41 items to check on business tax returns

woman's hand using a pencil on notepada handy reviewer’s checklist.

by ed mendlowitz
tax season opportunity guide

client ________________________ year _____

prepared by ___________________ date _____

more: 9 overlooked tax season resources | more services for your tax clients | can your reviewers answer these 10 questions? | 5 small leaks that can sink a tax season | 3 steps to tax season happiness
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notes: 1) the term “owners” will be used to refer to stockholders, partners or members, as the case may be. 2) even though “trial balance” is used in this checklist, you can use the company’s financial statements if those were what were used for the preparation of the tax return, or computer-generated statements.
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good preparer procedures will reduce review time

green checks being made on checklistbonus: a 28-point checklist.

by ed mendlowitz
how to review tax returns: the field-tested update

the better the quality of the return that is submitted to the reviewer, the easier it will be for the reviewer allowing them to spend more time using their brain instead of their eyes.

more: why ‘tick and tie’ needs to die | use tax return prep for training and growth
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many procedures whose purpose is to reduce reviewer’s time will add to the preparer’s time and occasionally will add to the total time for the return. that is so and should be acceptable because there are more preparers than reviewers.
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my top 10 personal game changers

what does your list look like?

by ed mendlowitz
call me before you do anything: the art of accounting

a number of single actions or happenings helped spur great success for me. there have been many, but here are some of the top ones that come to mind.

more: my top 10(ish) regrets | getting bonuses from clients | be an accountant, not a salesperson for other things | when clients don’t know | why you’re only as good as your staff | why tax time is the best time to get new business | becoming a ‘media star’ | don’t pass up opportunities exclusively for pro members. log in here or 2022世界杯足球排名 today.

the order is not significant – it is just how i wrote them.
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9 overlooked tax season resources

happy family of four outdoors in winter clothing on snowdon’t take them for granted.

by ed mendlowitz
tax season opportunity guide

we have many resources and need to recognize that. and we need to treat each with its own importance. even if you did everything yourself, you’d still need to rely on your tax software company, fedex and the postal service, stationery supplier, computer consultant, the internet and email, cell phone provider and copier/scanner machine. and that’s just a few of the resources we rely on. managing your resources well creates an aura of security and consistency to your practice.

more: more services for your tax clients | keep these tax clients while you have the chance | what makes a good tax season client? | 5 tax review keys | 5 steps for tax season success | 12 ways to have more fun this tax season
goprocpa.comexclusively for pro members. log in here or 2022世界杯足球排名 today.

but there more. and they are often overlooked. or taken for granted. here are some more resources that need to be managed:
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my top 10(ish) regrets

what would you change?

by ed mendlowitz
call me before you do anything: the art of accounting

i’ve written about the 10 reasons for my success. i received quite a few calls about that and i came up with some regrets, so i’m sharing them here.

more: getting bonuses from clients | yes, christopher columbus had an accountant | 10 reasons for my success | when the kids don’t want to take over | staff may surprise you with leadership
goprocpa.comexclusively for pro members. log in here or 2022世界杯足球排名 today.

1. not taking off fridays: i could have taken off either every friday or monday and extended the weekend.
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more services for your tax clients

woman and man shaking hands across a desk40 options, plus a checklist for making matches.

by ed mendlowitz
tax season opportunity guide

the following listing can give you ideas of additional services clients might need.

more: keep these tax clients while you have the chance | what’s not to like about tax season? | do your clients feel important? | 4 reasons to push ahead with tax question research | help tax clients help you
goprocpa.comexclusively for pro members. log in here or 2022世界杯足球排名 today.

this list is not complete, but it is a good start for you to start thinking about what types of additional services you can offer to your clients!
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getting bonuses from clients

man putting dollars into suit pocketalso: value pricing vs. value billing.

by ed mendlowitz
call me before you do anything: the art of accounting

i’ve written about being independent and not selling financial services or products to clients. quite a few people called me to ask about “value billing” and how that fits in. here are some comments.

more: yes, christopher columbus had an accountant | my ‘brand’ is the exciting history of accounting | social security is an asset class | how to waste lunch hour | what’s your negotiating style? | how to make your own opportunities | how i became a published author
goprocpa.comexclusively for pro members. log in here or 2022世界杯足球排名 today.

to start, value pricing is a pretty straightforward issue for those who truly value price and a misunderstood issue for most who do not. i cannot treat it completely in a short article and refer my readers to ron baker’s book, “implementing value pricing.” however, today i will address the focus of my caller’s questions about value “bonuses” from clients.
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keep these tax clients while you have the chance

portrait of an angry man yelling on the phone21 reasons they switch firms.

by ed mendlowitz
tax season opportunity guide

clients have many choices, including the choice of a tax preparer. every new client an accountant gets is because that client left – fired – their previous accountant.

more: what’s not to like about tax season? | can your reviewers answer these 10 questions? | 5 small leaks that can sink a tax season | one can’t-skip touch for tax season | 3 steps to tax season happiness
goprocpa.comexclusively for pro members. log in here or 2022世界杯足球排名 today.

so why do clients leave? here are 21 good reasons why they should: read more →