trendwatch: new revenues in financial stress testing

covid pivot: winning new high-value clients with: “trust, but verify.”

by anthony glomski and russ alan prince
your $5-million high-net-worth practice
now on sale: buy now | learn more

for the extremely wealthy, financial stress testing is quite common. just consider the following case.

more: family feud isn’t just a game show | working with the ultra-wealthy | covid-19 brings high-net-worth opportunities | product-neutral or product-inclusive? | help your referral sources become thought leaders | what the wealthy want
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a super-rich individual (net worth = $500 million or more) asked us to examine a tax mitigation strategy he was using. he was quite proud of how ingenious it was and how well it worked. the complication was that some of his business dealings were under scrutiny, and he wanted to make sure his wealth planning would not cause any problems. as part of this tax strategy, he had done several things:
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family feud isn’t just a game show

jason p. trenton
jason p. trenton: how to avoid family feuds.

why you need an estate administrator pro.

by anthony glomski and russ alan prince
your $5-million high-net-worth practice

being named executor of an estate places many legal and fiduciary responsibilities on that person. an executor is entrusted with settling the decedent’s affairs, arranging for the payment of any income and estate taxes, and distributing the assets of the decedent’s estate. in most cases, people choose a loved one or family member to serve as executor.

more: working with the ultra-wealthy | become a thought leader | working with the super-rich and single-family offices | the family office model | the new way to get the best clients | the four-step process for client-focused business development | life insurance as part of wealth management
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“unfortunately, i have seen executors neglect their fiduciary duties during the estate administration period, which has exposed the decedent’s estate to unnecessary legal expenses, tax liability, and family feuds,” said jason trenton, a top trust and estate attorney in the los angeles office of venable llp’s tax and wealth planning practice.
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working with the ultra-wealthy

jason zayon, a partner in the business management & family office group at armanino llp,
jason zayon, armanino: “the accountant becomes the true ‘trusted advisor’ for everything the client needs.”

and how the family office can deliver.

by russ alan prince and anthony glomski
your $5-million high-net-worth practice

in many ways, the accounting industry is under pressure from fee compression and seriously increasing competition. the current crisis is exacerbating the problems some accounting firms are having.

more: become a thought leader | personal wealth creation can be coached | the power of stress testing | guiding clients through covid | maximize referrals from wealthy clients | building a high-net-worth practice during covid-19 | setting financial and practice goals during covid-19mistresses, mister-esses and accountants
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at the same time, certain types of clients and sets of services prove to be extremely profitable for accounting firms. one such type of client is the ultra-wealthy. furthermore, a potentially highly profitable segment of the ultra-wealthy is those with single-family offices.
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become a thought leader

the pros and cons of curation vs. creation.

by anthony glomski and russ alan prince
your $5-million high-net-worth practice

becoming a thought leader is one of the most effective ways to effectively position you and your practice to the ultrawealthy and the other professionals who serve them. think of it as complementing and augmenting the powerful relationships you are building using the everyone wins process.

more: personal wealth creation can be coached | covid-19 brings high-net-worth opportunities | product-neutral or product-inclusive? | what the wealthy want | the essential process for building a high-net-worth practice | 4 components of a high-net-worth practice | the coming boom in tax services for the super-rich
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while there are different ways people define a thought leader, the following captures the actions and outcomes of becoming a thought leader:
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personal wealth creation can be coached

woman executive coaching a male employee across desksix qualities the best candidates have.

by anthony glomski and russ alan prince
your $5-million high-net-worth practice

personal wealth creation coaching is a methodology we use with the wealthy, including the super-rich as well as select professionals. we start personal wealth creation coaching with clients by having them identify where they are today and where they want to be.

more: covid-19 brings high-net-worth opportunities | working with the super-rich and single-family offices | the family office model | the new way to get the best clients | the four-step process for client-focused business development | what the wealthy need
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we find there is always a gap. by leveraging and increasing their networks while enhancing the depth of their business relationships, we show them how to close the gap.
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covid-19 brings high-net-worth opportunities

you (and only you) are in charge of your success.

by anthony glomski and russ alan prince
your $5-million high-net-worth practice

we have presented the following equation:

conviction + process + expertise + the covid-19 crisis =

$5 million high-net-worth practice built quickly

more: working with the super-rich and single-family offices | the power of stress testing | guiding clients through covid | maximize referrals from wealthy clients | building a high-net-worth practice during covid-19 | setting financial and practice goals during covid-19
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so, let us review. working backward …
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working with the super-rich and single-family offices

// means referrals are your best way in.

by anthony glomski and russ alan prince
your $5-million high-net-worth practice

client-focused business development is fundamental. the everyone wins process is effective at every level of wealth. as we said, the everyone wins process is not only business-enhancing, it’s life-enhancing. so, if you are interested in working with the super-rich and with single-family offices, mastering the everyone wins process will serve you well.

more: the power of stress testing | product-neutral or product-inclusive? | help your referral sources become thought leaders | what the wealthy want | the essential process for building a high-net-worth practice | 4 components of a high-net-worth practice | the coming boom in tax services for the super-rich
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on the other hand, you will need to make modifications to how you operate, including what you can deliver to these cohorts when it comes to your high-net-worth practice. an obvious example is that a single-family office will turn to you for all that most high-net-worth practices can deliver. this is extremely rare.
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the power of stress testing

the four steps to take.

by anthony glomski and russ alan prince
your $5-million high-net-worth practice

the everyone wins process is at the center of how you can maximize wealthy client relationships. most often, this is a function of aligning interests. the process is also core to generating new business from these clients and other professionals. the ability to add value often plays a significant role in being referred by other professionals to their best clients.

more: product-neutral or product-inclusive? | the family office model | guiding clients through covid | help your referral sources become thought leaders | the new way to get the best clients | maximize referrals from wealthy clients | what the wealthy want | the four-step process for client-focused business development | building a high-net-worth practice during covid-19 | the essential process for building a high-net-worth practice | what the wealthy need | setting financial and practice goals
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at the same time, there are many different ways to frame your conversations based on the self-interests of the wealthy to optimize their financial worlds and accelerate results. stress testing is one of those ways.
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