plus interview questions, ideas for small firms and more.
by marc rosenberg
cpa firm staff: managing your #1 asset
“in looking for people to hire, you look for three qualities: integrity, intelligence and energy. if they don’t have the first, the other two will kill you.” – warren buffett
“we believe hiring to be the most important first step toward the organization’s success.” – anonymous
more: why developing women partners matters | a better way to provide performance feedback | training? cpe? they’re not the same | six tips for setting compensation | staff crave advancement and challenge | what leadership looks and feels at cpa firms | eleven things that good mentors do | give the recognition your staff needs | the importance of great bosses | how remote work is impacting accounting firms | make work flexibility work for everyone | why staff leave cpa firms … and how to stop them | how to solve the big disconnect in talent management | what relevance means for staffing in accounting | how accounting staffing has changed
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this post offers a plethora of ideas and techniques to recruit staff. all of them can be sorted into eight high-level strategies:
- abr: always be recruiting. we all know that staff are very hard to find and retain. it’s been this way for decades and seems to get worse every year. in the past, firms recruited only if they had an opening. progressive firms proactively recruit 24/7. given the 15-20 percent turnover rate at cpa firms, they never know when a staff person will resign or need to be terminated. but one thing is sure – turnover will occur. if your firm website doesn’t have a section on the careers page that encourages applicants to submit their resume even if there are no openings posted, add one immediately.
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