six ways to cope with technological change

technology isn’t new. but the pace of change is.

and it’s adding new stresses to cpa firms every day, according to l. gary boomer of boomer consulting.

the impact can be seen — and felt — in how firms attract, retain, nurture and leverage talent, he tells the cpa leadership institute. staffing takes on a whole new meaning when it’s done within a firm-wide culture of continuous learning and improvement.

here’s how: read more →

how to nurture the genius around you — even if you’re not a genius yourself

available at amazon

l. gary boomer has been talking lately about liz wiseman’s new book, “multipliers: how the best leaders make everyone smarter.”

“multipliers” reports research that shows so-called “multiplier”  leaders get two times more production than “diminishing” leaders.

“multipliers are genius-makers,” boomer says, “where everyone around them gets smarter.” by genius, she is referring to innovation, productivity and the collective intelligence of the team.

multiplier leaders are not just “feel-good” managers, boomer says: read more →

strategy execution: “hope is not a strategy” [video]

what you need to know to get things done.

gary boomer of boomer consulting explains in this extended, 7-minute interview how good plans can go awry in today’s accounting firm.

boomer’s talking points:

  • most partners like to hold others accountable, but not themselves.
  • many firms fail to conduct the critically important conversations that can avoid major problems from developing.
  • it’s what partners don’t know that gets them into trouble.
  • why a cpa may be the wrong person for your firm.
  • who’s missing from your strategy sessions.
  • how to go beyond hope as a strategy.

five keys to the million-dollar club

learn the secrets of the top-earning cpas and highest-grossing accounting firms.

by rick telberg

from the ipad to the cloud, new technologies are changing the way we live and the way cpas work. indeed, a new technology model is emerging that may be changing the way cpa firms work.

some firms will be better able and better equipped to make the needed changes. some won’t. some will be able to embrace the changes to free up highly-trained professional talent for high-end services. others will cling to old technologies, old workflows and old roles.

“the decisions you make over the next few years will be critical,” cpa.citp gary boomer was telling a room full of cpa firm cios at the annual cch user conference in orlando, fla., last week. “you can’t ignore it and you can’t go back.”

read more →

q&a: gary boomer on building the agile learning organization

in today’s uncertain economy, cpa firms must be especially agile and adaptable to survive. they must be real “learning organizations.”

so here’s the question: what are the characteristics of an agile, adaptable, quick-learning cpa firm? and how do you get that way?


l. gary boomer, cpa.citp
ceo, boomer consulting inc.

leadership! firms that have strong leadership and realize they need a director of development or a learning coordinator will have the corner on the talent market. professional development, especially in the soft and it skills are a big advantage in retention and attraction of quality. a training/learning organization will be able to employ the multiplier effect. multipliers can do more with less.

many firms are cutting back on training in an attempt to maintain partner income. i believe this is very short sighted.

the roi on learning: too good to ignore

gary boomer says training budgets may be “tempting targets during tight times.”

but should firms really cut expenses in this area?

boomer, citing gartner research, says every hour of it training provides 5.75 hours of increased capacity. do the math:

  • 4.5 hours of experimentation – it takes an untrained worker twice as long to figure it out on his or her own.
  • 0.25 hours of support – for every hour of training, help desk or support time is reduced by .25 hours.
  • 1.0 hour of rework – review and fixing errors is reduced by 1 hour for every hour of training.

boomer charts the areas where firms will see immediate, productive results in the technology:

time topic
6 hours email management
1 hour document storage/records retention standards
1 hour search techniques
1 hour ms word tips and techniques
1 hour ms excel tips and techniques
10 hours total

“you will note that a significant amount of time is devoted to email management, because email is where most users (and particularly partners) spend a significant amount of time on a daily basis,” boomer says. “most have not conducted training, and a majority use email (ms outlook) as a records management database rather than a mailbox.”

you don’t leave your paper mail in your mail box for months or years and sort it every time you need a letter or document. the same should be true for email.

via boomer consulting, inc.