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卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 is providing free access to some of our latest updates on the coronavirus crisis. start here for a guide
believe it or not – and like it or not – we are in the early days of the pandemic. this situation is going to go on for a while. but we are already in a brave new world of new rules and new ways of doing business.
the coronavirus has already forced a number of changes on the accounting industry and on its clients. some changes are ad hoc solutions. some are innovative ways of doing business. some are still awkward, flawed and unpolished. and some have yet to be invented. accountants should be on the vanguard of change – for their own businesses and those of their clients.
to survive, tax and accounting practices are going to need to take precautionary and proactive measures to ensure their financial continuity. those measures must necessarily include guidance for clients to help them survive. because failing clients mean failing firms.
crisis management is a lot easier if it starts before the crisis hits. here are some steps that accountants can take for themselves and their clients, gleaned from the thousands of accountants and advisors we’ve been hearing from over the past several weeks. read more →
like just about every other business in the world, cpa practices are hunkering down for a year of hard times. yet a third of them think they can buck the odds and see some increase this year.
back in the bullish days of february, the 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 2020 busy season barometer was reflecting expectations of more clients, burgeoning revenue, and increased profit, with a medium-chance of more extensions.
but these bearish days see most practitioners expecting a year stagnant at best and quite likely worse than stagnant in all benchmarks of success.
to help accountants save 10,000 businesses in the battle against the foundering economy.
by 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间
andrew argue is on a mission – a mission to help accountants save 10,000 businesses from the covid business crash.
his practice development training platform,, has built a covid-19 “wartime response plan” for tax and accounting firm by providing results-focused training, accountability, and technology, argue tells 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间.
to be sure, argue comes with some controversy. clearly, he has helped thousands of accountants increase their revenues, and spawned a flock of former students who have launched their own look-alike programs. but, just as clearly, he has his detractors. for one thing, he asserts having a cpa license, or even a college degree, need not be an impediment to success in tax and accounting. his teaching methods are assertively challenging. and his focus on aggressive internet-focused marketing rubs some traditionalists the wrong way.
today, he’s focusing his training for accountants on at least 12 areas: read more →
ages ago—back in february, b.c. (before covid)—the 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 2020 busy season barometer survey found that out of 14 common concerns, economic conditions were of the least concern, the bottom of the list, worrying just eight percent of respondents.
under the historically unprecedented pressures of the covid-19 pandemic, u.s. accounting firms large and small are adapting as fast as they can—or rather, as fast as they must.
practitioners are striving, struggling, scrambling to do what they have always done, and on top of that, to learn what they never knew in order to serve clients as in ways they needed to before.
less than three months from when the first cases were reported, the pandemic has taken the lives of over 70,000 americans and is approaching 3,000 deaths a day. while the pandemic has been a shock to the economy, tax and accounting practices appear to be maneuvering through it better than many other businesses.
rootworks founder darren root joins right networks as gm and vp strategy.
joel hughes (left) and darren root
by 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 research
signaling a move to broaden its industry footprint, right networks, a leader in cloud-enabled technology solutions for accounting firms and small businesses, has acquired rootworks, which provides accounting firms with tools, resources, and guidance to create a high-performing, proactive modern firm.
rootworks will continue to operate as an independent line of business within right networks with founder darren root serving as rootworks general manager and right networks vice president of market strategy, according to the company announcement.
“while right networks is a leading technology supplier to the accounting profession, we recognize that our firm customers need more than technology to succeed in the face of the profession’s digital transformation,” says joel hughes, ceo of right networks, which counts over 5,000 accounting firms and 180,000 users as clients. “firms need the business context, the ‘why and how,’ in order to adapt and move forward. rootworks has pioneered and perfected a repeatable business model for ‘the modern firm,’ supported by education and dedicated coaching via a technology platform and peer community that fosters success. firms owners need help. right networks with rootworks can deliver the level of help they require.”
private sector employment decreased by 20.2 million jobs from march to april according to the april adp national employment report, and that doesn’t reflect the full impact of covid-19.
a quick scan of the data shows the hardest hit client sectors, with the smallest businesses hit particularly hard.
“job losses of this scale are unprecedented. the total number of job losses for the month of april alone was more than double the total jobs lost during the great recession,” says ahu yildirmaz, co-head of the adp research institute. “additionally, it is important to note that the report is based on the total number of payroll records for employees who were active on a company’s payroll through the 12th of the month. this is the same time period the bureau of labor and statistics uses for their survey.”
steven b. zelin – the singing cpa – is rapping out the praises of the paycheck protection program in his new youtube video aimed at drumming up some new business.
it’s a “fun explanation of the payroll protection program, loans from the small business administration to support small businesses with the economic slowdown from the coronavirus,” says zelin, cpa, and managing member of zelin & associates cpas in new york city.
the coronavirus sure did hit quick. it seems like it’s been here since forever, but it didn’t really strike until halfway through the busy season. there were ominous clouds on the horizon in january, but early respondents to the 2020 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 busy season barometer were generally expressing optimism.
then things went downhill fast. but despite the pressures of the tax season, cpas have been equally fast at adjusting to the new world. they really had little choice. they could innovate. they could close up shop. or they could get really, really sick.
innovation seems to be the most popular choice. read more →
it’s called fraud – maybe not contagious, but it pops up everywhere. on average, an estimated 5 percent of the world’s revenue is lost to fraud each year, a median loss of $125,000, an average loss of $1,509,000.
the prevalence and seriousness of fraud is both opportunity and obligation for cpa practices, not to mention internal audit departments.
according to the 2020 global study on occupational fraud and abuse, just issued by the association of certified fraud examiners, external audits were the source of detection in only 4 percent of 2,504 organizations analyzed in 125 countries. internal audits accounted for 15 percent of detection, and internal controls seem almost not worthwhile, finding only 2 percent of cases of known fraud.
despite increasingly sophisticated fraud detection techniques, tips are still by far the most common way fraud is discovered, responsible for 43 percent of detected cases. read more →