when time-based pricing works

time is money : clock hands on $100 billswhat is most fair?

by ed mendlowitz
call me before you do anything: the art of accounting

back in 1980, i got a pretty large client and quoted a fixed annual fee to start, which would cover the routine regular work.

more: the clients that got away | cross-selling beyond your comfort zone | a test of concentration | value pricing in uncharted waters | i am an accountant because of clients like stanley | advising cheapskates | getting bonuses from clients
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after about three months i was asked to suggest some methods of compensating highly paid managers and to present them at a meeting in two weeks. i put together a memo with a few suggestions. when i showed up for the meeting, there were four other “groups” who were given the same assignment. one was the client’s law firm, one was the personal accountant for the client’s lady friend (who later became his wife), another was an insurance agent and one was an employee benefit plan specialist.
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start marketing now for next season

no, it’s not too early to begin planning.

by ed mendlowitz
tax season opportunity guide

marketing takes many forms. further, many accountants are not trained in marketing. i also know that while most cpas want more business, they are too busy with what they have to be actively seeking new business. additionally, marketing can be external, internal or retentive.

more: 4 reasons not to let staff go after tax season | nine keys to success and growth | what kind of accountant are you? | covid tests accountants’ entrepreneurial talents | have you gotten where you wanted yet?
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external is where new clients are solicited. that takes effort, ingenuity, time and maybe even some money.
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the clients that got away

businesswoman at desk smiling as she talks to manlearning the hard way how to manage perceptions.

by ed mendlowitz
call me before you do anything: the art of accounting

when i started out i lost clients. very few, but still losses.

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some couldn’t be helped, such as a bank wanting a larger, more established, and better-capitalized firm. but some, early on, could have been retained, and that is what i want to talk about today.
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4 reasons not to let staff go after tax season

midsection of businessman moving out with cardboard box from officewhat will you need to pick up when they’re gone?

by ed mendlowitz
the 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 practice doctor

question: i am planning on letting go of some staff after tax season and will hire replacements at a higher level. any suggestions?

more: good preparer procedures will reduce review time | 10 things not to say during tax season | top 12 tax return errors | why ‘tick and tie’ needs to die | use tax return prep for training and growth
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answer: 1) your implication is that you will hire replacements at a higher level.
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cross-selling beyond your comfort zone

three people having discussion at table over document and water glassesbenefit your clients and yourself.

by ed mendlowitz
call me before you do anything: the art of accounting

in my practice i have always tried to generate additional revenue from existing clients.

more: how auditing is like a pirouette | upselling made painless | boosting a fixed fee substantially | creative ways to retain staff | what cpas can learn from lawyers and doctors | my top 10(ish) regrets | my ‘brand’ is the exciting history of accounting | what’s your negotiating style?
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it was much easier than searching for new clients. it was also fun because i had an attentive audience when i spoke, and it gave me the satisfaction of helping a client.
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how auditing is like a pirouette

ballet dancer performing a pirouettethe key: focus.

by ed mendlowitz
call me before you do anything: the art of accounting

an auditor’s mindset distinguishes a great accountant from an average one.

more: upselling made painless | a test of concentration | staff may surprise you with leadership | when pushing the pencil pays off | i used to hate quickbooks | why we ‘kill’ to get partnership returns out quickly
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the mindset involves really looking at items and not just checking them off. believe it or not, i developed this by watching ballet.
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upselling made painless

you can do it in a way that makes your clients grateful.

by ed mendlowitz
call me before you do anything: the art of accounting

my car had a recall notice and i had to bring it in.

more: boosting a fixed fee substantially | creative ways to retain staff | social security is an asset class | what’s your negotiating style? | how to make your own opportunities
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when i made the appointment, i was told to call the afternoon before to make sure they had the part in stock. annoying, but i did and i was told they had it for me.
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a test of concentration

not so focused after all.

by ed mendlowitz
call me before you do anything: the art of accounting

before covid-19, much of an accountant’s work was done at the client’s premises. however, whenever we are there, it is an intrusion on their routine.

more: boosting a fixed fee substantially | value pricing in uncharted waters | i am an accountant because of clients like stanley | advising cheapskates | getting bonuses from clients | be an accountant, not a salesperson for other things | when clients don’t know
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we need to remember we are guests and should remain “out of sight.” well, let me tell you what happened early on in my career.
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