all in the family business niche

portrait of neil fauerbach

neil fauerbach outlines several ideas you could use.

by jean marie caragher

niche marketing continues to be the most successful marketing strategy for accounting firms.

more from jean marie caragher: networking still a strong lead generator | how smart cpa firms use events as a lead generation tool | 14 timely questions for tax season clients | the 12-step program for building better client relationships
goprocpa.comexclusively for pro members. log in here or 2022世界杯足球排名 today.

over the years i’ve received mixed reactions about whether family business qualifies as a niche. are niches only industry-oriented?

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kolmansberger: how to do networking the right way


checklist: 12 ways to stop wasting time on dead-end efforts.

instant download
top questions to ask at your next networking event

by jean marie caragher
90-day marketing plan for cpa firms

many cpas would rather have a tooth pulled or wait in line at the dmv than attend a networking function. yet, networking continues to be the #1 tactic to generate leads for accounting firms.

more from jean marie caragher: how smart cpa firms use events as a lead generation tool | 14 timely questions for tax season clients | the 12-step program for building better client relationships | new webinar series: the truth about advisory services
goprocpa.comexclusively for pro members. log in here or 2022世界杯足球排名 today.

for a firm that was founded on networking, herbein + company, inc. – a regional certified public accounting firm with six offices in pennsylvania – continues to promote the value of building relationships through networking.

jack kolmansberger, herbein’s chief marketing officer and a past president of the association for accounting marketing, plays a key role in the firm’s networking strategy.

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managing partners only: advanced sales & marketing work group

卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 contributor jean caragher has opened enrollment to a new managing-partner-only peer-group on business development and marketing.

“it costs 400% more to close an unreferred prospect versus a referred prospect,” says caragher, ceo and founder of capstone marketing. the new online working group is designed to help managing partners “generate more referrals from your network.”

the capstone community pulls together managing partners interested in education and collaboration regarding cpa firm marketing, growth and client retention. to encourage accountability and execution, each managing partner is encouraged to participate with another member of his or her firm.

each capstone community will meet 13 times over a 15-month time period (no meetings in march or december):

– monthly one-hour group webinar/online meeting
– monthly one-hour individual coaching call

learn more here  >>>



how smart cpa firms use events as a lead generation tool


just ask sally glick.

get jean caragher’s complimentary
event planner worksheet

top trends in cpa firm marketing and business development
join the survey; get the results


by jean marie caragher
90-day marketing plan for cpa firms

while technology and social media have offered new marketing tactics for cpa firms, the tried and true face-to-face options remain beneficial. just ask sally glick, chief marketing officer at sobel & co., in livingston, nj.

just ask sally glick, chief marketing officer at sobel & co., in livingston, nj.

more on marketing from jean caragher: free ebook: 13 ways to waste your accounting firm marketing budget  |  the 12-step program for building better client relationships  |  six questions that will change the way you see your cpa firm’s marketing program  |  the 10-point plan of great business-developers  |  10 real-world expectations for accounting firm marketing  |  10 partner must-do’s in getting the most of your marketing director  |  real networking starts after the first meeting | more

i’ve known sally for two decades and if ever there was a person who could strategize, organize and promote events as a lead generation tool she is that person.

“events are one of the most effective lead generation tactics for us,” explains glick. “during the year we host 15 business events and 13 nonprofit programs, which demonstrate our thought leadership – our skills, competencies, and business acumen our clients demand. while presenting relevant information, and afterward when fielding questions, we have a chance to make a connection that may grow into a new engagement.”

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free ebook: 13 ways to waste your accounting firm marketing budget

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卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 contributor jean caragher of capstone marketing is offering a free ebook, “13 ways to waste your accounting firm marketing budget.”

some firms proactively create and manage their budgets, ensuring that their marketing activities support firm goals. others barely keep track and are surprised at year end.

to see where your firm can save money and spend smarter, click here.







caragher launches capstone community

capstone marketing, which is operated by 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 contributor jean caragher, is rolling out the capstone community, a new network of managing partners interested in education and collaboration in cpa firm growth and client retention.

a two-year program that will begin in january 2016, members will meet via online meetings and receive one hour of individual coaching 10 times each year. membership in each community is limited to 10 firms of similar size that are geographically exclusive. members will have 24/7 access to the capstone community library, including templates, checklists, videos, and more. 

“there are many managing partners interested in growing their firms and retaining clients who don’t have a peer group or internal marketing expertise,” explains jean caragher, president of capstone marketing. “the capstone community will fill the gap and provide managing partners with targeted tools, training and teamwork to enrich their firms.”

learn more about the capstone community at  to register go to