routine is key to reviewing tax returns

young man riding hour hand of clockgot info they need? don’t delay.

by ed mendlowitz
how to review tax returns: the field-tested update

reviewing returns is a technical process. however, there are times that the mechanical functioning of tax season interferes with or alters the reviewer routine and momentum.

more: why you can’t skip checklists | tax review procedures are your quality control | seven types of tax return reviews | how to turn tax returns into new business
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most returns are reviewed on a fifo basis as they are transferred to the reviewer. however, in many firms returns are pushed to the head of the line for many reasons – some legitimate, such as the client is going on a vacation, and some because the partner wants to get a return out to the client.
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do you need a forensic professional?

numbers floating around man examining calculator with magnifying glassplus: four ways to improve your systems.

by ed mendlowitz
77 ways to wow!

various professionals and consultants can set up controls with in-house accountants, the cfo and financial professionals employed by the firm, but they then leave, and the organization is left with administering it. unless there is a highly disciplined and committed leadership within the company, the initial enthusiasm dissipates soon after.

more: forensic techniques can be fraud deterrence | anatomy of a fraud | how to explain internal controls to clients | organization minutes too often overlooked | the seven-minute financial statement | the kpi an absentee manager needs
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a trained forensic professional will detect flaws and cracks in systems and plug them up. they are also transaction-oriented, more than procedure-oriented, so they examine more closely how things are being done and look for subtle deviations from how they are supposed to be done. this skill should be employed in oversight and periodic monitoring of the controls they helped establish.
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why you can’t skip checklists

do you want tax returns fast or right?//

by ed mendlowitz
how to review tax returns: the field-tested update

this is an area i feel very strongly about, and it is a major reason for the success of the better firms and the lack of growth of smaller firms.

more: tax review procedures are your quality control | seven types of tax return reviews | how to turn tax returns into new business
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by my way of thinking, a system must be established to assure the greatest quality at every level, reduce the number of touches per return, and present the client with the type of return he or she is relying on you to deliver. this system only works if there are the right processes and procedures and a strict adherence to them, and this includes the careful and deliberate use of checklists.
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tax review procedures are your quality control

six questions to ask yourself.

by ed mendlowitz
how to review tax returns: the field-tested update

the purpose of tax return reviews is to assure the quality of the return.

more: seven types of tax return reviews | how to turn tax returns into new business
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quality should be defined as an accurate product along with pertinent and applicable tax law benefits applied as well as planning opportunities identified so the client could maximize their financial wealth and security.
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forensic techniques can be fraud deterrence

businessman manager using tablet check and control for workers with modern trade warehouse global business commerce concept or import-export commercial logistic.bonus: 11 examples of “control culture” services.

by ed mendlowitz

trained forensic professionals investigate accounting and financial transactions that are, or will become, subject to legal proceedings. it is an early step in a potential war, and many times it is the first shot.

more: six benefits of an internal audit | the ten financial controls that’ll make you a hero | five cash reports you can’t live without | when an audit is a great thing
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attorneys and c-level executives are often not familiar with forensic techniques and see them as a means to quantify a loss. financial forensics also provides a means to deter and detect fraud. today, i share my views on the value of forensic techniques used to deter fraud and encourage cvas to consider attending the cti’s forensic accounting academy™ or fraud risk management courses offered through the maff programs.
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tax return prep: commodity or professional service?

two businessmen talking across a deskthink of where your value is added.

by ed mendlowitz
how to review tax returns: the field-tested update

question: are tax returns commodities or the result of a professional service?

more: seven types of tax return reviews | how to turn tax returns into new business
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answer re: commodity

if you believe tax returns are a commodity, then you will also believe there is no product differentiation and the business should go to the lowest cost provider. there is nothing wrong with you thinking this way and running your practice accordingly.  however, you should still want to provide a complete and error-free tax return.
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anatomy of a fraud

can you spot the five accounting weak points?

by ed mendlowitz
77 ways to wow!

in this fraud, ing, an extremely large and well-known financial services company, had approximately $8.5 million stolen from it by a single employee for a little more than four years.

more: six benefits of an internal audit | the hazards of poor internal controls | rule #1: start with cash | the priorities were backward | how to read a financial statement | 77 thoughts about client needs
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here’s how it worked:

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seven types of tax return reviews

businessman shaking hands with grim reaperit’s time for “tick and tie” to die.

by ed mendlowitz
how to review tax returns: the field-tested update

there are numerous ways to review tax returns. most reviewers have their own techniques, and some alter these based on

  • the type of or size of the return, or
  • who the preparer is or
  • who the partner in charge of that client is.

more: how to turn tax returns into new business
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there is nothing wrong with this as long as the reviewer is experienced and really knows their stuff.
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