treat review procedures like quality control

number 66 questions to ask yourself.

by ed mendlowitz
how to review tax returns: the field-tested update

the purpose of tax return reviews is to ensure the quality of the return.

more: use tax return prep for training and growth
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quality should be defined as an accurate product along with pertinent and applicable tax law benefits applied as well as planning opportunities identified so the client can maximize their financial wealth and security. the review should also uncover and eliminate red flags that might cause a notice or audit.
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use tax return prep for training and growth

man and two women talking in officeplus: 10 reasons to improve your review process.

the 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 busy season barometer: new year, new plans?
join the survey. get the plans.

by ed mendlowitz
how to review tax returns: the field-tested update

tax season is a microcosm of everything done in an accounting practice.

more mendlowitz: 4 reasons to push ahead with tax question research | one can’t-skip touch for tax season | 5 steps for tax season success | help tax clients help you | 3 steps to tax season happiness | 12 ways to have more fun this tax season | bill with the tax return, get paid faster
goprocpa.comexclusively for pro members. log in here or 2022世界杯足球排名 today.

one of the primary concerns of a business is having the proper processes and quality control procedures.

choosing how to properly use the reviewers’ time and interface them with the staff can contribute immensely to a smooth tax season.
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how to waste lunch hour

business colleagues eating meal together and discussing workthis was time that could have been spent working on the business.

by ed mendlowitz
call me before you do anything: the art of accounting

i was recently in manhattan during lunchtime and thought i would drop in at a cpa firm i did some consulting for to see if anyone was available to have a quick lunch with me.

more: why you’re only as good as your staff | staff may surprise you with leadership | problem clients | when pushing the pencil pays off | when to say no to pro bono work | i used to hate quickbooks | things change | how to be ’the other guy’s accountant’
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it was around 12:45. if no one available, no harm done. i showed up (that counts as a “client contact”), would see a few people and then would only be there 10 or so minutes.
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4 reasons to push ahead with tax question research

businessman is dialing phone for advicewhen “quick and easy” isn’t.

by ed mendlowitz
tax season opportunity guide

i keep a few of the one-volume tax guides in my office so i could look up a quick answer when i need to. recently a golf buddy emailed me a question that i thought i could answer quickly. he wanted to know that if he was in the “zero” percent capital gains tax bracket, did that apply to an unlimited amount of capital gains? sounds like a simple question.

more: one can’t-skip touch for tax season | 5 steps for tax season success | help tax clients help you | 3 steps to tax season happiness | 12 ways to have more fun this tax season | bill with the tax return, get paid faster
goprocpa.comexclusively for pro members. log in here or 2022世界杯足球排名 today.

well i looked it up online and then in three one-volume tax guides. only one source had thorough coverage of the issue. i ended up spending an hour on this “simple” question including my emailed response. nothing is simple anymore. 
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one can’t-skip touch for tax season

businessman talking on phone in the officeplus 4 more ideas.

by ed mendlowitz
tax season opportunity guide

occasionally accountants lose touch with their clients, especially during tax season. part of this is because of the crush of work, which is compressed into a pretty short period.

more: 5 steps for tax season success | help tax clients help you | 3 steps to tax season happiness | 12 ways to have more fun this tax season | bill with the tax return, get paid faster
goprocpa.comexclusively for pro members. log in here or 2022世界杯足球排名 today.

we sometimes lose sight that we are working on something the clients consider one of the most important things in their lives at that moment.
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why you’re only as good as your staff

senior businessman mentoring two younger workerseveryone is busy, but work still has to flow smoothly.

by ed mendlowitz
call me before you do anything: the art of accounting

this is a response to a reader who sent me the following email:

more: staff may surprise you with leadership | what’s your negotiating style? | how to make your own opportunities | how i became a published author | large clients we landed from quickbooks consulting | 26 value-added benefits clients need to know
goprocpa.comexclusively for pro members. log in here or 2022世界杯足球排名 today.

all your articles are good, and so was this one about a surprise staff leader.

question: why was it important in your firm, for you personally, to “know” about elliot and the tax manager?

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5 steps for tax season success

man talking to woman with checklistapply consistency to service, processes and standards.

by ed mendlowitz
tax season opportunity guide

one way to guarantee extra work is to have everything always done differently each time it is done.

more on tax season: help tax clients help you | 3 steps to tax season happiness | 12 ways to have more fun this tax season | bill with the tax return, get paid faster
goprocpa.comexclusively for pro members. log in here or 2022世界杯足球排名 today.

not establishing uniform procedures is bad business and unnecessarily consumes part of your life. consistency in performance reduces work and review time and creates a greater reliance on the staff people.
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tax season readiness: 12 ways to a better busy season [live 1-hour webinar]

provide more effective client services. make more money. have more fun.

with ed mendlowitz

accounting firms learned a lot the hard way during the 2019 busy season. from under-trained staff to tech glitches to continuing tax law ambiguity, it’s time to take a breath, cool tempers, and reflect on what needs to be improved.

learn more
thursday, jan. 16
9am pt, 10 am mt, 11am ct, 12pm et
1 hour, 1 cpe

don’t make any major changes in your firm (especially about staff) until you hear the advice in this session from tax season veteran and process expert ed mendlowitz.

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