ask these 10 questions before adding financial services

remember it’s a new business.

by ed mendlowitz
101 questions and answers: managing an accounting practice, the complete 2-volume set

q: i am thinking of adding financial services to my practice. what are your thoughts?

more: selling your practice is not a retirement strategy | thirteen things to know before selling your practice | 10 reasons clients don’t pay
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a: for starters, “financial services” means selling investment products or managing money. this is different from adding financial planning, which i see as an extension of and a next step to sound tax planning for clients.
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selling your practice is not a retirement strategy

consider your other possible sources.

by ed mendlowitz
101 questions and answers: managing an accounting practice

q: i’ve heard you say that you shouldn’t count on anything from your practice when you decide to retire. are you serious?

more: thirteen things to know before selling your practice | 10 reasons clients don’t pay
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a: i probably said that, but it was in the context of planning for guaranteed cash flow in retirement. a practice’s value is never guaranteed until the checks clear.
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thirteen things to know before selling your practice

older businessman sitting at desk smiling as wall clock indicates 5 minutes to retirementtiming is critical.

by ed mendlowitz
101 questions and answers: managing an accounting practice, the complete 2-volume set

q: i am getting older and want to continue working at least five more years. should i merge now to anticipate and facilitate a buyout?

a: selling means retiring. is that something you want to do?

more: 10 reasons clients don’t pay
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i’ve written many times about being clear about your goals and what you really want. that being said, here is a general discussion about the reality of the value of your practice.
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10 reasons clients don’t pay

person writing check with pen and checkbookand what to do about it.

by ed mendlowitz
101 questions and answers: managing an accounting practice, the complete 2-volume set

q: i always have large amounts owed to me from clients. is there anything i can do about this?

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a: absolutely! my feelings are that large a/r balances are your fault. accounting fees are almost never material to a business’ cost structure, but letting fees pile up can make them somewhat material.
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when clients say ‘no’

serious businesswoman holding up hand in stop signalfour ways to deal with their decision.

by ed mendlowitz
call me before you do anything: the art of accounting

i found out many years ago that i cannot spend my clients’ money.

i used to feel that if they did not want to “buy” a service i felt they must have, it meant i did not clearly convey the value to them. i do not feel this way anymore because the value is relative and draws on many issues the client might have and that i am not privy to.

more: when good things happen | when an employee’s growth has gaps | my first trainee | the growing pains of a small firm | giving clients the best you’ve got | why map programs are essential | how to become a specialist | secrets in specialties | making sure the son got proper credit | yes, shirt logos can matter | 10 more reasons cpas quit public accounting
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in my earlier days i used to do the work anyway, feeling a responsibility to the client. it took me quite a while to realize that the responsibility is the clients’ and if they did not want to spend their money for it, i should not spend part of my life doing it on a pro bono basis. there were also times i felt the work was so essential to the client that i did it expecting their recognition of the importance and willingness to pay me afterward. stupid! my bad!
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when good things happen

be open to unexpected opportunities.

by ed mendlowitz
call me before you do anything: the art of accounting

my friend al is a sole practitioner with seven staff members and a thriving audit practice, besides the typical tax and small business tax clients.

more: when an employee’s growth has gaps | my first trainee | the growing pains of a small firm | giving clients the best you’ve got | why map programs are essential | how to become a specialist | secrets in specialties | making sure the son got proper credit | yes, shirt logos can matter | 10 more reasons cpas quit public accounting | family trees of clients
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he is getting older, and while he has no plans to retire and is actively trying to grow his practice, he periodically meets with larger firms to see if there is an interest in acquiring his practice when that day comes. by doing this he stumbled on a fantastic business development formula.
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when an employee’s growth has gaps

older man and younger man in meetingwhere did all that experience go?

by ed mendlowitz
call me before you do anything: the art of accounting

we hired sam out of school and he worked for us for two and a half years and then we split up our firm. this was ages ago and sy and i left our third partner to form our new firm on jan. 1.

more: my first trainee | the growing pains of a small firm | giving clients the best you’ve got | why map programs are essential | how to become a specialist | secrets in specialties | making sure the son got proper credit | yes, shirt logos can matter | 10 more reasons cpas quit public accounting | family trees of clients | preparing for the worst (thanks to my wife)
goprocpa.comexclusively for pro members. log in here or 2022世界杯足球排名 today.

however, there is a valuable lesson here and i think it is worth sharing. it changed the way we hired staff.
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