why would you not?
by ed mendlowitz
202 questions and answers: managing an accounting practice
question: i do not belong to the njscpa and see no value in it. what are the benefits if i am a sole practitioner and just starting out?
more: don’t blame the client for your location | realign partners with monthly meetings | hourly billing doesn’t cover the value; now what? | you have to start somewhere | nine reasons not to specialize | hiring experience vs. training inexperience | a friendly chat or a billable discussion? | when selling a firm to staffers is tricky | courting a client? don’t give too much away for free | nine tips for a healthier tax season | fifteen strategies for first-time supervisors | measure knowledge gaps (then close them)
exclusively for pro members. log in here or 2022世界杯足球排名 today.
response: i belong to the aicpa, njscpa and nysscpa, feel strongly about supporting these societies and believe it is a responsibility of professionals to do so.
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