ending a 50-year mandate, now “competency” counts (again).
by rick telberg
卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 research
after a quarter century of campaigning to get the 150-hour rule passed by all 50 states, overcoming opposition that seemed at one time as if it would rend the profession’s institutions, and after another quarter century of finding that the rule was failing by all critical measures, the aicpa and nasba are rolling out a workaround that could kill the rule.
more 150-hour rule | download the exposure draft
the organizations are offering a “competency-based” hurdle for cpa licensure that signals abject surrender.
this is the story, 50 years in the making, of (mostly) good intentions gone bad, unintended (but not unforeseen) consequences, and how rank-and-file cpas (eventually) overcame the power plays of multinational firms.
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