10 reasons for my success

number 10watch for opportunities.

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by ed mendlowitz
call me before you do anything: the art of accounting

recently i was asked if i could provide some reasons for my success.

more: social security is an asset class | when clients don’t know | why you’re only as good as your staff | why tax time is the best time to get new business | becoming a ‘media star’ | don’t pass up opportunities | why we train on excel, word and adobe | stop pricing by the hour | getting by giving back
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this gave me an opportunity to think about it and i came up with a list of 10 reasons that i am presenting here. i hope you take away some ideas from this. if you have your own list, i would appreciate it if you would share it with me.
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what makes a good tax season client?

green cast iron sign with white 16 painted on it16 positive qualities.

by ed mendlowitz
tax season opportunity guide

clients are our customers who pay our salaries and present us with stimulating opportunities allowing us to grow.

more: do your clients feel important? | 5 small leaks to beware during tax season | 5 tax review keys | 4 reasons to push ahead with tax question research | one can’t-skip touch for tax season | 5 steps for tax season success | help tax clients help you | 3 steps to tax season happiness | 12 ways to have more fun this tax season | bill with the tax return, get paid faster
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there is no such thing as a bad or nuisance client – although there are clients who sometimes do bad or nuisance things.
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do your clients feel important?

portrait of a mature businesswoman giving a binder8 ways to delight them.

by ed mendlowitz
tax season opportunity guide

clients are our customers. they pay our salary and enable us to make good livings. do what you can to accommodate them and make them feel important – as important as they believe they are.

more: 5 small leaks to beware during tax season | 5 tax review keys | 4 reasons to push ahead with tax question research | one can’t-skip touch for tax season | 5 steps for tax season success | help tax clients help you | 3 steps to tax season happiness | 12 ways to have more fun this tax season
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also be user-friendly – do not make it difficult to work with you. clients don’t know how smart we are. they think we are great, but they measure us by the small things – the good and bad.
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social security as an asset class

scale with coins on one side, alarm clock on the otherwithdraw funds from elsewhere.

by ed mendlowitz
call me before you do anything: the art of accounting

if you have ever worked in the united states or were married to someone who did, the chances are you will eventually receive social security benefits.

more: when clients don’t know | when the kids don’t want to take over | staff may surprise you with leadership | problem clients | when pushing the pencil pays off | when to say no to pro bono work | i used to hate quickbooks | things change
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there are different ages when regular benefits can start beginning at age 62. the longer the benefits are delayed, the greater they will be … until reaching age 70.
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when clients don’t know

two older businessmen talkinginvestigate motive before diving in.

by ed mendlowitz
call me before you do anything: the art of accounting

we all have clients who wonder what their business is worth and sometimes imagine getting away from it all.

more: when the kids don’t want to take over | how to waste lunch hour | what’s your negotiating style? | how to make your own opportunities | how i became a published author | large clients we landed from quickbooks consulting | 26 value-added benefits clients need to know | how an out-of-work tax preparer ‘saved’ our lives
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some even sell, but many more talk about starting the process but are not really committed to selling.
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5 small leaks that can sink a tax season

tiny businessman standing on dripping faucetshut them off before they cause great damage.

by ed mendlowitz
tax season opportunity guide

some people are micromanagers and anal with details. others are big-picture managers, letting details take care of themselves.  neither is completely effective and both disciplines need to be balanced.

more: 5 tax review keys | 4 reasons to push ahead with tax question research | help tax clients help you | bill with the tax return, get paid faster
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there is a time for details and a time for big-picture thinking. when setting up procedures and processes it is essential that all details be considered and planned for. once the process is set up, there should be brief but continuous monitoring. and then the big-picture thinking should take over – that is where you will make your money.
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when the kids don’t want to take over

if you didn’t have time pressure, how might your planning change?

by ed mendlowitz
call me before you do anything: the art of accounting

i had a client who had five sons and three daughters who worked in his business. their ages ranged from 28 to 48. i was helping him with exit planning and suggested that i could possibly structure a transaction where either some or all of his children could buy his business.

more: how to waste lunch hour | why you’re only as good as your staff | why tax time is the best time to get new business | becoming a ‘media star’ | don’t pass up opportunities
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he liked the idea and i told him to meet with them and suggest it.
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5 tax review keys

thorough always beats sloppy.

by ed mendlowitz
tax season opportunity guide

don’t be sloppy instead of thorough.

all work has to be reviewed. and clients and others look at it.

more on tax season: 4 reasons to push ahead with tax question research | one can’t-skip touch for tax season | 5 steps for tax season success | help tax clients help you | 3 steps to tax season happiness | 12 ways to have more fun this tax season | bill with the tax return, get paid faster
goprocpa.comexclusively for pro members. log in here or 2022世界杯足球排名 today.

sloppy work is always evident and usually incomplete. thorough work is careful and usually complete.
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