plus four things to learn about each prospective client.
by jody padar
radical pricing – by the radical cpa
how much would you pay for a bottle of water in the checkout line of a grocery store? maybe $2 or $3, right? you know it costs more per unit than buying a case of water, but at that moment it’s worth it even though it’s the same bottle of water. now, let’s assume you just made the long trek back to your hotel room in las vegas. they have the same bottle of water sitting there for $10. you’re thirsty and don’t want to walk to find a store, so you pay $10 for that bottle conveniently located in your room. the water isn’t different, but the value at that moment in time is subjective.
more: using change orders with scope | who needs to understand scope? | determining a price … and when to change it | perfecting the client needs assessment | create more meaningful kpis | five reasons to ditch timesheets for good | six steps to creating a standardized practice | value pricing requires defining your clients | stop selling time | three critical factors drive the value pricing trend | stop looking for talent that does not exist
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when we think about price, we really need to think about worth. what actually are you bringing to the table? lots of training. many years of experience. vision into similar businesses. it took you years to get here; don’t sell an answer to a question the client asks for the three minutes it took to answer.
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