are you ready for a co-owner to drop dead?

man holding white rose with lit candles in backgroundwhat you have to have in place.

by ed mendlowitz
77 ways to wow!

not having a buy-sell agreement doesn’t mean anything unless a co-owner dies, becomes disabled, becomes bankrupt, divorced, wants to quit, retire or many other things. i regularly receive calls from accountants on behalf of clients who need valuations because a co-owner had died suddenly without a buy-sell agreement.

more: you don’t need this, but your survivors do | due diligence is in the details | manage better with the right financial tools | do you need a forensic professional? | six benefits of an internal audit | the ten financial controls that’ll make you a hero
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here is a bleak picture of what happens and what can be avoided. the scenario: a business owned by two friends who started it 20 years earlier. they’re pretty successful, they make good livings, fund their pension plans, and they have money left over each year to provide for modest growth. but they haven’t accumulated any extra savings and they still have home mortgages and kids in college. they are both 50. and then one dies suddenly. the survivor must buy the interest from the estate of his deceased partner. but he doesn’t know what to offer and can’t afford too much.
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10 errors that ‘smart’ scanners make

man staring at computer screen in shockdon’t have one? ask another firm for a demo.

by ed mendlowitz
how to review tax returns: the field-tested update

for those who haven’t tried them yet, smart scanners are a fabulous tool, which, if used correctly can save time and cost. the one thing they don’t do is check their work.

more: three ways to improve tax returns | tax follow-up worksheets can mean more revenue | stop tax return review shortcuts | routine is key to reviewing tax returns | seven types of tax return reviews
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however, smart scanners do not need lunch or dinner brought into the office, don’t take coffee or smoke breaks and you don’t have to listen to how their weekend was. but they do organize the digital work papers on your internal filing system. nothing is perfect but many things are good enough and you just need to determine your tradeoffs.
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you don’t need this, but your survivors do

bonus checklists: 16 steps to reviewing a buy-sell agreement and 20 issues to consider.

by ed mendlowitz
77 ways to wow!

nobody needs an estate plan, exit plan or a buy-sell agreement. but their families and survivors do.

more: due diligence is in the details | simple controls can prevent fraud | charity directors must take theft seriously | forensic techniques can be fraud deterrence | the hazards of poor internal controls | rule #1: start with cash | the priorities were backward | how to read a financial statement | 77 thoughts about client needs
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estate plans are done so that the remaining family members can have liquidity, minor children will have guardians of your choosing with a dependable cash flow, children won’t fight (too much) over the money, people of your choice will collect and distribute assets and make transfers in an orderly manner, and estate and inheritance taxes can be minimized as can the costs of settling the estate.
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three ways to improve tax returns

think “quality control,” not “review.”

by ed mendlowitz
how to review tax returns: the field-tested update

it occurs to me that there is a difference in the quality between the returns someone does for himself or herself and the returns they do for their clients.

more: tax follow-up worksheets can mean more revenue | tax: the procedural checklists your firm needs | don’t use eyes, use brain | stop tax return review shortcuts | the best way to review a tax return | three types of tax return reviews | routine is key to reviewing tax returns | why you can’t skip checklists | tax review procedures are your quality control | seven types of tax return reviews | how to turn tax returns into new business
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an informal survey by me showed that the percentage of returns with errors of sole practitioners and partners in cpa firms is less than 2 percent, while the percentage of errors by their staff ranges from a low of 25 percent to a high of 95 percent! why the difference? note that preparer errors are measured by the completed returns they submit for review. and sole practitioner and partner errors are measured by whether a notice was sent by a tax agency or an error is discovered when the following year’s return is being prepared.
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due diligence is in the details

every team member must do their part.

by ed mendlowitz
77 ways to wow!

in 2012, hewlett-packard announced an $8.8 billion deduction claiming that they overpaid for an acquisition because of the failure of many other people who were responsible for due diligence. i don’t know many of the details, but it seems that someone screwed up big-time.

more: simple controls can prevent fraud | five ways to ward off fraud in not-for-profits | client hires new manager: you need a plan | anatomy of a fraud | how to explain internal controls to clients | organization minutes too often overlooked | the seven-minute financial statement | the kpi an absentee manager needs
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due diligence is an essential activity in an acquisition that involves confirming the representations made by the seller, evaluating the strategic fit and terms and conditions of the deal and validating financial, legal, operational and technological aspects of the transaction. keen due diligence can even help determine the final price.
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tax follow-up worksheets can mean more revenue

samples included here.

by ed mendlowitz
how to review tax returns: the field-tested update

there are two types of work papers that are generated by the reviewer. one is the reviewer’s notes-based errors found and corrections that need to be made. this should be kept in any manner the reviewer wants, but after the return is completed this should be discarded and not kept in the files. this is done to mitigate liability issues should the workpapers be subject to a subpoena.

more: tax: the procedural checklists your firm needs | don’t use eyes, use brain | three types of tax return reviews | tax review procedures are your quality control | how to turn tax returns into new business
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the other is a tax season follow-up form based on issues disclosed by the preparer, reviewer or partner. the follow-up worksheet is a client service and practice development tool. it provides a uniform method of recording items that need follow-up.
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simple controls can prevent fraud

businessman holding up magnifying glasseven their existence can be a deterrent.

by ed mendlowitz
77 ways to wow!

i’ve talked about fraud in not-for-profits, but it is also a serious issue for business firms. here are some cash fraud scenarios and prevention techniques that can apply to all types of organizations.

more: five ways to ward off fraud in not-for-profits | manage better with the right financial tools | do you need a forensic professional? | six benefits of an internal audit | the ten financial controls that’ll make you a hero | five cash reports you can’t live without
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scenario: one employee who is responsible for, or has access to, the handling, recording and mailing of cash disbursements creates a non-existing vendor who sends the company invoices, which are paid.
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tax: the procedural checklists your firm needs

best practices for individual and business returns.

by ed mendlowitz
how to review tax returns: the field-tested update

ask a preparer who submits returns with errors, “is this the best you can do?”

better yet, have the reviewer ask the question before accepting the return for review.

more: don’t use eyes, use brain | stop tax return review shortcuts | routine is key to reviewing tax returns | seven types of tax return reviews
goprocpa.comexclusively for pro members. log in here or 2022世界杯足球排名 today.

ask yourself this question after you hear that a return was submitted for review that needed extensive corrections: “why am i letting the future of my firm depend on people who keep making errors on tax returns?”

comment: the future of your firm means your future wealth and your eventual financial security.

question for you: why do you put up with the pattern of continuous errors on tax returns?
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