what is a “reasonable” number of work hours?

clock facesit depends. but you knew that.

by ed mendlowitz
the 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 practice doctor

question: how many hours a year do you recommend staff working?

answer: it depends…

more: make today “day one” of your new business | why does all work take so long? | profit sharing for a staffer? | titles can make people happier | reasons to drop your book of business | are you marketing for 2022 yet?
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the quick answer is: as many as reasonable.
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10 more reasons cpas quit public accounting

midsection of businessman moving out with cardboard box from officebosses are part of the problem.

by ed mendlowitz
call me before you do anything: the art of accounting

as i have written about cpas who leave public accounting, there has been widespread interest. there is a lot more to say so i’ll address many of those questions.

more: family trees of clients | preparing for the worst (thanks to my wife) | the 10 best movie accountants | why accountants quit | why cpas should stay in public accounting | when cpas leave to work for a client | when siblings battle over the family business | readers rip: ‘she wanted her shoebox back’
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general comment

generally speaking, many bosses do not listen to staff concerns. at many firms, there is a lack of serious mentoring and little help for staff people in managing their careers. in many practices, there is an appearance of a lack of growth, or if there is growth, then staff people are often left behind. in most instances, these problems are exacerbated by staff people not being clear about what they want. they are hesitant to speak up, share their concerns with their bosses or venture beyond their comfort zone. both are culpable, but i place greater blame on the bosses, who should know better.
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make today “day one” of your new business

businessman stuck in pavementhow to get out of a rut.

by ed mendlowitz
the 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 practice doctor

question: my practice seems to be in a rut.

more: why does all work take so long? | don’t like checklists? find a new job. | the secret recipe for staff retention | help! key staffer refuses to supervise people | get more done by saying no | don’t fire that staffer! | employee demands a raise she doesn’t deserve
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we are not growing, our services haven’t changed and our client turnover is almost nonexistent. any suggestions of what we can do?
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why does all work take so long?

businesswoman with headache at laptopsticking points can materialize anytime.

by ed mendlowitz
the 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 practice doctor

question: everything in my office seems to take too long, and i can’t put my finger on why. can you provide any guidance?

more: don’t like checklists? find a new job. | five ways to get staff to own their work | writing a reference? here’s how | 44 key attributes for assessing staffers | make cpe worth your while | what to do with a lousy client? | but i am managing! | how to run a practice in 90 pages
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answer: common problem.
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when clients want to sell

sometimes the tough part is getting the information.

by ed mendlowitz
the 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 practice doctor

question: i received this email from an accountant:

more: don’t like checklists? find a new job. | five ways to get staff to own their work | writing a reference? here’s how | 44 key attributes for assessing staffers | make cpe worth your while | what to do with a lousy client?
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ed, we have a client in princeton, new jersey, who owns a weekly newspaper who is looking to sell. wondering if there is a client in your firm who may be interested in buying, just a thought. read more →

family trees of clients

//www.g005e.com/?p=77973have you taken the time to trace your referrals?

by ed mendlowitz
call me before you do anything: the art of accounting

for those of us in public accounting, there is a continual need to get new clients. many times we look beyond what we have for the “new” when the growth is there for the taking.

more: the 10 best movie accountants | why accountants quit | when siblings battle over the family business | how bickering can ruin a family business | the six types of “impossible” clients | you’re not just taxes | granting unconventional request pays off | 20 best practices for staff training and retention
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one of the most important ways a practice can grow is for existing clients to recommend new clients. i have always valued such referral sources, and this value surpasses the fees they pay us. they look out for us and help us grow – i owe them!
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when the last accountant was truly incompetent

not just bad, but malpractice-level wrong.

by ed mendlowitz
the 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 practice doctor

question: i was asked to consult with a client selling his business and provided a fixed-fee estimate for the project. the fee was layered based upon how the project progresses.

more: don’t like checklists? find a new job. | five ways to get staff to own their work | writing a reference? here’s how | 44 key attributes for assessing staffers | make cpe worth your while | what to do with a lousy client? | but i am managing! | how to run a practice in 90 pages | how improv can help accountants | four tips for new partners | an alternative to pro bono
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i am usually pretty good at estimating what these things cost, also considering that the accountant might not have done too good of a job and some minor fixing up is needed.  however, in this situation the reports the accountant prepared were totally wrong and needed massive changes. how should i handle this?
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preparing for the worst (thanks to my wife)

get the free practice-continuation toolkit.

by ed mendlowitz
call me before you do anything: the art of accounting

one morning my wife and i were having breakfast and she asked me, “what do i do if you and peter get killed?”

more: the 10 best movie accountants | why accountants quit | when siblings battle over the family business | how bickering can ruin a family business | why annual staff evaluations fall short | why create an accounting firm business model? | the clients that keep you awake at night | creating a cross-selling culture
goprocpa.comexclusively for pro members. log in here or 2022世界杯足球排名 today.

this was a friday and peter weitsen and i were flying together on sunday to a conference in palm springs. my response to these questions was typical: “don’t bother me. nothing will happen!”
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