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new thinking brings new results

illustration of old thinking leading to old resultsbeing radical is all about your customer.

by jody padar
the radical cpa

once you begin brainstorming about overhauling your internal processes, you need to think about it from as many different viewpoints as possible, with an emphasis on design thinking. the easiest way to define design thinking is to look at it from your customer’s perspective instead of yours.

more on radicalism: 10 questions to prepare for radical change | who’s your competition? everyone | how the ‘new firm’ was born | radical firms embrace 4 values | radical or complacent? you choose | 3 questions to ask if you dare

it’s not all about you. i know, i know. but hear me out. it’s hard to look at your firm from a customer’s perspective. that’s why we gravitate to a firm-centric point of view. this point of view asks questions like:
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10 questions to prepare for radical change

chalkboard illustration of "change is now"be the change you want to see.

by jody padar
the radical cpa

“say it with me now: i am a change agent.”

more on radicalism: who’s your competition? everyone | who, me a consultant? | target prospects for best fit | keep scope creep and seep from hurting bottom line | each social channel has a language | six competitive advantages for the radical cpa

before you consider adopting the cloud or any of the “new firm” mindset, you have to ask yourself if you are willing to be the change.
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