competence is just the beginning

where are you headed? answer these questions about your ambitions and finances.

by martin bissett
passport to partnership

staffers aspiring to be partners must learn the key characteristics of successful partners. they also must learn how to develop their own personal plans to achieve partnership. firms and staffers alike need a clear set of procedures, processes and milestones for turning top talent into the next generation of firm leadership.

more: what rich accountants do | attract clients, don’t sell to them | think of it as service, not selling | eight questions that target personal accountability | are you projecting confidence? | does client perception match your firm’s reality? | firm not thriving? five fixes | five questions for grading prospects | health, wealth, stealth: challenges on the path to partnership | don’t let recurring fees kill your practice | rate your personal purpose | five ways to make selling easier
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there are seven critically important criteria by which partners assess partners-to-be. i call them:

the seven c’s

1. the first is competence. as a prerequisite, but only a prerequisite, accountants must master their technical abilities and qualifications, whether it be audit, tax or management accounting. whatever your area of specialty, as a staffer the partners expect you to be able to know at least as much as anyone else who may report to you.