get your clients talking about retirement

man with briefcase climbing up ladder to top of giant piggy bankare they over 50? give them your counsel.

by ed mendlowitz
the 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 practice doctor

this is a specific financial planning service that helps clients plan for their retirement. this involves calculating how much a client will have to retire on and how much he or she will need.

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this work can take place one to two years before the expected retirement, or 15 to 20 years earlier. it depends on the client. you may also find yourself doing some quick calculations for a client in his or her early 50s who is being offered early retirement. whatever the case, it is a matter of paramount importance to the client, and must be treated by the accountant as such.
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use constraints to make improvements

scrambled thoughts enter man's head, straightened ones come outif you want different results, you must change the system.

by ed mendlowitz
77 ways to wow!

something is blocking the business from achieving its goal of making more money.

that something is what dr. eli m. goldratt, one of the world’s most sought-after business leaders and authors, calls a constraint.

more: ten strategies for smart collections | be wary of discounting prices | where is your firm in its lifecycle? | six kinds of loan covenants | what’s more profitable, raising or lowering prices? | insurance you might not know you need | solos need plans for death, disability | you don’t need this, but your survivors do
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a constraint is any element or factor that prevents a system from achieving a higher level of performance with respect to its goals. goldratt developed the theory of constraints (toc) to manage business systems better. it is a management philosophy of focusing on the system constraint.
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help clients with employment compensation

older man and younger man in meetingyou might find yourself negotiating a contract.

by ed mendlowitz
how to build a stronger tax practice

this service includes employment contract negotiations and executive compensation review and planning.

more on marketing: how to guide clients through divorce | how to assist investment clubs | when clients remarry | seven questions to suggest estate planning | four reasons to perform tax projections
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who needs this service

every client employed by a mid- to large-size company or a public company will need some sort of employment compensation assistance.
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ten strategies for smart a/r collections

if there are pattern changes, examine why.

by ed mendlowitz
77 ways to wow!

important: the longer it takes to provide the bill, the lower the likelihood of getting paid in full. the value declines as services are performed with the lowest value when work is completed.

more: be wary of discounting prices | the role of strategy in pricing | wow clients with trend analysis | 26 ways to wreck a financial projection | three ways to run a break-even analysis | price not always the top consideration in a sale | when an owner dies without a buy-sell agreement
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eight notes on billing strategies read more →

how to guide clients through divorce

three paper hearts: one whole, one crumpled, one tornnine questions to ask about taxes.

by ed mendlowitz
how to build a stronger tax practice

divorce settlement planning attempts to help clients realize the reality of the financial situation and to suggest ways to settling the financial arrangements before extensive, expensive and drawn-out negotiations, depositions and litigation.

more on marketing: how to assist investment clubs | help clients with basic budgeting | help clients manage their investments | when clients remarry | questions for after tax season | help heirs with tax issues | seven questions to suggest estate planning | 28 data points for a financial planning discussion | every client can use financial planning | four reasons to perform tax projections | four additional services to suggest
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who needs this service

divorce today has become commonplace. with 50 percent of first-time marriages ending in divorce it is a good bet that many of your clients are either in the process of getting divorced or considering it. a simple inquiry can tell you where the client is in the process.
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be wary of discounting prices

plus some thoughts on branding.

by ed mendlowitz
77 ways to wow!

my father’s largest client was a luggage manufacturer with a national brand sold in specialty luggage stores, but not in department stores.

more: the role of strategy in pricing | how to react to trends | trends are all around us | six kinds of loan covenants | what’s more profitable, raising or lowering prices?
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he did this because he wanted to maintain the selling price, did not want discounting and felt his customer base would be more loyal if they did not compete against the larger stores’ discounting policy. he was very successful and very profitable, but probably not as large as he could have been had he had the volume that department stores would have provided.
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how to assist investment clubs

hands raising wine glasses to toastconsider the contacts you’re making.

by ed mendlowitz
how to build a stronger tax practice

investment clubs are a social activity where people of similar backgrounds or interests

  • get together,
  • contribute funds in a periodic manner and
  • research and discuss suitable investments for the group.

more on marketing: help clients with basic budgeting | help clients manage their investments | when clients remarry | questions for after tax season | help heirs with tax issues | seven questions to suggest estate planning | 28 data points for a financial planning discussion | every client can use financial planning | four reasons to perform tax projections | four additional services to suggest
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investment clubs invest the money collectively and maintain a single brokerage account with separate records kept within the club.
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the role of strategy in pricing

businessman and tablet with the word "pricing" above.consider the value conferred to the customer.

by ed mendlowitz
77 ways to wow!

pricing strategies need to vary based upon what is being sold.

products sold range from commodities all the way to highly customized products or services. factors determining the pricing and value to the customer are the product and its classification, the perception of use and value, the impact of branding in creating the quality, ease of availability or degree of scarcity, how delivered and timing and cost of delivery, volume and frequency of orders, inventory needs and type of customer.

more: how to react to trends | where is your firm in its lifecycle? | wow clients with trend analysis | trends are all around us | six kinds of loan covenants | 26 ways to wreck a financial projection | how to prepare business plan financial projections | what’s more profitable, raising or lowering prices? | three ways to run a break-even analysis
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cost is also a factor in the pricing, but it is unrelated to the value to the customer. no business can sustain itself if the pricing does not permit a profit.
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help clients with basic budgeting

couple meeting with investment advisor.some of them might need a reality check. use these worksheets.

by ed mendlowitz
how to build a stronger tax practice

assisting clients who need help with their spending is a valuable service.

more on marketing: help clients manage their investments | when clients remarry | seven questions to suggest estate planning | four reasons to perform tax projections
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clients indicating they are high in debt and particularly credit card debt need help. following are some worksheets you can use to assist clients.
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help clients manage their investments

piggy bank with word "investment"you may not have the expertise, but you likely know someone who does.

by ed mendlowitz
the 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 practice doctor

investment allocation construction is a valuable service that helps a client get a perspective on their investments, their projected assets, the current and prospective cash flow from the investments and measures this against the client’s individual risk tolerance and broad long-range goals.

more on marketing: when clients remarry | questions for after tax season | 28 data points for a financial planning discussion | four reasons to perform tax projections | four additional services to suggest
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many times the client has to be “taught” basic investment principles, techniques and vehicles and have these related to what might be best for the client. then a portfolio model has to be constructed that will provide the right degree of risk with the feelings of security the client needs.
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how to react to trends

businesspeople having a meeting over coffee sitting together at a table discussing a document, young man and two middle-aged women presentbonus: charts that put data into perspective.

by ed mendlowitz
77 ways to wow!

getting the information is useless unless it is used!

that is why trend analyses work – they involve a short, easy and quick way to absorb and to react.

more: where is your firm in its lifecycle? | wow clients with trend analysis | 26 ways to wreck a financial projection | three ways to run a break-even analysis | price not always the top consideration in a sale
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trends are always present – but they need to be recognized and uncovered to be of any use. and then that knowledge needs to be used to change what is being done.
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when clients remarry

older couple on autumn walk with trees in backgroundsix questions to ask.

by ed mendlowitz
the 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 practice doctor

this is primarily a financial planning service for people who are in second marriages, and where there are children from prior marriages.

more on marketing: help heirs with tax issues | seven questions to suggest estate planning | 28 data points for a financial planning discussion | every client can use financial planning | four reasons to perform tax projections | four additional services to suggest
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who needs this service

this is a valuable service for every remarried client who has children from a former marriage.
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where is your firm in its lifecycle?

// to change if you don’t like what you learn.

by ed mendlowitz
77 ways to wow!

a while ago i gave a speech on business performance measurement and, to prepare, i searched online and found many books on performance measurement, but they were for personnel performance, not for businesses where i found only a dismal few.

more: wow clients with trend analysis | trends are all around us | how to prepare business plan financial projections | the top 11 financial statement ratios | eight ways to value a family-owned business | are you ready for a co-owner to drop dead? | charity directors must take theft seriously | forensic techniques can be fraud deterrence | the hazards of poor internal controls
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however, that’s what i have been doing my entire career, so i was able to put together an enlightening presentation. that also got me thinking about the areas business owners and managers should concentrate on to improve their business’ performance.

for starters, here are three basic premises:
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