questions for after tax season

question markseleven ideas that warrant following up.

by ed mendlowitz
how to build a stronger tax practice

many times we have important preliminary discussions when we obtain a client’s tax information.

more on marketing: help heirs with tax issues | seven questions to suggest estate planning | 28 data points for a financial planning discussion | every client can use financial planning | four reasons to perform tax projections | four additional services to suggest
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skilled interviewing, or effective follow-up techniques, can make these into an additional engagement.
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wow clients with trend analysis

// the statement of operations with the balance sheet. bonus: the five numbers needed to run a better business.

by ed mendlowitz
77 ways to wow!

the sample statement of operations report below was created using excel to better illustrate and highlight the differences. this also enabled entering selected percentages, which cannot be done on most computer-generated financial statements. most computerized reports can be exported to excel with a couple of clicks.

more: trends are all around us | six kinds of loan covenants | what’s more profitable, raising or lowering prices? | solos need plans for death, disability | five ways to ward off fraud in not-for-profits
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besides the percentages included below, a helpful percentage would be increase or (decrease) in monthly sales, or any other item you want to track. in the illustration, monthly purchases to sales and cost of goods sold percentages were tracked.
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help heirs with tax issues

two women talkingthey may not see the possible tax ramifications, but you can.

by ed mendlowitz
the 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 practice doctor

inheritance advice and guidance is a valuable service for clients who have lost a loved one and are remembered in the will.

more on marketing: seven questions to suggest estate planning | 28 data points for a financial planning discussion | every client can use financial planning | four reasons to perform tax projections | four additional services to suggest
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most times accountants are not the first ones clients call. usually the attorney is the first person and then a financial planner. we get involved after the fact to “record” the results of what was done on the tax return, or via a phone call asking about the taxation of what they either received or think they will receive.
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seven questions to suggest estate planning

a woman hugs another woman, who is cryingbonus: sample asset distribution worksheet.

by ed mendlowitz
the 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 practice doctor

estate planning is a vital service for many clients who do not have a will or a current will, or who have a will but did not consider major estate planning techniques.

more on marketing: 28 data points for a financial planning discussion | every client can use financial planning | four reasons to perform tax projections | four additional services to suggest
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we have found that many clients with wills had them hurriedly prepared just before a trip or vacation and had very little planning guidance.
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trends are all around us

are you using the knowledge in the best way?

by ed mendlowitz
77 ways to wow!

trends are ubiquitous. those running a business or not-for-profit organization need to be aware of trends that affect how they will operate and remain viable and sustainable.

more: six kinds of loan covenants | 26 ways to wreck a financial projection | three ways to run a break-even analysis | price not always the top consideration in a sale | when an owner dies without a buy-sell agreement | due diligence is in the details
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the language of business is spoken with numbers. numbers themselves are not always important, but the trends that they represent are always important. it is essential for business owners and managers to be aware of and sensitive to changes indicating trends. usually, the trends are not huge waves but slight drifts away from what you are doing and toward a new paradigm.
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28 data points for a financial planning discussion

green checks being made on checklistthe list is long, but it will get your clients thinking.

by ed mendlowitz
the 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 practice doctor

you have a client who is open to financial planning, but how do you get started?

more on marketing: every client can use financial planning | four reasons to perform tax projections | four additional services to suggest
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here is a checklist that can be provided to a client requesting information for a comprehensive financial planning engagement.
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six kinds of loan covenants you need to avoid.

by ed mendlowitz
77 ways to wow!

negotiating the best loan terms, rates and conditions such as an annual cleanup and compensating balance amounts is done with the sharpest skills … not so much skill mining the loan covenants or restrictions.

more: 26 ways to wreck a financial projection | how to prepare business plan financial projections | the top 11 financial statement ratios | eight ways to value a family-owned business | are you ready for a co-owner to drop dead? | simple controls can prevent fraud
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loan covenants determine conditions the borrower must adhere to and when the bank has the right to call the loan, renegotiate the terms and rates, impose additional restrictions or controls, send in an auditor or assess extra charges or fees.
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every client can use financial planning

older man and younger man in meetingand accountants are perfectly positioned to offer it.

by ed mendlowitz
the 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 practice doctor

“financial planning services” is a catchall phrase for any services a client would need for their personal financial security and wealth management and is an outgrowth of tax services and any of the other core services performed for a client. these services can be offered to existing clients or to clients engaging you for the specific service.

more on marketing: four reasons to perform tax projections | four additional services to suggest
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with regard to tax services as the catalyst, the tax return is the roadmap of a client’s financial life. a keen observer can uncover many areas clients can be assisted with.
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26 ways to wreck a financial projection

and some things to do instead.

by ed mendlowitz
77 ways to wow!

hello, i am mr. no and have been asked to explain what i do and why i could be your biggest obstacle.

more: how to prepare business plan financial projections | what’s more profitable, raising or lowering prices? | insurance you might not know you need | solos need plans for death, disability | five ways to ward off fraud in not-for-profits | client hires new manager: you need a plan | anatomy of a fraud | how to explain internal controls to clients
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i can’t help you, but i can definitely hurt you. and i love to hurt those who understate my importance. in reality, there is nothing in it for me to okay a deal, and my reputation and credibility might be hurt, and i could even lose my job if the deal flops. on the other hand, saying no keeps me safe and free from harm.
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how to prepare business plan financial projections

businesswoman at desktop computerinside: a checklist of the five essential elements in projections. a table of basic assumptions. a sample accountants’ report for compilation of a projection.

by ed mendlowitz
77 ways to wow!

a key element of a business plan is the financial projections. basically, these should show how much will be made and how much is needed to accomplish the goals.

more: what’s more profitable, raising or lowering prices? | three ways to run a break-even analysis | price not always the top consideration in a sale | when an owner dies without a buy-sell agreement | due diligence is in the details | manage better with the right financial tools
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putting these together is a much harder task. the projection period is usually five years, although shorter periods are not so uncommon. to prepare the projections a mindset must be established that puts the preparer five years into the future and has them looking back on the five-year history of what has been done.
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four additional services to suggest

overhead view of two businessmen having meetingbonus: sample letters to send clients.

by ed mendlowitz
the 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 practice doctor

in order to help clients work out their problems, we need to give them suggestions and we need to charge the clients an appropriate fee.

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no matter how you price or bill for your services you will be spending time helping them and during that period you will be drawing on your vast experience, knowledge and data base of the client’s affairs.
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what’s more profitable, raising or lowering prices?

woman working on calculator in front of two computer monitorsspecific examples aiming at 30%, 40% profit.

by ed mendlowitz
77 ways to wow!

there is always a conflict in trying to determine whether prices should be increased to make more money or decreased to create a greater demand so the business could make more money.

more: three ways to run a break-even analysis | the top 11 financial statement ratios | eight ways to value a family-owned business | are you ready for a co-owner to drop dead? | simple controls can prevent fraud | charity directors must take theft seriously
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this can be calculated using simple arithmetic based on the break-even analysis model and applying it to a guess of how your customers would react versus the potential to gain added business.
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