office safety and more: checklists for your tax resolution setup

woman turning door sign to "open"everything from client interactions to office safety.

by jassen bowman

the setup of your office environment is important for three primary reasons:

  1. ensuring workplace safety
  2. creating a positive client experience
  3. enabling maximum operational efficiency

more: hiring, firing and the checklists you need | what your tax resolution staff must do | are you quitting on leads too soon? | grow faster, be more efficient | 4 tax resolution industry flaws
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the following checklists will assist you in making sure that your office is set up to achieve each of these three objectives.
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hiring, firing and the checklists you need

magnifying lens over group of job candidatesfrom marketing to onboarding to termination.

by jassen bowman

to grow your business beyond just what you yourself can accomplish, you’re going to end up hiring staff. unfortunately, with hiring also sometimes comes firing.

more: what your tax resolution staff must do | how to build a tax resolution business | why lists are not leads | your sales funnel needs systems | need a new service line? consider tax resolution
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having a written process for how you conduct your hiring will make the process much smoother. in addition, having written criteria established ahead of time for how you evaluate candidates and make hiring decisions could prove invaluable in the unlikely event of a discrimination lawsuit or other employee-related incident we never really want to think about dealing with.
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what your tax resolution staff must do

an organization chart in a ball shapenot all preparers are the same.

by jassen bowman

it is vital that all tax office staff thoroughly understand their role within the organization and comprehend their responsibilities.

more: how to build a tax resolution business | focus on your ideal clients | the secrets of multi-hit marketing | how tax resolution works
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cultivating a culture of innovation is important, especially for a rapidly growing organization, but order must also be maintained. when everybody knows what’s expected of them, life becomes much happier and people work better together.
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how to build a tax resolution business

sending emails from a laptopautomated touches are the key.

by jassen bowman
tax resolution systems

this is the story of a small cpa firm (three partners at the time, now five) in new york city that hired me in january 2011 to help them grow their tax resolution business.

more: focus on your ideal clients | are you quitting on leads too soon? | why lists are not leads | the secrets of multi-hit marketing | grow faster, be more efficient | your sales funnel needs systems | how tax resolution works | 4 tax resolution industry flaws | need a new service line? consider tax resolution
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this was one of my first such consulting projects. i worked with them to create a written, systematic and scheduled marketing process to drive sales of this service, which then fed sales of their other service offerings.
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focus on your ideal clients

three arrows in center of bull's-eyenetting just one recoups your costs.

by jassen bowman

the ideal client prospecting campaign is established with the distinct goal of creating a relentless, never-ending effort to literally have 100 percent of these prospects become your client.

more: are you quitting on leads too soon? | why lists are not leads | the secrets of multi-hit marketing | grow faster, be more efficient | your sales funnel needs systems | how tax resolution works | 4 tax resolution industry flaws | need a new service line? consider tax resolution
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for most firms, this list won’t be that long. it may run from as little as a dozen ideal prospects, to at most a couple hundred.
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are you quitting on leads too soon?

businessman typing on laptop, shadows of envelopesfollow up right and you may not need any new leads.

by jassen bowman

to put it bluntly, if you’re not actively marketing to your lead database on a regular basis, then you wasted the money you spent to obtain those leads in the first place.

more: why lists are not leads | the secrets of multi-hit marketing | grow faster, be more efficient | your sales funnel needs systems | how tax resolution works | 4 tax resolution industry flaws | need a new service line? consider tax resolution
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one amazing fact about sales has held true for nearly a century: the majority of sales are closed after the fifth contact. this fact holds true for any industry, and the number of contacts required to close a sale increases as the price point of the product or service increases.
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why lists are not leads

jassen bowman: "client dollars are really the only vote that matters when it comes to marketing decisions."marketing requires ruthless accountability.

by jassen bowman

at all times and in all circumstances, you need to hold your marketing ruthlessly accountable for results.

more: the secrets of multi-hit marketing | grow faster, be more efficient | your sales funnel needs systems | how tax resolution works | 4 tax resolution industry flaws | need a new service line? consider tax resolution
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this is an inherent difference between direct response marketing and image advertising or branding. in a practical sense, this means that you need to test, track and measure everything you do in your marketing.
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the secrets of multi-hit marketing

there’s room for both one-step and two-step marketing, but be smart about how you use them.

by jassen bowman

the number of steps that a lead must take in order to receive your full marketing message is an important consideration when planning marketing campaigns and media purchases.

more: grow faster, be more efficient | your sales funnel needs systems | how tax resolution works | 4 tax resolution industry flaws | need a new service line? consider tax resolution
goprocpa.comexclusively for pro members. log in here or 2022世界杯足球排名 today.

generally, the more steps that a lead must take in order to enter your marketing funnel is going to increase the quality of your leads, but decrease the quantity.

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